这节课将专注于提供的重要性ing encouragement and support to school-age children. You will reflect on your time as a school-age child and think about how those memories affect your level of physical activity today.
- Reflect on your lifestyle and how events in your youth affected the person you have become.
- 认识到向学龄儿童提供鼓励和动机的重要性,特别是在身体活动的时候。
- Develop methods of providing encouragement and motivation to school-age children.

Personal Reflection
Providing Motivation and Encouragement
- Choose fun, developmentally appropriate physical activities。When children are enjoying an activity, they will feel good about themselves and want to continue. They will feel comfortable being active and want to be physically active in the future.
- Plan activities that are challenging, but not impossible。You want school-age children to complete an activity that is planned; if it is too challenging, it could be discouraging for children, especially those that are not naturally athletic. As their comfort levels and abilities increase, you can make the activities and challenges more difficult.
- 考虑使用各种技能的计划活动让所有孩子们,即使是那些通常没有身体活跃或运动的人也可以参加并获得乐趣。例如,如果计划障碍课程,创建两个单独的课程,那么一个容易的课程,一个很难。
- Limit screen time for the school-age children in your care。Screen time can be considered any exposure to a digital screen such as a computer, television, video game, phone, tablet, etc. Teachers’ lesson plans should not rely on screen time to occupy students. Limited technology should be used to enhance learning and physical activity should be emphasized.
- Share with parents that for children 6 and older, theAmerican Academy of Pediatricsrecommends consistent time limits on media. Make sure screen use does not interfere with a child’s ability to get adequate sleep and physical activity. AAP also recommends: designating media-free times together, such as dinner or driving; media-free locations at home, such as bedrooms; and ongoing communication about online citizenship and safety, including treating others with respect online and offline.
- 提供设备,鼓励体育活动vities,如运动器材。
- Consider taking part in a physical fitness challenge, either at your program or in your community.
- 吃一个均衡的饮食。
- Keep a positive attitude; never say negative things about yourself or your appearance (or the appearance of others).
- 参加与孩子的体育活动。
- Stretch your muscles before participating in a physical activity and encourage children to do the same.
- 采取安全的风险,例如尝试以前从未完成的运动或活动。如果他们能够,让孩子们教你一个技能。
Encouraging Family Involvement: A Lifetime of Wellness
In the Families course, you learned how to create and maintain family partnerships and encourage family engagement. A great way to motivate children to be physically active is to include their families. Studies show that children who live in a household with active parents are more likely to be active themselves. Similarly, when children and parents participate together in physical activity, healthy lifestyle habits are more likely to be formed. A great example of getting families involved in being active with their children isFitFamily,which is a web-based goal incentive program developed by the U.S. Air Force. The program encourages families to be active together and to log their process.
Here are some ideas you can implement in your program to help families support their school-age children’s physical activity:
- 计划家庭活动,这些活动包括实地日比赛或像垒球或踢球等小组游戏。
- Have Service family members give demonstrations of skills used in military trainings and exercises.
- Ask parents to form committees or advisory groups to support physical activity at home.
- Challenge children and their families to track their activities at home, such as steps taken during a specific period of time or miles traveled on family bike rides.
- Create contests, such as jump-rope contests, tug-of-war challenges, and dance competitions, for children and families to participate in at your program.
The U.S. government initiative移动你的方式provides information about helping families set goals for wellness and healthy living athttps://health.gov/moveyourway/。探索此链接,并考虑使用您的护理中儿童家庭的一些材料和资源,例如儿童的这个事实表:https://health.gov/paguidelines/moveyourway/materials/pag_myw_kids_fs.pdf.。
Encouraging Active Lifestyles
- 通过积极和乐观,为所有学龄儿童提供动力和鼓励。
- Be a role model for school-age children by taking care of your own body and participating in physical activities.
- 创造一个学龄儿童感受到风险和尝试新活动的环境。
- Include families in physical-fitness activities and challenges.

Complete theProviding Encouragement for All Children活动。然后用您的培训师,教练或管理员分享您的答案。

Complete thePhysical Activity Plan。然后与您的教练,培训师或管理员分享您的答案。
健康孩子的行动。(2019)。Tip sheets: Before and after school activities.https://www.actionforhealthykids.org/references/
American Academy of Pediatrics. (2016). AAP Announces New Recommendations for Children’s Media Use.https://healthychildren.org/english/news/pages/aap-announces-new-recommendations-for-childrens-media-use.aspx.
The Aspen Institute: Project Play. (2015). Sport for all, play for life: a playbook to get every kid in the game. Retrieved fromhttp://youthreport.projectplay.us/
Child Care Aware (n.d.). Resources and Links. Retrieved fromhttps://www.childcareaware.org/library/
Let’s Move. (2015). Get Active.
U.S. Army MWR. (2014). Get Fit-Be Strong. Retrieved fromhttp://www.armymwr.com/