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    • 描述和定义身体图像。
    • 认识到具有负面身体形象和/或低自尊的学龄儿童的迹象。
    • 制定鼓励学龄儿童的方法,具有积极的身体形象和健康的自尊。
    • 应用methods for healthy goal-setting for school-age children.




    What is Body Image?

    身体形象的图片我们自己的身体和the way we believe others may think about our bodies. Sometimes, the mental picture that we create of our bodies is quite different from what we see in the mirror and what others see. It is common to focus on what can be considered a negative aspect to our bodies while overlooking the positives. This is very common in older school-age children and teenagers. Once a child’s body enters puberty and begins to change into an adult body, insecure feelings and negative body images can take shape.


    Negative body image affects boys and girls. In today’s society, with easy access to photographs of celebrities and models, school-age children are exposed to images of an “ideal body type” that has been created by the media.

    A negative body image can also come from what others say . Teasing and bullying can cause school-age children to develop negative feelings about their bodies and lowers their self-esteem. Not all children will develop at the same time or in the same way, and often the children that develop faster or slower than the majority may be picked on for their appearance.

    What to Look For

    Part of your role as a school-age staff member will be to make daily observations of the children in your care. You’ve already received information about conducting health and safety checks, but it is also important that you pay attention to the mental health of school-age children. School-age children who have a negative body image or are suffering from low self-esteem may display some of the following behaviors:

    Examples of What to Look For

    Saying negative things about themselves 如果孩子谈论自己或自己或使用“愚蠢”或“胖子这样的话就会谈论或使用”愚蠢“,试着从事那个孩子在谈话中。问为什么他们会说,并尝试通过恭维和讨论成就来使谈话更积极。
    Becoming easily frustrated Some school-age children may give up quickly when they become frustrated or are given a difficult task. This can sometimes be mistaken for laziness; however, some children do not have enough self-worth to bother trying. For example, a student may give up after the first try at a new sport. When you try to talk to the child about why she or he quit, you might hear something like, “It doesn’t matter, and my mom won’t care anyway.” This may be a sign that this child has low self-esteem and doesn’t think highly enough of himself or herself to try something new.
    Having a difficult time overcoming change Experiencing a minor change or setback can sometimes seem like a huge loss or hurdle for children who suffer from low self-esteem. You can help these children by explaining the change and helping them understand how to progress further, while giving them an idea of what the “new normal” may be. For example, if a child is overly upset by a change to your daily schedule or a cancellation of a field trip, try to explain why the change happened and discuss what will happen instead of the original plan.
    行为或个性的突然变化 应仔细观察行为或人格的任何突然变化。有时这些变化只是阶段,但其他时间他们可以哭泣来自自尊心低的孩子。如果您对一个孩子有疑问,请与您的管理员讨论它们。
    外观突然变化 A sudden change to clothing, makeup or hairstyle can be a sign that a child is trying to fit in or change. This is simply the way some children behave and it can be completely normal. It can become dangerous when the changes are negative, such as an 11-year-old girl who has suddenly started to dress provocatively or a child who looks unwashed or neglected. You should also observe any drastic weight change in a child as this could be a sign of an eating disorder.
    Sudden changes in eating habits Eating disorders often begin when a child enters puberty. It is important to observe the eating habits of the school-age children in your care. If you notice a child not eating, eating less than normal, or eating large amounts of food, talk with your administrator about your observations and concerns.
    Sudden changes in exercise routines 所有孩子都应该每天锻炼和享受体育活动。许多孩子参加有组织的运动。当它变得过度时,运动会变得危险。如果您发现一个孩子似乎痴迷于锻炼和燃烧卡路里 - 例如,谈论在半夜起床才能做练习 - 与您的管理员分享您的观察。这可能是饮食失调或危险的负面身体形象的迹象。另一方面,通常活跃和突然停止玩他们最喜欢的游戏或参与体育活动的儿童也可能具有低自尊。有时,当孩子变得过于悲伤或沮丧时,他们缺乏能源和动力来跟上他们的常规活动。如果您注意到任何突然更改,请与您的管理员讨论您的观察结果。

    How to Help

    As a school-age staff member, the first way you can help the children in your care is to be a positive role model. Try your best to be healthy, active and positive. Do not make negative comments about yourself or talk about the new diet fad you are trying. Be confident and positive and accepting of who you are both inside and out. The following tips will help children have positive body images and healthy self-esteem.

    • Identify and redirect negative or inaccurate thoughts:如果您正在与一个叫做自己或自己的孩子,或者取笑他或她的外表,请通过重定向负面评论。专注于积极的东西或帮助孩子设定目标。例如,如果孩子沮丧,因为他是他唯一没有经历过大型增长的朋友,则解释所有孩子都以不同的速度增长,并且他的身体也将在适当时期增长。在一起工作,并在需要时提供辅导帮助和资源。
    • 给予适当的赞誉: Not all children receive praise at home. Give compliments, encouragement and praise to every child, every day. Having an adult that is proud of them and who believes in them can mean a world of difference to children who have self-esteem issues. Observe your children daily so that you can give compliments on a new pair of glasses or a new haircut. Give encouragement when children are playing a game of soccer or working on a project. Give compliments for a job well done.
    • Discuss acceptance:开放讨论接受你self for who you are. Help children understand the difference between the characteristics and features that they cannot change about themselves, such as their shoe size or ethnicity, and the features they can change, like reaching a healthy weight or improving athletic skills.


    Goal setting is a very important aspect of self-esteem and self-improvement. There is nothing wrong with wanting to improve something about ourselves, as long as we go about it a healthy way. Work with school-age children to help them set goals for things they want to accomplish. If a children would like to improve their basketball skills, help them figure out time to practice. If a child would like to become more physically fit, help him or her set realistic goals and give opportunities to participate in physical activities within your program. Check on the child’s progress and provide encouragement.


    • 现实和具体的目标是最容易保留的。短期目标对学龄儿童更容易专注于似乎压倒性的。
    • Being organized helps school-age children complete a goal. In the Apply section of this lesson, you will practice helping children organize their goals.
    • Patience is required to make a lifestyle change become a habit. It could take several months for changes to such things as diet and exercise to become routine.
    • 重复实现了目标。学龄儿童定期重复他们的目标可能会有所帮助,告诉他们的家人和同龄人,或者把它写下。
    • Setbacks or roadblocks do not mean failure. It may be easy for school-age children to become discouraged if they don’t succeed right away. It is important to remind them that change takes time and dedication.
    • 如果由于正确的原因设定,则只能获得目标。确保学龄儿童设定了他们想要为自己而完成的目标。





    Helping school-age children through the stages of development is an important part of your role as a staff member. Remember to always be respectful and to only provide factual information.

    • 支持。试着记住它是一个遇到身体和情感变化的学龄儿童的样子。是理解和同情这种发展阶段。
    • Provide resources。Always have quality factual information on hand to share with the school-age children in your program as well as their families. Body image and self-esteem can be difficult topics to discuss, so having good information at your fingertips will help you know what to say.
    • 提供鼓励。如果学龄儿童正在努力与自尊或身体形象问题斗争,令人鼓舞和支持。帮助他们将任何负面情绪重定向到积极的情绪中并为自己设定目标。






    正如您在本课程中学到的,目标设置可能是帮助学龄儿童发展自尊的重要工具。通读Haley的目标设置and think about other ways Haley could reach her goal. Using theGoal Worksheet,think about how you could help a school-age child organize their goals into smaller steps. Share your responses with your coach, trainer, or administrator.




    Mya’s mom comes to you and says that she is concerned that Mya is developing a negative perception of her body. She asks you what signs she should look for. You tell her to look for. . .




    Which of the following tips may promote positive body image in school-age children?

    References & Resources:

    Moss, W. (2011).成为我:一个孩子推动信心和自尊的指导。American Psychological Association.


    The American Academy of Pediatrics. (2004).照顾你的学龄儿童。New York: Bantam Books.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). BAM! Body and Mind. Retrieved from