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    • 定义行为和指导。
    • Discuss the correlation between behavior and childhood development.
    • Develop the tools necessary to create relationships with school-age children.





    孩子们来自世界各地,不同grounds, personalities, temperaments and abilities, will be coming together in your school-age program to learn, play, grow and discover. You will be encouraging children to interact, to make friends, and to work together on projects and goals. When children work and play together, challenging behaviors can create obstacles. As a school-age staff member, you will use guidance tools to influence the behaviors and experiences of the children in your program.

    It is important to understand whatbehavioris before thinking about how you can use tools to guide it. The American Academy of Pediatrics says behavior is communication: it is “the conduct, actions, and words that children employ—a signal with which they express their thoughts, feelings, needs, and impulses.” And behavior is judged on whether or not it fits into social, cultural, developmental and age-appropriate standards. The community within the school-age program can be disrupted when a child behaves in a way that is outside of those standards. Challenging behaviors can result in physical or emotional harm, and the atmosphere and flow of the learning environment can be affected.


    Understanding Culture-Based Behaviors


    In your daily interactions with children and their families, it is important that you cultivate the habit of thinking about or addressing children’s behaviors while considering their home and community cultures. To help illustrate this idea, Santos and Cheatham (2014) used the iceberg analogy during the Head Start National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning Front Porch Broadcast Call Series. These researchers suggested that what we can see on top of the iceberg are children’s behaviors and language as expressed in their daily interactions with peers and adults in their classroom and school environment. These may be related to performing tasks independently, making friends, following directions, or being able to control themselves. What we cannot easily see beneath the iceberg, however, is what usually drives or explains some of these behaviors. Norms, perceptions, or traditions drive children’s behaviors, and therefore when children engage in certain behaviors, we should step back and think what may be causing these behaviors instead of rushing to make judgments about children or their families.

    There may be skills or behaviors that are valued and reinforced within children’s homes and community cultures that are different from what is valued in your program. As a school-age staff member, you must be sensitive and respectful of individual differences when engaging with children in your care and their families. In other words, you have to look and think “beyond the surface” when considering children’s behaviors that may be challenging or different from what you would have expected.


    指导是您作为工作人员的帮助,帮助孩子们知道成为您的计划社区的成员意味着什么。这是您帮助孩子学习在各种环境中对行为的期望的期望。指导意味着帮助孩子从他们的错误中吸取教训并做出积极的选择。作为一名学龄员工,您有责任指导,正确,教育儿童适当的社会行为。这被称为正面儿童指导。积极的儿童指导促进学龄儿童的自我控制,教导问责制,并鼓励周到的选择。最有效的指导策略重点关注孩子的发展水平,维护自己的自尊和尊严。理解什么指导也很重要。指导不是惩罚。它不是关于控制或让孩子们担心的成年人。 It is about knowing children and creating the best physical and social environment in which they can learn. When children feel belittled or misunderstood, the relationship with their caregiver can become negative and the child’s desire to learn or to be kind to their peers can be inhibited. Conversely, when school-age children’s feelings and actions are validated, this encourages positive relationships with adults and peers alike. As a school-age staff member, this means you may spend less time dealing with challenging behavior and more time implementing stimulating learning experiences and activities.


    Positive guidance can help build important social, emotional, and life skills. The children in your program are the next generation of our country and it is important that children understand how to function civilly in a modern, diverse, and complex democratic society. Dan Gartrell, author ofEducation for a Civil Society,建议以下五项基本技能,他称之为民主生活技能:

    • Finding acceptance as a member of a group and as a worthy individual
    • Expressing strong emotions in non-hurting ways
    • 独立解决问题creatively-either or in cooperation with others
    • 接受他人的独特人体品质
    • 智能地和道德思考



    • Words and actions that positively influence the behaviors of others
    • Establishing appropriate expectations and supporting others so that they do the right thing
    • Providing ample opportunities for practice and success
    • Remaining helpful and encouraging when mistakes occur
    • 在尊重他人的价值观的同时理解您自己的价值观

    Gartrell (2004), in指导的力量,描述了致力于积极指导的六位教师做法:

    Practice 实施过程
    1. 老师意识到社交技能复杂,需要多年才能完全学习。

    Children are learning socially acceptable behavior, and it takes time and practice to develop social skills. Families and teachers guide children to learn social skills.

    1. 老师减少了儿童的需求,以误认为是错误的行为。


    1. The teacher practices positive teacher-child relations.

    The teacher builds relationships with each individual child and models cooperation and empathy.

    1. The teacher uses intervention methods that are solution oriented.

    The teacher models how to resolve conflicts peaceably and encourages children to negotiate for themselves. The teacher works at managing and monitoring his or her own feelings and growth as a developing professional.

    1. The teacher builds partnerships with families.

    From the time the child enters the program, the teacher builds positive relationships with family members through positive notes, phone calls, meetings and conferences.

    1. The teacher uses teamwork with adults.

    The teacher understands that she or he cannot do everything alone and creates a team with other adults (including family members and volunteers). Positive guidance involves teamwork with other skilled adults, especially if a child has consistent, intensive challenging behavior.


    The atmosphere of the learning environment and your ability to guide the behaviors of school-age children will greatly depend on the bond that children feel with you. It is your responsibility to work at building and developing relationships with the children in your care. When it comes to working with school-age children, the bottom line is children need to trust and respect you. According to the Council on Accreditation’s Standards for Child and Youth Development Programs, staff members should develop positive and supportive relationships with children by engaging with them and relating in positive ways.


    • 帮助孩子们感到欢迎,舒适,支持
    • Recognizing positive achievements
    • Treating everyone with respect
    • 听孩子不得不说和回应他们的利益,欣赏和接受
    • Being consistent and following through on what you say


    By developing positive relationships and using proper guidance techniques, you will help support positive behavior in school-age children.


    • 解决冲突
    • Positive reinforcement
    • 主动指导
    • Self-regulation

    Each of the above guidance techniques will be explained and demonstrated throughout this course. As a school-age staff member, you will help set the stage for positive behavior through your use of behavior management and guidance techniques. A key piece to the success of any guidance technique is setting boundaries for school-age children. Boundaries help children feel safe and know what is expected of them. They also hold children accountable for their behaviors. Throughout this course, you will learn about the importance of setting boundaries and how it will help you guide the behaviors in the learning environment.


    指导: An Introduction





    For more information on what to expect in this course, the Positive GuidanceCompetency Reflection, and a list of the accompanying Learn, Explore and Apply resources and activities offered throughout the lessons, visit the School-Age Positive Guidance课程指南




    School-age children represent a variety of personalities and temperaments, which are reflected in the way children behave. Complete the观察行为activity and share your completed work with your trainer, coach, or administrator.



    反思您的个人经验和指导技术和管理是开发支持学习环境中的批准行为的方法的重要组成部分。狗万app怎么下载完成指导: Personal Reflectionactivity and share your completed work with your administrator, trainer, or coach.


    学期 描述
    Behavior 儿童雇用的行为,行为和词语 - 他们表达他们的思想,感受,需要和冲动的信号
    指导 您如何帮助孩子学习在各种环境中对行为的期望




    Finish this statement: Guidance for school-age children means…


    True or False? School-age children look to you as a model of how to make positive choices and how to interact with others.


    Which of the following can support the development of positive, supportive relationships with school-age children?


    Baumrind, D. (1996). The discipline controversy revisited.家庭关系,45(4):405-414。

    Baumrind, D. (1991). Parenting styles and adolescent development. In Lerner, R. M., Peterson, A. C., & J. Brooks-Gunn (Eds.),Encyclopedia of Adolescence.v. 2: 746-758. New York: Garland.

    Bronstein, P., Duncan, P., D'Ari, A., Pieniadt, J., et al. (1996). Family and Parenting Behaviors Predicting Middle School Adjustment.家庭关系,45(4): 415-425.



    Krevans,J.,&Gibbs J. C.(1996)。父母使用归纳纪律:与儿童同理心和口语行为的关系。Child Development,67.(6):3263-3277。

    Owens-Stively, J., Frank, N., Smith, A., Hagino, O., et al. (1997). Child Temperament, Parenting Discipline Style, and Daytime Behavior in Childhood Sleep Disorders.Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 18(5): 314-321.

    Santos R. M., & Cheatham, G. (2014). Front Porch Series: What You See Doesn't Always Show What’s Beneath: Understanding Culture-based Behaviors. Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center (ECLKC).

    Schmitt,B. D.(1987)。七个致命的童年罪:向父母提供困难的发展阶段。儿童虐待和忽视,11: 421-432.


    Smith, C. A. (1993).Responsive Discipline: A leader's guide,p。27.曼哈顿,堪萨斯州:堪萨斯合作延期服务。

    Steinberg, L.,Dornbusch, S., & Brown, B. (1992). Ethnic Differences in Adolescent Achievement.American Psychologist,47.(6):723-729。

    威尔逊,S. R.,&Whipple,E. E.(1995)。沟通,纪律和体育虐待。在Socha,T.和邮票,G.,父母,儿童和沟通:理论与研究的前沿。LEA's communication series: 299-317.