
    • Identify examples of types of learning that takes place with school-age children.
    • Explore your own assumptions about how and what school-age children should learn.
    • Create experiences and activities that you can use with school-age children in your program.




    In your program, you likely work with school-age children and youth ranging from ages five to twelve. Developmentally appropriate practice reflects the idea that as a school-age staff member you must understand what skills are typical for children of certain ages, what is appropriate for an individual child, and what is valued by families and communities (NAEYC, 2009). It provides staff members with structured guidance on how to support the growth and development of children along with making learning meaningful and purposeful to their abilities. For example, what a young five or six year-old child learns about math or reading might be very different from what an eleven or twelve year-old child learns.



    Experiences and Activities that Promote School-Age Children's Cognitive Development

    School-age children learn best when involved in daily experiences and interactions with adults and peers. Here are a few examples of ways children might learn important concepts:

    Reading & Writing

    One goal of teaching writing to school-age children and youth is to help them develop the skills and knowledge to effectively communicate information, ideas, and opinions to a variety of audiences. Learning to write, like reading, is a lifelong process. It is important for school-age children to learn critical writing skills.


    • When children write, they're encouraged to spell words as they sound them out. As they do this they actually learn about phonemic awareness - an important component of learning to read.
    • When school-age children learn about spelling they are also learning a lot about phonics. They come to understand the relationship between the sounds of letters and how those sounds should be translated into written language.
    • 当学龄儿童读或阅读印刷书籍时,他们开始了解故事的结构。他们可以用这些故事作为他们自己的写作的模型。它还适用于其他方式。当学龄儿童练习写作故事时,一个故事的所有不同部分都会活到学生。

    How can you support the reading comprehension and writing skills of children and youth attending your program? Here are a variety of literacy activities that can easily be implemented in your specific program setting.

    • 大声朗读:研究表明,年幼的孩子(甚至更老的孩子!)受益匪浅。当您向孩子们朗读时,您正在建模流利和表现力的阅读,将学生开放到新的词汇,并创造一种对阅读的热爱(Neuman,Copple,&Brenedkamp,2000)。年龄较大的孩子可能会因与伴侣大声朗读。合作伙伴阅读不仅有助于学生建立流利,而且还鼓励学生共同工作(Armbruster,Lehr,&Osborne,2001)。
    • Reader's Theater:Acting out a story gives children the opportunity to work together to bring a book to life. This is an engaging activity that helps children with fluency and builds their comprehension (Armbruster, Lehr, & Osborne, 2001). One way to act out a story is through reader's theater. In reader's theater children and youth rehearse from scripts that have been created from books and perform a play for peers. Children can either play characters from the book or take the lead as narrator who shares important background knowledge.
    • 书讨论或文学圈子:Book circles, sometimes called literature circles, help children and youth think and talk about the books they have read with other peers. Book discussions help children develop opinions about what they have read (Peralta-Nash & Dutch, 2000). Leading a book circle in your program might be hard in the beginning, especially if you have never led a discussion group before. The following resource, "Literature Circles: Getting Started," provides some guidance on how to start a literature circle discussion,http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lesson-plans/literature-circles-getting-started-19.html
    • 从事创意写作活动:Research shows that school-age programs can do a lot to foster children's writing skills. You can implement a range of activities that help children practice the writing skills they learn in school and develop a love of writing. For younger children, simply allowing them to express themselves through writing can help them understand that writing has a real purpose (Graves, 1983). Older children might benefit from the following writing-focused activities: writing poems, writing letters to pen pals, writing autobiographies, writing songs, writing and then acting out plays, or writing book reports on a topic of interest.
    • 作者的主席:作者的主席为学龄儿童提供了一旦通过编辑过程的编辑和修改阶段,就会将学龄儿童与同行分享写作的机会(Graves,1983)。为作家创造一个特殊的时间,以分享他们的写作并获得关于他们的写作的积极反馈。要使作者的主席特别,您可能希望为提交人分享或她的写作指定一个“特别”主席。以下链接为如何实施成功作者的主席提供了想法:https://dwwlibrary.wested.org/files/3861191.pdf%3frp_log_id=cauya90q.
    • Use of graphic organizers.One way to help students organize their thoughts about what they are reading or writing is through the use of graphic organizers. As you plan writing and reading activities for children and youth in your program, you might want to consider using graphic organizers as a way to help them think through activities. The following website provides a detailed explanation of graphic organizers and also provides sample templates.http://aem.cast.org/about/publications/2003/ncac-graphic-organizers-udl.html#.WkuhsXnauUk



    • 做数学视觉和动手。许多学龄儿童在他们的脑海中遇到了数字和计算的困难。对于这些孩子来说,数学是一种抽象的概念。您的学龄计划可以通过纳入动手活动(Spear-Swerling,2006)帮助儿童可视化数学问题。对于幼儿,通过计算实际对象,可以简化加法和减法问题。例如,儿童可以通过使用牙签和棉花糖来练习几何形状,以产生不同类型的形状和角度。年龄较大的孩子可以通过使用构建块或legos设计塔来练习数学概念。
    • Create engaging opportunities for learning.如果一项活动与儿童的生命,兴趣或爱好有关,那么他们的参与水平和努力将增加。有无数方法可以在任何活动中融入数学技能。体育,棋盘游戏,视频游戏,艺术和科学都包含数学的方面。您可以在您的计划中包含一个例子是让孩子们参加投票,或者向同龄人和家人询问他们最喜欢的动物是什么或最喜欢的食物。然后,孩子们可以创建自己的图表以显示他们的民意调查结果。
    • Incorporate technology.许多儿童和青少年出于侦探hnology. Technology-based mathematics activities can include educational computer games and learning programs, using cameras to take pictures of geometric shapes in real world settings, using calculation devices to assist with problem solving, using stop-watches to calculate time challenges, or using online programs to measure distances and landforms. Since mathematics is present in most daily activities, your school-age program can easily combine technology and math to create motivated learners.

    Science and Exploration


    Opportunities for exploration and problem solving are right at your fingertips. A fallen bird's nest, the illumination of lightning bugs, the presence of pollution and litter, or preparing and eating ethnic foods are just a few examples of science and social studies topics that can be used for deeper exploration. All it takes is a walk around the block or a trip to a local park to help children make new discoveries.

    Social Studies



    孩子们还可以通过阅读故事了解各种人和地区的经验,贡献和文化习俗。精心挑选的书籍,并鼓励鼓励儿童和青年的读取机会反映和讨论不同的人物的经验支持同理心和包容性环境的发展。这些经验也有助于儿童对历史,平等和多样性的越来越多的理解。这Explore activity in Lesson 4 of this courseprovides a guide for evaluating the kinds of books provided in your program. With older school-agers or youth in your program, you could examine together the subtle and not-so-subtle biases that are often embedded within books or other forms of media (video games or movies) and reflect on the assumptions people may form about different groups of people based on the way they are presented. Incorporate social-emotional learning concepts, such as kindness to others and awareness of differences, to support overall cognitive and academic skill development.

    Addressing the Needs of Diverse Learners and Families

    Look around your classroom while school-age children and youth are engaging in interactions and working. You will probably notice a range of skills and abilities. Some school-age children seem to thrive even without much support from you. Other school-age children seem to need your help very frequently. There may even be children who you are not quite sure how to help. These children may struggle to reach learning goals.

    It is so important to develop meaningful learning experiences for全部school-age children. This includes children with special learning needs. All children need a strong developmentally appropriate curriculum, a supportive environment, and nurturing relationships with adults. For some children, though, this is not enough for them to succeed. Some children need special accommodations. As a school-age staff member, you can plan accommodations to help a particular child.








    Changes During Activities

    Children with special learning needs might find some activities very challenging. For example, a school-age child who is learning how to add and subtract may have difficulty quickly completing addition and subtraction problems. There are many different ways to support the child in completing such assignments. One way to help the child is providing him or her with fewer problems. A different way to help the child would be providing him or her with manipulatives (e.g., blocks, number lines) to use while completing the assignment. The help that you give a child probably will change over time as he or she gets better at doing an activity. Think about fading help so that the child learns to do the activity on his or her own.

    Reflecting on Culture

    Culture influences how全部of us查看世界和我们周围的人民。每次我们进入课堂时,我们都会带来我们自己的文化。这种文化影响了我们的思考和行为。了解我们自己的个人文化可以增加我们的信心和与我们周围的人合作的能力。文化影响了我们生命的每一部分。看看与他人的互动中的角色文化扮演。想想您的历史和价值观影响您的教学方式。您是否希望家庭成员参加会议并帮助课程?你希望孩子们在一定年龄段培训厕所吗?你认为孩子应该喂养和穿着自己吗? These questions can be influenced by our culture and upbringing.


    Many children will enter your classroom with a first language other than English. It is important to recognize, respect, and reinforce home language use (NAEYC, 1995). Here are a couple of ways to make a child comfortable in the classroom:

    • Hire a staff member who speaks the child's home language.
    • Use Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as you may have to change your classroom environment to meet the needs of all children. There are many ways you can communicate with children, including speech, pictures, music, and multimedia. Children can express what they know in multiple ways, too. This might be through music, dance, drawing, technology, and so on. Lesson 5 in this course provides extensive information about working with diverse learners and their families.


    Addressing the Needs of All Learners

    Watch this video to learn how a staff member supports a school-age child.


    In the experiences you provide, you can:

    • 提供各种丰富的发展适当的活动。
    • Provide plenty of opportunities to engage in active, project-based learning.
    • Provide school-age children with a balance of routine and choice in the activities planned.
    • Take field trips to the library or organize a book fair.
    • Create activities where school-age children talk, think, write about, or act out positive values they believe are important.
    • Create opportunities for school-age children to volunteer.
    • 邀请为社区提供积极贡献的访客扬声器。
    • 让孩子们对他们的行为负责。
    • 提供促进适当的活动,这些活动对他们的年龄水平挑战,但仍然让他们感到成功。
    • Provide opportunities for journal writing about personal issues and or topics that are important to school-age children.
    • Invite speakers to share their inspirational life stories with school-age children.
    • Use dramatic plays to create scripts where children can imagine what their positive future looks like.

    使用技术是一家重要的学龄儿童学习方式,家庭可以在他们可以在家里利用技术的方式寻求输入。以下是一些建议American Academy of Pediatrics以及您可以与程序系列分享的其他基于研究的信息:

    • 鼓励儿童和家庭消除家庭作业时的背景电视和媒体使用。
    • Establish healthy “sleep hygiene” or bedtime habits for children and youth of all ages. Viewing electronic devices close to bedtime can affect the quality and amount of sleep, as well as the ease of falling asleep.
    • 家庭可以通过要求他们展示他们如何在学校和媒体上使用技术和媒体和课程来与孩子们与孩子们一起参与。



    想想如何鼓励所有学习者的认知发展是很重要的。在这项活动中,考虑您的课程如何支持所有学龄儿童的需求。阅读并回复Thinking about the Curriculum Cycleactivity. In each scenario, note a strength, a need, and experiences or supports that could promote cognitive development. Share your responses with a coach, trainer, or administrator.



    Turn school-age children’s daily experiences into teachable moments! Be creative in providing children with opportunities for exploration and discovery. Also keep in mind that the World Wide Web is a valuable resource for children and teachers. There are many free activity plans, interactive learning modules, and educational games available on the internet. Explore the resources in this section to support school-age children’s learning and growth.


    Term Description
    Developmentally appropriate practice “教学方法在研究幼儿如何发展和学习以及有效早期教育中所知的研究中,(Naeyc,2009)。
    解决问题 这ability to apply mathematics to real world situations to solve for an unknown number.
    适应 Changes to instruction provided to a child based on his or her needs.




    Finish this statement: Experiential learning means…


    真的or False? Research shows that younger school-age children benefit greatly from being read aloud to, while older school-age children do not.



    References & Resources:

    AAP宣传和媒体理事会。(2016)。媒体在学龄儿童和青少年使用。Pediatrics, 138(5).

    AAP宣传和媒体理事会。(2016)。媒体和年轻的头脑。Pediatrics, 138(5).

    American Academy of Pediatrics. (2018). Children and Media Tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Retrieved from https://www.aap.org/en-us/about-the-aap/aap-press-room/news-features-and-safety-tips/Pages/Children-and-Media-Tips.aspx

    Armbruster,B.,Lehr,F.,&Osborn,J.(2001)。Put reading first: The research building blocks for teaching children to read。Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement. National Institute for Literacy. Retrieved fromhttps://lincs.ed.gov/publications/pdf/prfbooklet.pdf.

    Child Trends. (2019). Parental Expectations Increase Kids’ Stress. Retrieved fromhttps://www.childtrends.org/videos/partent-expectations-increase-kids-stress.

    Graves, D. (1983). Writing: teaching and children at work.Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

    Graham, S., Bollinger, A., Booth Olson, C., D'Aoust, C., McArthur, C., McCutchen ., & Olinghouse, N. (2012).Teaching elementary school students to be effective writers: A practice guide(NCEE 2012-4058)。华盛顿特区:教育科学研究所国家教育评估和区域援助中心。美国教育部。从...获得https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/Docs/PracticeGuide/writing_pg_062612.pdf

    Gurganus, S. P. (2007).学习问题的学生数学指导狗万app怎么下载(1st编辑。),波士顿,马。Pearson教育,Inc。

    Halpern, R. (2003).支持越野中低收入儿童的扫盲发展。New York, NY: The Robert Bowne Foundation. Retrieved from:http://www.robertbownefoundation.org/pdf_files/occasional_paper_01.pdf.

    国家幼儿教育协会。(2009)。Developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs serving children from birth through age 8 (3rdEd.).Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.

    National Council of Teachers in English.10 myths about learning to write。Urbana,伊利诺伊州:作者

    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2014).Standards and Focal Points. Reston, Virginia.

    National Early Literacy Panel. (2008).发展早期扫盲:国家早期扫盲小组的报告。Washington DC: National Institute for Literacy.

    Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory. (2005).课后计划中的识字:文献综述。Portland, Oregon: Author.

    纽曼,mit获得坩埚,C,和信徒dekamp, S. (2000).Learning to read and write: Developmentally appropriate practices for young children.Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.

    Olness, R. (2005).Using literature to enhance writing instruction。纽瓦克,德:国际阅读协会。

    Peralta-Nash,C.,&Dutch,J. A.(2000年4月)。Literature circles: creating an environment for choice.Primary Voices K-6, 8(4), 29-37.