
    • 描述学龄儿童的主要物理发育里程碑。
    • Recognize the changes in a school-age child as a result of puberty.
    • 确定学龄儿童大脑发展的方面。




    Developmental milestones are a set of benchmarks consisting of skills and abilities that children reach throughout their lifetime. Educators and pediatricians use these milestones to check a child’s development. Although each milestone corresponds with an age or grade level, it is important to remember that all children develop at their own pace. It is normal for a peer group to reach milestones at a variety of ages, even spanning a few years in either direction.

    体育发展al Milestones for School-Age Children

    School-age children, ranging in age from 5 years to about 12 years of age, will have a vast range in their cognitive development. The same is true for school-age children and their physical development. The information below will give general guidelines for physical-developmental milestones.


    • School-age children will gain between 4 and 7 pounds each year and continue to have height increases. Increases in height will vary and a 3- to 6-inch height difference in a classroom group is typical.
    • 在学龄儿童生长是很常见的,s are periods of slow growth. When children are going through a growth spurt, they will usually need an increase in calorie intake. Growth spurts can also lead to body parts being out of proportion. For example, a child could stay the same height while their feet go through a growth spurt. This can lead to school-age children feeling awkward or clumsy. This typically passes once puberty is over.
    • School-age children will begin to see an improvement in their motor skills. They will have better control, coordination and balance.
    • 肌肉群众将开始改变学龄儿童,这将使它们变得更强壮。

    Take a look at the chart below for a closer look at how school-age children will develop within their age groups. These milestones should never be considered a checklist to evaluate a child’s development, but as a guide for what to expect.



    • Stands on one foot for 10 seconds or longer
    • 酒花;可以跳过
    • 可以做一个翻筋斗
    • 用叉子和勺子,有时是桌子刀
    • 可以用她或自己的厕所
    • 摇摆和攀爬

    6-8 Years

    • Strong motor skills, but balance and endurance can vary
    • Sense of body image begins to develop


    • Becomes more aware of his or her body as puberty approaches; body image develops
    • 发展乳房和身体头发等继发性特征

    Brain Development in School-Age Children

    在他们的前几年的生活中,孩子的大脑在迅速发展。由于变化迅速和生长刺激,从出生到5岁时,儿童的大脑远远不大。学龄儿童的大脑仍在开发,因为他们了解如何做新事物并以不同的方式思考。Jean Piaget理论大脑发展的阶段和不同类型的智慧。学龄儿童处于大脑发展的阶段,麦基省称之为具体的运营阶段。在这个阶段,孩子们能够了解逻辑和具体信息,特别是在自己的生活中。他们可能仍然努力掌握假设或抽象概念,特别是那些将在长期未来发生的概念。学龄儿童将开始不那么高兴,能够从不同的观点来看和理解事物。其他大脑功能将开始改进,如:

    • 专注:
      School-age children will be able to focus on a task or topic. They will also begin to develop methods of ignoring distractions when they have a task to focus on.
    • Memory:
    • 注意力:
      School-age children will be able to focus on important tasks for longer periods. They will begin to read longer books, stay interested in topics at school, and be able to participate in long-term projects.

    脑发展是一种物理发展的形式 - 它是孩子身体的一部分,正在增长和变化。上面提到的三个主要大脑功能允许学龄儿童发展他们的运动技能并参与体育和其他体育活动。


    This age group will experience body changes that come with the beginning of puberty. This happens when certain hormones become present and begin to create changes to parts of our bodies. Sometimes these changes can be drastic and seem to happen overnight, while other times they happen gradually over a few years. The changes that accompany the onset of puberty can often be confusing and even scary for school-age children. The average age of beginning puberty is around 12; however, children are beginning to show signs of these changes at a much younger age. It is important for you to be aware of what kinds of changes school-age children could be going through. This will help prepare you to answer questions from children or their families and be understanding and sympathetic to the children in your care.


    • 睾酮激素的发展为雄性生殖器官产生了物理变化。
    • 头发生长可以从腋下,耻骨区域,胸部和面部开始。
    • 肩膀wi成长der.
    • The voice begins to change or deepen. This usually involves a period when the voice “cracks” as it begins to deepen.

    Typical changes for girls

    • 荷尔蒙开始共同努力,以创造雌激素,这使得一个女孩的身体开始月经周期。
    • 可以开始腋下和耻骨区域的头发生长。
    • 尸体开始改变并成为更宽的臀部和乳房发育的弯曲。

    Other changes

    • All of the hormonal changes in the body can cause the skin to be oily which can cause acne, or pimples. Pimples can be present anywhere on the body but the most common places are the face, upper back and chest.
    • 身体气味是常见的。新的激素刺激皮肤中的腺体,包括位于手臂下方的汗腺。这些汗腺与细菌混合以引起体臭。
    • Hormone changes can lead to mood swings and strong emotions. Sometimes, children will feel upset or sad and not be able to explain why. Many times, the reason can be attributed to hormones.
    • These changes can also lead to self-esteem issues as children have difficulty feeling comfortable in their changing bodies. This topic will be discussed in greater detail in Lesson 4 during this course.

    Supporting All Learners

    There will be times when family members grow concerned about their child’s development. As a school-age staff member, you may also notice a child who doesn’t seem to be developing like his or her peers. It is very important to keep in mind that all children develop at their own pace. This is especially true in school-age children and multi-age environments. If you discover that skills are not emerging or growth is not occurring as it should and if you are concerned about a possible developmental delay, discuss the situation with your administrator or training and curriculum specialist. They will be able to help you better assess the situation and, if necessary, refer the family to programs or services available for their needs.

    There are a few key points to remember when supporting all learners in a school-age environment:

    • Children develop at their own paces. Never compare children and their abilities. If a family member compares their child to one of their peers, encourage them not to do so. This can be harmful to a child’s development if they feel that they are “not as smart” as their peers.
    • Most children will catch up and be on pace with their developmental milestones.
    • 如果您开始担心孩子可能不会发展,通常会使观察结果并记录导致您关注的行为。在与家庭成员讨论此之前,请先首先转到管理员。

    如果您的计划中的学龄儿童具有影响其体育发展或身体能力的诊断需要,他们应该有IEP或个性化的教育计划。您应该与您的管理员或培训和课程专家以及家庭合作,讨论您的计划如何帮助您支持孩子的发展。附上本课程,您将找到一篇标题的文章,The Need for Skilled Inclusion in Out-of-School Time Programs: Kids Included Together Responds.本文有助于了解包括学习环境中所有儿童的重要性的信息。狗万app怎么下载



    环境: Living and learning in a positive environment where one feels valued, loved, and challenged, both at home and school, will help foster positive growth and self-esteem. Factors such as pollution and a lack of cleanliness can have negative effects on a child’s physical development.

    文化: A child’s culture may be one of the biggest contributing factors to their overall development. For example, a family’s culture or religious views can influence the nutrition, activities, and daily routines of a child.

    Nutrition: Malnutrition occurs when certain nutrients are either lacking or in excess in a child’s diet. A child who does not receive enough nutrients can be at risk for delayed or stunted growth. A child who has an excess of specific nutrients or food types can be at risk for obesity. Both types of malnutrition can lead to other risks, diseases, and disorders.


    Socioeconomics: The financial status of a family can affect the types of food that are available as well as the types of activities a child can participate in. Families having financial issues may also not be able to provide proper medical care.





    In this next video, you will see a variety of ways to incorporate all learners into the planning of physical activities.

    Supporting all Learners



    The changes that school-age children go through as they develop and grow can be difficult for children and families to understand. It is important that you provide any resources necessary to answer questions about a child’s development.

    • Recognize that it is normal for all children to develop at their own paces.
    • 在他们身体外观的变化之后,支持孩子。
    • Create an environment that supports all learners.






    查看并完成Planning with BAM活动。完成后,与您的教练,培训师或管理员共享您的工作。


    Term 描述
    具体运营阶段 认知或大脑发育的阶段大致发生在7和11岁之间
    Egocentric 当一个人的前景仅限于他或她自己的需要时,想要和活动
    Jean Piaget Developmental psychologist whose theories on cognitive development are widely respected and accepted
    运动技能 Muscular coordination. Gross-motor skills are actions that use the large muscles in our bodies, like our arms and legs, for skills such as walking, running or jumping. Fine-motor skills are actions that use the smaller muscles in our bodies, like those in our fingers and toes for skills such as writing, or using tools
    青春期 当孩子的身体成人身体时,发展过程




    Finish this statement. School-age children may sometimes feel awkward or clumsy because…


    Maria’s mom mentions that she has noticed that Maria’s coordination and balance have improved. You respond by saying:


    Which of the following are NOT changes that usually accompany puberty?


    The American Academy of Pediatrics. (2004).照顾你的学龄儿童. New York: Bantam Books.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). BAM! Body and Mind. Retrieved fromhttp://www.cdc.gov/bam/
