- 探索own assumptions about working with families of school-age children with special needs.
- 识别支持家庭中心实践的变量。
- 选择有效的方法来支持具有特殊需求的学龄儿童家庭。
Establishing meaningful relationships with families is a critical part of your work, and your communication is especially important when working with families with school-age children with special needs. While many families with school-age children are familiar with their child’s learning needs and the types of support available, they can still be overwhelmed by what feels like a constant flow of suggestions and appointments to help their children learn and develop. Families’ and children’s needs evolve as children with special needs grow older, and families may turn to you, or others in your program, for assistance with connecting to services or agencies outside of your program. It may be helpful to form relationships outside agencies so you, or trainers and administrators in your program, have up-to-date information on how to make a referral and the types of services offered. Positive interactions with families and other professionals can decrease families’ stress and improve their well-being.
- 将家庭认识到孩子的生命中的常量;护理人员和服务系统可能会出现
- 促进家庭和专业人士之间的合作
- 尊重和尊重所有维度的家庭多样性(文化,种族,种族,语言,精神和社会经济)
- 认识家庭优势和家庭可能用于应对的不同方法
- Sharing unbiased and honest information with family members on an ongoing basis
- 鼓励家庭到家庭的支持和网络
- Acknowledging and incorporating the developmental needs of the child and other family members into your practice
- 设计和实施可访问,文化和语目上尊重和响应,灵活,并基于家庭确定的需求
- 承认家庭最好地了解他们的孩子,并询问他们有关对您有用的服务或资源的疑问。
- Establish ongoing communication between home and the school-age program. Communication journals are a great way to maintain communication. These are usually sent home with the child and returned the next day. Staff can share noteworthy observations or events, and families can respond to those or share their own news or reflections. Journals can be an especially valuable tool in establishing consistency between home and school-age program environments for children with special needs.
- 将儿童的书籍合并在程序库中,反映了对多种能力和差异的考虑。
- 如果他们觉得舒服,邀请孩子分享他们的残疾。例如,孩子可能会觉得与您或一些关于她使用自适应设备的朋友(例如,牙套,轮椅或通信设备)感到舒服。这也促进了接受差异。
- 成为一名团队球员!与家庭和其他可能参与具有特殊需求的儿童提供服务的家庭和其他专业人员合作。
If disagreements or miscommunication arise, consider the following:
- 提醒自己,您的角色是支持家庭的希望和梦想。
- 要有耐心。提高有特殊需求的孩子有时可能具有挑战性,家庭成员需要时间以自己的节奏导航这一经验。
- Avoid making judgments for families and their children.
- 考虑困难时期作为建立自己和家庭之间的信任的机会。
- Question your assumptions about working with families of children with special needs and urge other professionals you know to do the same.
- 与您的培训师,主管或教练谈论与家庭一起工作的任何方面,与您的培训师,主管或教练交谈。
使用本节中的资源来了解有关支持有特殊需求的儿童家庭的更多信息。您可能还希望与家庭分享一些这些资源。使用讲义,Useful Resources for Families and Professionals了解有关支持有特殊需求的儿童家庭的方法。考虑如何信息残疾儿童家庭的情感经历将影响您查看家庭的方式,并回应他们的决定和行为。
学期 | 描述 |
个性化教育项目(IEP) | Written education program for special education (IDEA Part B) that lists educational goals, services, and accommodations for eligible children ages three to twenty-one |
地方教育机构 | 专业资助的学区 |
相关服务 | 包括但不限于以下服务:语言治疗,听力学,口译,心理学,物理治疗,职业治疗,娱乐,咨询,定向和移动性,医疗服务,护理,社会工作,父母咨询和培训 |
SPECIAL EDUCATION / IDEA PART B | 当地教育机构实施的联邦方案为符合人资格的学生提供服务和住宿,教育残疾年龄三岁及以上 |
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Hanson,M. J.,&Lynch,E.W.(2004)。了解家庭:多样性,残疾和风险的方法。巴尔的摩,MD:Paul H. Brookes。
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Salend, S. J., & Garrick-Duhaney, L. M. (2002). What Do Families Have to Say About Inclusion? How to pay attention and get results. Teaching Exceptional Children, 35(1), 62-66.
Trivette, C. M. & Dunst, C. J. (2005). DEC Recommended Practices: Family-Based Practices. In S. Sandall, M. L. Hemmeter, B. J. Smith, & M. E. McLean (Eds.).DEC Recommended Practices: A comprehensive guide for practical application(第107-126页)。Longmont,CO:Sopris West。
Turnbull, A. P., Turbiville, V., & Turnbull, H. R. (2000). Evolution of Family-Professional Partnerships: Collective empowerment as the model for the early twenty-first century. In J. P. Shonkoff & S. J. Meisels (Eds.).早期儿童干预手册(pp. 630-650). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
Turnbull,A.,Turnbull,R.,Erwin,E.J.,&Soodak,L. C.(2006)。家庭那Professionals, and Exceptionality: Positive outcomes through partnerships and trust. 5th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.