
    • 确定适合学龄儿童及其体育发展的体育活动。
    • 计划在室内和户外的发展适当的体育活动。
    • Discuss sensory development in school-age children.




    Part of your role as a school-age staff member will be to support the physical development of the children in your care. In order to do this properly, it is important that you understand what types of physical activities are appropriate and necessary for school-age children.


    Motor development, or the growth of muscular coordination, occurs rapidly during the first five years of a child’s life. School-age children continue to develop and strengthen their motor skills in a more slow and detailed way. Motor development involves two separate components: gross-motor skills and fine-motor skills. Gross-motor skills are actions that use the large muscles in our bodies, such as those in our arms and legs for walking, running and jumping. Fine-motor skills are actions that use smaller muscles, such as those in our fingers and toes for writing or balancing.


    Most school-age children will have developed their basic gross-motor skills, but as school-age children grow and develop physically, they continue to develop their larger muscles. School-age children can continue developing their large-muscle skills through practice and repetition. For example, if an 8-year-old wants to learn how to throw a baseball, he or she should practice the action repetitively over a period of time in order to develop the skill.

    Children who are experiencing growth spurts often lack coordination and seem clumsy. They may have had a growth spurt in their torso and arms but not in their legs, or their feet might finish growing fully before the rest of their body. Children going through these phases will have to work especially hard to excel at certain athletic skills. Later in this course, you will learn how you can support the emotional needs of school-age children who are experiencing this type of development.

    You can help support the physical development of larger muscles by including certain activities into your plans. The table below contains examples of activities that support large-muscle development and ideas on how to incorporate them into your plans.


    计划ning Idea



    Balance activities

    Make your own balance beam with lumber and concrete blocks. Children can practice balancing, while remaining a safe distance from the ground to avoid injuries.



    Organized sports

    Skills associated with sports such as baseball, football, soccer, lacrosse, etc. will help with motor development. Depending on the size and age of your group, you can have formal games, or just break out into groups and practice the specific skill. Consider having high school or college athletes in your area come demonstrate the proper way to execute specific skills.

    Obstacle courses



    Yoga helps strengthen muscles and develop coordination and balance. There are many books and DVDs available to help teach yoga to children. The reference list attached to this lesson has some examples.

    Movement games

    游戏西蒙说和捻线机等a fun ways to practice large-muscle skills.


    计划dance parties or contests to allow children to show off their dance moves. If possible, have an instructor visit to teach steps or skills. If instructors are not available, consider using DVDs to help with instruction.


    Fine-motor skills are the actions that involve using our small muscles found in our fingers, hands, toes, and feet. School-age children will already have a firm grasp on most fine motor skills. They will be able to use utensils, draw, tie their shoelaces, and use clasps and buttons. The development of these skills and muscles will differ in each child. Sometimes, if a child’s eye-hand coordination skills are not as developed, it will be difficult for them to strengthen their fine-motor skills. Like all developmental milestones, these tend to even out over time, and by age 12, most children will have mastered eye-hand coordination. Examples of activities that can help strengthen fine-motor skills are:

    Writing, drawing, and painting


    Playing musical instruments

    Allow children to create their own song with musical instruments and encourage other children to make up words or dance along.




    Provide opportunities to use scissors, sew, crochet, and string beads together.


    When outdoors, children can pick up and examine objects just as leaves, twigs, and rocks that they find in the environment.

    Right Fit Activities


    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that school-age children be physically active for a minimum of 60 minutes each day. They also recommend a combination of aerobic activity, muscle-strengthening and bone-strengthening exercises or activities. The table below is from the CDC and lists details of activities that fall into these three categories. Because school-age children range from young children to early adolescents, the information should be used accordingly, depending on the ages of children in your care.




    • 积极的娱乐,如徒步旅行,滑板,滚筒
    • Bicycle riding
    • 走到学校
    • Active recreation, such as canoeing, hiking, cross-country skiing, skateboarding, rollerblading
    • 轻快地走路
    • 自行车骑行(固定或公路自行车)
    • House and yard work, such as sweeping or pushing a lawn mower
    • Playing games that require catching and throwing, such as baseball, softball, basketball and volleyball



    • 包括运行和chasin活跃的游戏g, such as tag
    • Bicycle riding
    • 跳绳
    • Martial arts, such as karate
    • Running
    • Sports such as ice or field hockey, basketball, swimming, tennis or gymnastics
    • 包括运行和chasin活跃的游戏g, such as flag football and soccer
    • Bicycle riding
    • 跳绳
    • Martial arts such as karate
    • Running
    • Sports such as tennis, ice or field hockey, basketball, swimming
    • 剧烈跳舞
    • Aerobics
    • Cheerleading or gymnastics



    • Strength games, such as tug of war
    • Modified push-ups (with knees on the floor)
    • 使用体重或阻力带的抗性锻炼
    • Rope or tree climbing
    • 仰卧起坐
    • Swinging on playground equipment, bars
    • Gymnastics
    • Strength games, such as tug of war
    • 俯卧撑
    • 运动带,重量机,手持重量的抗性锻炼
    • Rock climbing
    • 仰卧起坐
    • Cheerleading or gymnastics



    • Games such as hopscotch
    • 跳跃,跳跃,跳跃
    • 跳绳
    • Running
    • Sports, such as gymnastics, basketball, volleyball, tennis
    • 跳跃,跳跃,跳跃
    • 跳绳
    • Running
    • Sports, such as gymnastics, basketball, volleyball, tennis

    Not only is it important for children to participate in the correct amount of physical activity each day, they also need to participate in the correct types of physical activity. When planning physical activities for school-age children, you should choose fun, interactive activities that children will enjoy doing. The chart above is a great place to start for a variety of activities. Keep activities developmentally appropriate for school-age children by avoiding certain activities that are unsafe or too difficult, such as weight training or activities that are overly vigorous.

    It is also important to determine level of difficulty for your particular group of school-age children, which is based on their abilities. After becoming familiar with the variety of physical fitness levels of the children in your care, you can begin to plan activities with their particular abilities in mind. It is important to find a balance between activities that are easy and activities that will be challenging. It is OK to plan activities that children will find challenging as long as they are safe. You can allow them to test the limits of their physical abilities and try to achieve a personal best.

    Being Active: Indoor




    • 小组练习级:邀请专业培训师或使用DVD来教育学龄儿童特定的运动动作和惯例。
    • Dance: Dancing is a fun way for children to burn some energy. Have free-form dancing or instructor-led dancing for school-age children. You can also have dance offs or competitions or choreograph a dance for families to watch.
    • 瑜伽:瑜伽是放松和蜿蜒而来的好方法。它还教导了他们重要的协调,平衡和拉伸技术。如果无法使用教师,请考虑使用书籍和DVD作为指导。
    • 清道夫狩猎
    • Relay races
    • Simon Says
    • 跳绳

    It is important to note that the use of commercial DVDs for physical fitness activities may require written consent for public viewing and use. If you are interested in utilizing DVDs in your classroom, consult with your administrator, trainer, or coach.

    Indoor Activities: Action Games


    Being Active: Outdoor



    • 运动游戏:大多数类型的体育游戏可以适应play with school-age children. You should spend time going over the rules of the game. If you have an expert in your group, let her or him be the leader and share the rules of the game.
    • Field-day activities:大袋比赛,清道夫狩猎,气球投掷等有趣的场日活动是为您的外部时间表增加计划时间的好方法。
    • Mock tournaments: Hold tournaments for athletic games or Olympic style competitions.
    • 标签:学龄儿童喜欢玩各种“标签,你是它”游戏,如冻结标签或彩色标签。他们还将享受创造自己的变化。
    • 健身测试: You can contact local agencies to find information about what physical fitness tests are used for other sports training.
    • Cheerleading:啦啦队涉及协调,平衡和力量。有些孩子喜欢写作和开发自己的欢呼声。

    When planning physical activities for school-age children, it is important to remember that not all children will have the same abilities. Don’t let a child who is not athletic feel left out of the game. Promote a team atmosphere by providing encouragement for all players. When playing team sports, it is a good idea to promote playing for fun and experience rather than winning. This will help alleviate stress for less-athletic children. If you have a few children that have well-developed skills, allow them to take the lead and be a captain or share their skills by being a trainer. This will help all children feel that they have an important part to play.






    计划ning Idea

    The way we process the sounds around us

    • 音乐猜测游戏
    • Pitch matching
    • Echo games (Marco Polo)
    • 声音测序游戏


    • Memory recall games
    • Story telling with photographs

    The way we process objects that make contact with our bodies

    • 发现对象本质上
    • Sensory substances (molding dough, slime, etc.)
    • 艺术活动

    The way we process the scents around us

    • Blind smell tests
    • 果味猜测游戏


    • 盲味测试
    • Food comparisons

    Supporting All Learners

    You may find that some school-age children in your program have trouble with handwriting or perhaps organizing their school work. Others may struggle with figuring out the steps in games or with spontaneous play interaction. If you have children who have these experiences, you may have to adapt your environment as well as your activities to help them to succeed. If you are working with children with special learning needs, think about how your existing practices are enabling them to succeed.

    Some children in your care may have conditions that affect their motor development, including physical and cognitive disabilities, neurological and perceptual disorders, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Children with individualized education programs (IEPs) have a specific plan that helps them meet their personal goals and objectives. In general, these children will already have changes and adaptations to their school curriculum and classroom environment. Children with physical and other developmental disabilities may need related services to ensure they fully access their classroom and school curriculum, activities, environments, extracurricular activities, and events. You will have to make sure that your activities in the school-age program also have been adapted and changed. Even something as simple as providing a left-handed mouse for left-handed children may enhance their abilities to learn and develop.


    Connecting with Nature

    The busy lifestyles of a military family can result in a lot of indoor time for school-age children. They might spend the majority of their day in a school setting, only going outside for their designated 60 minutes a day. Having a love and respect for the outdoors will increase the chances of children learning to make physical activity a part of their lives. Encourage as much outdoor time as possible, plan activities that include their natural surroundings, and bring the outside indoors to learn and discover.


    As you will see in this video, there are a wide variety of activities that support a school-age child’s physical development.

    Types of Activities

    A variety of physical activities for school-age children.

    Connecting with nature is important for school-age children because being outdoors encourages healthy habits and behaviors. In this video, you will hear a program director discuss how they encourage a love for nature at their program.

    Connecting with Nature

    Program director explains importance of connecting with nature.


    1.Learn。Take time to learn the differences between the main types of exercise: moderate, vigorous, bone strengthening and muscle strengthening. Also, learn what types of activities aren’t appropriate for school-age children.


    3.是一个榜样。One of the best ways you can promote an active lifestyle is to live one yourself. Join in games, learn new skills and let children see you having fun while being active.



    回答问题Right Fit Activities。When you are finished, discuss with your coach, trainer, or administrator.



    Use the attached运动技能观察活动。完成后,与您的教练,培训师或管理员共享您的工作。


    Term 描述
    动作类游戏 通常在室内使用的游戏涉及物理运动。一个例子是西蒙说
    运动技能 The growth of muscular coordination. Gross-motor skills are actions that use the large muscles in our bodies, like our arms and legs for skills such as walking, running or jumping. Fine-motor skills are actions that use the smaller muscles in our bodies, like our fingers and toes, for skills such as writing or using tools
    Right fit activity An activity that is attainable yet challenging and developmentally appropriate
    Sensory development 我们的五种感官的发展使我们能够在我们周围处理世界










    Centers For Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). Aerobic, Muscle- and Bone-Strengthening: What Counts? Retrieved fromhttp://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/everyone/guidelines/what_counts.html.

    The American Academy of Pediatrics. (2004).照顾你的学龄儿童。New York: Bantam Books.

    Angermeier,P。(2009)Learning in Motion: 101+ sensory activities for the classroom。Arlington, Texas: Future Horizons Inc.

    Steinberg, D. (n.d.). Developing and Cultivating Skills Through Sensory Play. PBS Parents.