
    • Reflect on what it means to implement meaningful curriculum and assessment as you manage your classroom.
    • 确定发展适当实践的关键要素,并反思这些元素如何为计划管理有贡献。
    • Understand the importance of being a life-long learner with regards to working with school-age children and their families, and identify ways you can pursue your own professional development.





    You may have indicated that the第一个问题是要有一个典型技能的知识库,这样你就可以开始决定提供什么样的适合发展的经验和活动。第二个问题是如何满足个别孩子和他们的家庭的需要,他们来你的项目有一系列的技能,能力和兴趣。





    • Model a positive and respectful attitude when working with children and youth
    • Align daily practices with the program's philosophy, policies, and procedures
    • 将文化多样性纳入日常计划

    What are Indicators of Effective Curriculum?

    你的目标应该是实施经验和活动,这些经验和活动都是经过精心规划、参与的、适合发展的、具有挑战性的,并且在文化和语言上都是有反应的。你应该为你所照顾的所有学龄儿童和青年争取成长和积极成果。在这样做的过程中,你应该学习国家课外活动协会(NAA 2011)规定的以下有效课程指标:

    • 让儿童参与满足个人需要、兴趣、发展和技能水平的活动
    • 根据当前的研究和课程设计和开发有效的活动
    • 提供一个参与、身心安全、包容的环境,鼓励跨发展领域的游戏、探索和学习狗万app怎么下载
    • Design and develop an environment that offers choices
    • 计划和实施学习机会,包括目标和目的狗万app怎么下载
    • 将促进认知、社交、情感和身体发展的活动纳入所有课程领域

    What are Indicators of Effective Assessment?

    Gathering information about the development of school-age children and youth in your care helps you make informed decisions about their growth and helps you identify needs or concerns that may require further attention. Your goal should be to carry out assessment practices that are ethical, developmentally appropriate, and culturally sensitive. Meaning your assessment practices are based on a thorough knowledge of child development, they help children see themselves as capable and competent learners, and they respect and acknowledge children’s and families’ varied cultural experiences. The assessment practices you implement play an essential role as you manage your classroom. You should use assessment information to support growth and positive outcomes for all school-age children in your care. In doing that, you should familiarize yourself with the following indicators of effective observation and assessment practices as stated by the National Afterschool Association (NAA 2011):

    • 将儿童和青年视为个体,并承认个体是以自己的速度发展的
    • Recognize that observation and assessment are ongoing processes
    • 对观察和评估信息保密
    • Select and use observation results in planning and implementing learning activities
    • Plan relevant and culturally appropriate assessments
    • 制定一个计划,利用评估信息来改进课程和修改学习经验狗万app怎么下载
    • 为个人和小组学习实施正式和非正式评估工具狗万app怎么下载

    你应该与你的工作条例和经理ensure that assessment practices are developmentally appropriate for the school-age children in your care. Your program administration will ensure that you have the necessary resources (e.g., program or playground supplies, materials, equipment) and supports (e.g., observational feedback on your practices, additional resources) to promote these experiences and offer school-age children and their families high-quality care and education.


    为了了解学龄计划中最佳实践的知识,您必须与现场保持电流。Joining a professional organization (e.g., the National Association for the Education for Young Children (NAEYC), the National Afterschool Association (NAA), or the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) is an excellent way to receive timely information about what is new in the field. Web sites that contain evidence-based information can be bookmarked. Attending local or state conferences is another way to learn about evidence-based practices and keep current on new information.

    Your T&C can be a great resource and mentor in your professional development. She or he can answer questions or address concerns you may have, conduct observations of your work with school-age children and give you constructive feedback, assist you with further or specific training, help you access resources like books, articles, or videos, and support your overall professional growth. You may also consider looking for a mentor, book group, or groups on social media where you can share ideas and news about school-age programs. You will be a better staff member and advocate for school-age children and families in your care when you attend to your own professional development.





    • 了解你所照顾的孩子和家庭。计划无偏见的经验、材料和评估。尊重每个孩子和家庭成员,承认并尊重性别、文化背景、家庭收入、能力或家庭组成方面的个体差异。
    • 为您所照顾的学龄儿童提供各种适合发展的选择和体验。
    • Have developmentally appropriate expectations about children's behaviors.
    • 确保根据当前的研究和课程设计和开发活动和经验;例如,计划以下领域的活动:性格和领导力发展;教育和职业发展;健康和生活技能;艺术;体育、健身和娱乐;以及技术。
    • Plan collaboratively with colleagues and your trainer or coach, and make sure you offer opportunities for each school-age child to achieve individual goals. During this process, make sure to invite families' input.
    • 以负责任、可靠和可靠的方式行事。按时上班,做好准备,与孩子、家人、同事、上级沟通清楚。
    • Support practices that are ethical, responsible, and developmentally appropriate and speak out when they are not. Familiarize yourself with your program's or service's regulations, standards, and expectations for high-quality practices. Remember to always look to your coach or trainer for guidance on difficult situations.
    • 培养和培养合作精神,与同事共事。向经验更丰富的适龄工作人员询问有关他或她的实践的问题,或向可能比你新、可能需要帮助的同事提出建议。



    下载并打印讲义课程:决策. 花点时间思考在已确定的资源中发现的想法。然后,与培训师、教练或主管分享并讨论您的回答。




    然后使用项目改进指导下面的附件反映了您在职业发展过程中获得的支持,以及您是否可以在此指导过程中发挥更积极的作用。第二,在您回顾了下面的一些链接之后,请使用Take Charge of Your Own Professional Development下面的附件反映了您如何在实践中保持积极性,以及如何在您的领域保持最新。


    期限 Description
    课程 “儿童要获得的知识、技能、能力和理解以及实现这些收获的学习经验计划”(Copple&Bredekamp,2009年,第20页)狗万app怎么下载
    Developmentally appropriate practice 一种基于对幼儿如何发展和学习的研究以及对有效早期教育的了解的教学方法。其框架旨在促进幼儿的最佳学习和发展(NAEYC,2009)狗万app怎么下载




    是的or false? Families should not know about or be invited to be part of the assessment process for their school-age child.






    Bruno,H.E.,&Copeland,T.(2012年)。在幼儿计划中管理法律风险. 纽约:师范学院出版社。

    Copple,C.和Bredekamp,S.(编辑)(2009年)。Developmentally appropriate practice for programs serving children ages birth through 8(3rd ed.). Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.

    全国课外活动协会(2011年)。课外和青年发展专业人员的核心知识和能力Retrieved fromhttp://www.naaweb.org/images/pdf/NAA\u Final\u Print.pdf

    全国幼儿教育协会(2011年)。道德行为准则和承诺声明。Retrieved fromhttp://www.naeyc.org/files/naeyc/image/public_policy/Ethics%20Position%20Statement2011_09202013update.pdf

    全国幼儿教育协会。(2009).从出生到8岁的幼儿计划中适合发展的实践。Retrieved fromhttp://www.naeyc.org/files/naeyc/file/positions/PSDAP.pdf