
    • Recognize the effects of the environment on school-age children and youth.
    • 确定环境的共同特征,帮助儿童和青少年感到安全、舒适、受欢迎,并准备好探索和学习。
    • 描述如何为学龄儿童设计和维持一个适合发展的环境。
    • Define common activity areas for school-age environments.





    You probably have places where you like to go: a favorite restaurant, a local park, a sporting event, or a good friend’s home. What about those places makes you feel welcome or secure? What makes you want to go back? You may be thinking about the people with and around you, the color of a room, whether or not there is sunlight, what you smell or hear, the furniture and accessories, or the temperature.



    学龄儿童和青少年和成年人一样,基于“增大化现实”技术e affected by their environments. It’s our job to make sure classrooms and other learning spaces for school-age children make them feel welcome, secure, and ready to learn.

    Designing Your Space to Meet School-Age Children’s Needs

    Creating a supportive learning environment involves time, reflection (thinking), and planning. Whether school-age children are in your program for three hours a day after school or 12 hours a day during the summer, the environment plays a major role in helping them develop and learn. Research suggests that a high-quality, after-school environment can help school-age children’s social skills, learning motivation, academic achievement, and can help lower levels of obesity (Durlak, Mahoney, Bohnert & Parente, 2010). Military children are a special group that may experience a great deal of change in their daily lives, and your supportive classroom can be an important source of consistency for them. A supportive environment is:

    • Well organized: orderly, planned, and safe
    • 可靠:为有需要的孩子提供稳定的“家庭基地”
    • 灵活:能够适应不同孩子的需要
    • Enriching: full of engaging experiences

    Such supportive environments can send children and youth a variety of positive messages about their learning (Dodge et al., 2010):

    • This is a good place to be.
    • 你属于这里。
    • 这是一个你可以信任的地方。
    • There are places where you can be by yourself when you want to.
    • You can do many things on your own here.
    • 这是一个安全的地方探索和尝试你的想法。

    Environments not only impact how we feel and give us messages about how to act, they can also impact what we learn. The Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education recognizes the tremendous impact of the environment by referring to it as the “third teacher” (with parents and teachers as children’s first and second teachers). The Reggio Emilia approach was developed by Loris Malaguzzi and named after an area in Italy. This approach believes that children are powerful learners and that children’s interests should guide adults’ decisions surrounding learning, including how the environment is arranged and the materials provided. The Reggio Emilia approach believes that the learning environment plays a critical role and that the intentionality, or thoughtful planning and action, of teachers in the design of spaces and their selection and arrangement of materials significantly influences children’s level of engagement and learning (Edwards, 2002). We will return to these ideas in future lessons in this course.




    Now think about a child or youth in your school-age program. How does he or she know where to find toys and materials? How does he or she use the environment to make decisions?

    There are many differences between retail establishments and child and youth programs, but organizing materials by their purpose makes a lot of sense in both environments. In stores, we might call these groups of similar items “departments.” In environments for school-age children or youth, we use the terms “activity areas” or “learning centers” to describe spaces that are designed for certain purposes or that hold materials with similar uses.


    • Materials that can be found there
    • Type of play (loud, quiet, social, solitary) that may happen there
    • Expectations for how to behave there
    • 探索、学习和娱乐的方式

    As a school-age staff member, you design learning opportunities for children every day, and your indoor or outdoor environment sets the stage for most of these opportunities. Activity areas are key tools for learning in school-age learning environments. You can use children and youth’s interests, goals, and abilities to design your activity areas.


    • 图书馆:在您的课程中包括儿童和青少年感兴趣的书籍。创造一个有各种沙发、椅子和靠垫的空间,让孩子们可以舒服地阅读。确保有适合各种阅读水平的书籍。有时图书馆还兼作一个安静的私人空间。如果图书馆不可用,确保有一些空间供儿童和青少年在被其他人淹没时独立玩耍或放松。
    • 写作:提供纸张、记号笔、蜡笔、铅笔和其他书写材料。提供不同种类的纸张(例如,一些线条较宽的纸张,一些线条较细的彩色建筑用纸,甚至是便签纸)有助于支持各种技能水平和写作思路。在有桌子和椅子的空间里设立一个书写区。这个空间也可供儿童和青少年完成作业。

      A craft table and reading space in a learning environment

    • Science and discovery:Children and youth can use this space for experiments and scientific exploration. Fill this area with a variety of materials that allow for open-ended exploration. Appropriate materials for the discovery area include natural materials, such as rocks and pinecones, and tools, such as magnets, weights, microscopes, rulers, and measuring tapes. This could also be a space to experiment with simple machines like ramps or pulleys (see this resource for more information:https://www.pbs.org/video/science-trek-simple-machines/).
    • Technology:使用计算机等技术,可以为所有年龄段的儿童和青年提供适合发展的学习机会。计算机和互联网允许孩子们探索他们无法亲身体验的人、地方和动物。使用交互式的电子书和游戏来促进字母、字母发音和数字的学习是孩子们使用电脑达到学习目标的额外方式。狗万app怎么下载有关互联网安全的信息,请参阅安全课程。
    • Toy and games:游戏让儿童和青少年发展重要的思维、社交和精细运动技能。这个区域可能包括拼图、棋盘游戏和小物件。许多学龄儿童也喜欢用小的相互连接的积木(如乐高积木)或其他更复杂的建筑材料(如大理石迷宫)来建造。这些区域可以是奥运会区域的一部分,也可以是他们自己的活动区域。
    • 艺术类:Allow children and youth to express themselves creatively and further develop fine-motor skills in this space. Painting, drawing, and collage opportunities are a few of many activities that can be done in the arts area. Provide a variety of materials, such as sponges, rollers, glitter, tape, paint, stamps, and all types of recycled materials. The art area could also include a space for wood-working, sewing, pottery, or other more involved art and construction ideas.一个狗万app怎么下载学习环境是建立与手工工具和空间
    • 运动与音乐:儿童和青少年可以进行大动作,制作自己的音乐,并对这个空间中其他人的音乐作出反应。您可以在这里提供各种材料,如彩带、丝带、摇壶、乐器和录制的音乐。音乐和运动区可以为舞蹈和节奏探索提供机会。


    记住,这取决于你的身体space, these activity areas could all be within one large classroom or spread out over different physical spaces in your program. The key is making sure there is logic behind the placement of different activity areas and that children and youth know where the various activities are and what the rules are for accessing them (e.g., the “music and movement” area in the gymnasium will open at 3:30, once a staff member is there). In many school-age programs, children and youth use an activity management system—tags, pictures, or symbols used to limit the number of children who play in an activity area and help staff keep track of where children are. We will address this more in Lesson 5.





    It is important to embrace diversity and to encourage families to share information about their cultures and backgrounds. Invite parents to bring unique materials or culturally specific foods to share with the children and youth of your program. Encourage children to explore others’ backgrounds in a respectful manner. You may have school-age children and youth from all over the world or children and youth who have traveled abroad with their military families. Value their experiences and knowledge by having them reflected in your learning environment.




    学习about the messages that the environment can send to school-age children and youth and common activity areas to consider.



    • 明确界限:使用架子、家具或其他障碍物帮助儿童和青少年集中注意力,避免分心。大而开阔的空间鼓励奔跑和粗野。把你的家具和活动区域布置成开阔的大空间。
    • 进出通道畅通:帮助儿童和青少年了解如何进入活动区以及在何处进入活动区。如果您使用活动管理系统,请确保儿童和青少年知道如何使用它。例如,他们是否需要与工作人员一起前往位于大楼不同部分的活动区?
    • 足够的材料:尽可能多的复制最喜欢的材料。也要确保有足够的材料,让几个孩子可以在社会领域发挥,如玩具和游戏区。如果有足够的材料一起使用,孩子们更有可能一起玩有意义的游戏。
    • 激发孩子兴趣的引人入胜的材料:想想你的项目中的孩子和年轻人喜欢什么。定期添加材料或轮换材料,让孩子们有新的体验。想想那些能支持孩子们在各个领域学习和参与的图片、展示、印刷品或书写材料。我们将在本节的课程中对此进行更多讨论。狗万app怎么下载
    • 将喧闹和安静、活跃和平静的空间分开:Examples of quiet activity areas are the library, art, or writing centers. Loud, active areas might include toys and games or dramatic play.
    • 获取所需材料:探索空间、科学和艺术空间应易于进入水槽。这项技术需要接入电源插座。在图书馆和玩具游戏区铺上柔软的地毯,可以让孩子们更方便地坐在地板上与材料互动。
    • 与学习目标一致的材料和活动领域。狗万app怎么下载
    • 舒适和安全:Observe children and youth to ensure that all equipment and furniture comfortably fits their needs. School-age children and youth can range greatly in age and size, so it is likely you will need a variety of furniture sizes available. Implement your program’s safety requirements. Always model healthy behaviors and lifestyle choices to children and youth.


    有关本课程的更多信息,请参阅学习环境狗万app怎么下载能力反思, and a list of the accompanying Learn, Explore and Apply resources and activities offered throughout the lessons, visit the School-Age Learning EnvironmentsCourse Guide.

    Please note the References & Resources section at the end of each lesson outlines reference sources and resources to find additional information on the topics covered. As you complete lessons, you are not expected to review all the online references available. However, you are welcome to explore the resources further if you have interest, or at the request of your trainer, coach, or administrator.



    Think about how environments affect you and the children and youth in your care. Download and print the环境影响行为活动。回答每个空间的问题。然后与培训师、教练或主管分享您的回答。最后,将你的答案与建议的答案进行比较。



    您可以使用此清单来帮助评估您自己的活动领域。下载并打印活动区清单.Walk around your own activity areas. Talk about what you see with a trainer, coach, or supervisor.


    Term Description
    活动区域 Defined spaces used for certain purposes or types of play; examples are discovery and science, art, writing, and toys and games
    Activity management system 跟踪每个孩子和活动区中孩子数量的一种方法;通常包括标签、图片或符号,孩子们用这些来表示他们在哪个活动区
    边界 创建不同活动区域的物理分隔;例如书架、家具或其他分隔物
    适合发展的环境 适合儿童发展阶段的灵活空间,但允许儿童技能、兴趣和特点的差异
    狗万app怎么下载学习环境 The physical space and relationships that create a positive and supportive place for every child’s development
    天然材料 天然材料,非人工制造;例如原木、贝壳或卵石
    安静活动区 为安静的学习和玩耍而设计的空间;例如图书馆、写字楼、狗万app怎么下载舒适区或带耳机的电脑
    Reggio Emilia An educational approach developed by Loris Malaguzzi and named after an area in Italy; it is based on the beliefs that children are powerful learners, that adults should take their lead from the interests of the children, and that the learning environment plays a critical role (and is considered the “third teacher”)









    References & Resources:

    Council on Accreditation. (2018). Standards for Child and Youth Development Programs. Out-of-School Time (CYD-OST). New York: Council on Accreditation. Retrieved fromhttps://coanet.org/standard/cyd-ost/

    Dodge, D. T., Heroman, C., Berke, K., Bickart, T., Colker, L., Jones, C., Copley, J., & Dighe, J. (2010).The Creative Curriculum for Preschool (5th Edition). 医学博士贝塞斯达:教学策略。


    全国幼儿教育协会。(2009).Where We Stand on Responding to Linguistic and Cultural Diversity.

    Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (2009).狗万app怎么下载学习环境:21世纪技能实施指南。