
    • List ways that infectious diseases can be spread.
    • Describe hygiene practices that prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
    • 区分清洁,消毒和消毒。
    • Implement hygiene practices to cut down the spread of infectious diseases.


    The Importance of Healthy Environments

    Have you ever gone to a restaurant and sat down at a sticky table or found dried food on your fork? Have you ever hesitated about picking up a pen at the bank or grocery store because the person in front of you had a cold? Have you ever put a public toilet seat down with your foot just to avoid touching it? Have you ever stayed in a hotel room that made you want to avoid touching the comforter or the remote control?



    细菌are the cause of infectious diseases. Unfortunately, germs cannot be seen by the naked eye and they are generally transmitted without us even knowing it. Germs are transmitted as a result of:

    • Direct contact:Touching the fluid from another person's infection (e.g., saliva, nasal mucus), transmitted through environmental objects, such as toys, cabinet handles, equipment, or person to person. It only takes a small drop of fluid for transmission to occur.
    • 呼吸道:当某人打喷嚏或咳嗽时,通过嘴巴和鼻子传播。
    • Blood infections:Spread when blood, and sometimes other bodily fluids with may contain blood, enters the blood stream of another person.
    • Fecal-oral transmission:Spread to a person's mouth (oral) via hands soiled with feces that touch food, surfaces or objects. Germs from feces are invisible. Hands and surfaces may appear clean, though feces germs can still be present. Disease from fecal-oral transmission can make adults and children very ill.

    显然无法完全消除TH.e transmission of germs, especially with all the play and material sharing that happens in school-age programs, but there are ways to decrease the transmission of germs among youth, staff and families. In addition to following your program's health related policies, it is essential that you adhere to your program's cleaning and sanitation requirements and follow proper hand washing procedures (see Lesson Two for more on hand washing).



    1. 打扫means to remove dirt or debris from a surface and sometimes involves scrubbing or friction in order to remove the debris. For example, you spray a table with a mix of water and detergent to remove food products and debris after a meal.
    2. 消毒means to reduce germs on a surface. When you sanitize a surface, it meets most health regulations. Sanitizing products usually are not effective unless the surface has been cleaned first. After cleaning the table with detergent and water, you spray an approved mix of water and bleach to sanitize the table and kill germs.
    3. 消毒意味着在表面上摧毁大多数细菌。当它与体液接触时,通常需要消毒表面。消毒通常需要更强的漂白剂混合物。应消毒水槽,厕所和台面。


    Any products you use to clean, sanitize, or disinfect should be approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ensure they are safe for you to use. When you clean, sanitize, or disinfect, you should follow approved procedures. Typically, this means washing the materials or surface by hand with soap or detergent and water, sanitizing or disinfecting, and allowing the object to air dry. You can also use a dishwasher to sanitize toys or materials if it has a sanitize setting or a high-temperature option. School-age children can help with cleaning surfaces with a soap and water mixture, but staff members should be responsible for sanitizing or disinfecting.

    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommend that if an EPA approved disinfectant is not available, then you should use a fresh chlorine bleach solution. The DHHS and CDC provide the following guidelines on preparing and using the solution:

    • Add 1 tablespoon of bleach to 1 quart (4 cups) of water. For a larger supply of disinfectant, add ¼ cup of bleach to 1 gallon (16 cups) of water.
    • 用布将溶液涂抹在表面上。
    • Let it stand for 3 to 5 minutes.
    • 用清水冲洗表面。


    Maintaining A Healthy Classroom

    干净的environments prevent the spread of communicable disease.


    减少可引起感染的微生物(细菌)传播风险的另一种方法是练习标准或普遍的预防措施。标准预防措施涵盖了您可以接触到体液的所有情况,但通用预防措施专门应用于与血液接触,并且不适用于与粪便,鼻腔分泌物,痰,汗液,泪液,尿液,唾液或呕吐物接触,否则这些体液还含有血液。在儿童保育设置中,标准预防措施涉及使用屏障,以防止与另一个人的身体流体接触,以及清洁和消毒受污染的表面。您可以阅读更多关于标准预防措施的更多信息标准和通用预防措施适用于儿童保育设施attached below.


    • Disposable towels
    • 手套
    • 塑料袋,牢固密封


    手套are optional for contact with other bodily fluids described above, but check with your coach, trainer, or supervisor for times your program or Service guidelines recommend using gloves.

    每当穿戴手套时,你应该练习良好的手工卫生。看Lesson Two有关适用手套程序的信息,请参阅手动和下面的应用部分附件。


    Your role is critical in ensuring your program is a clean and healthy environment where children learn and thrive. This section describes what you can do to keep your program environment healthy and the Apply section provides a more detailed schedule to help support healthy practices.




    • 保持一个盒子或垃圾箱标记为“弄脏玩具”。当一个孩子或青少年咳嗽或打喷嚏时,请他们将玩具或材料放在垃圾箱里。据美国人科院介绍,您可以在垃圾箱中保留肥皂水,或者箱子可以是储存玩具的干燥点,直到您可以清洁它们。在将材料返回到学习环境之前,请确保清洁和消毒。狗万app怎么下载
    • 清洁活动空间,装扮衣服,以及至少每周收割机可清洗的布料玩具。
    • 每天清洁帽子。
    • You can put plastic toys in the dishwasher to clean and sanitize them.



    • 每次使用后清洁和消毒计算机键盘。
    • 干净的and disinfect door knobs and handles daily.
    • 干净的and sanitize food-preparation surfaces before and after each use.
    • 干净的and sanitize dishes after each use.
    • 在每次使用之前和之后清洁和消毒食品桌子和托盘。
    • 每次使用后清洁台面并每天消毒。
    • 如果您的教室里有一个,请每月清洁冰箱。
    • 干净的TH.e floors daily.
    • 每天清洁和消毒饮水机。
    • 每天清洁手机接收器。
    • Vacuum carpets daily.

    Toileting Areas


    • 干净的and disinfect sinks and faucets daily. If the sink is also used for non-toileting routines, disinfect it after toileting use.
    • 每天清洁和消毒台面。
    • 干净的and disinfect floors daily.


    Lice and skin infections can be spread through coats, jackets, hats and personal belongings that are stored and cleaned improperly. Follow these suggestions for maintaining healthy environments:

    • 存储每个孩子的物品(尤其是外套,hats and jackets that may have contact with one's head) separate from the other children's belongings.
    • 干净的out cubbies or locker spaces before they are used by another child.

    Also, if you use blankets in your program (e.g., for fort building or as comforting items in your reading or library space), remember to launder them at least monthly, or weekly if they come into contact with children's skin.

    If your program uses a pool, offers water play, or other experiences where children's clothes can get wet or even damp with sweat, remember to encourage children to hang them up to dry, and take them home to be laundered at least weekly. Mold and fungus can easily grow in damp, confined surfaces.


    有关本课程中的预期,健康环境的更多信息能力反思, and a list of the accompanying Learn, Explore and Apply resources and activities offered throughout the lessons, visit the School-Age Healthy EnvironmentsCourse Guide

    Please note the References & Resources section at the end of each lesson outlines reference sources and resources to find additional information on the topics covered. As you complete lessons, you are not expected to review all the online references available. However, you are welcome to explore the resources further if you have interest, or at the request of your trainer, coach, or administrator.






    It is important to know when and how to clean and sanitize materials in your school-age program. Use the清洁,消毒和消毒指南from Caring for our Children (4th Edition) to help you develop a cleaning schedule.

    It is also important, when you wear gloves, to apply and remove them appropriately. Review the attached procedure on glove use from Caring for our Children (4th Edition), and post in your program where appropriate.


    Term Description
    干净的 To remove dirt or debris from a surface or object
    消毒 To reduce the germs on a surface or object so it meets health guidelines
    消毒 To destroy or remove most germs from a surface
    Sputum Mucus, or a combination of saliva and mucus) that is coughed up from the lungs or respiratory track




    The best definition for “sanitizing” is…


    Which of the following is NOT an option for cleaning toys or learning materials


    A child had diarrhea in the restroom. When should you disinfect the surfaces?

    References & Resources


    Aronson,S.,S.,Bradley,S.,Louchheim,S.,&Mancuso,D。(2002)。Model Child Care Health Policies, 4TH.Ed.Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.

    aronson,s. s。,&spahr,p. m.(eds。,2002)。健康的幼儿:程序手册。Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020). How to Clean and Disinfect Schools to Help Slow the Spread of Flu.https://www.cdc.gov/flu/school/cleaning.htm.

    理事会认证。(2018)儿童和青年发展早期儿童教育(CYD-ECE)健康标准。New York: Council on Accreditation. Retrieved fromhttp://coanet.org/standard/cyd-ece/4/

    理事会认证。(2018)。儿童和青年发展计划标准。of of上课时间。(CYD-OST)健康标准。New York: Council on Accreditation. Retrieved fromhttp://coanet.org/standard/cyd-ost/11/

    NAEYC (n.d.). Keeping Healthy: Families, Teachers, and Children Brochure. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.

    North Carolina Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center, (May 2009). Information available by contacting 800-367-2229.

    Ritchie, S. & Willer B. (2008).健康:Naeyc早期儿童计划标准的指南及相关认证标准。Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.