
    • To learn about the importance of working together with families, colleagues, and supervisors to evaluate your practices and program.
    • 了解使用计划评估数据的重要性,以改善学龄儿童和家庭的计划结果。
    • 反思努力促进持续计划质量改进的意义。




    Throughout this course, you have learned about what program management means for a school-age staff member. You have learned about the roles and responsibilities you assume on a day-to-day basis, the importance of collaborating with others, the importance of establishing and nurturing partnerships with families, and the significance of program management for program quality. Working with school-age children and their families means that you will have impressionable minds watching, listening, and learning from you. It means that you will interact with family members who should be your partners along the way. And it means that you will work with colleagues to strive for high-quality care.

    Throughout this process,how will you be able to know whether you are indeed providing high-quality care and excellent services for children and families in your care?How are you currently determining whether you are doing a good job with school-age children in your care? Answers to these questions are what计划评估is all about.

    Program Evaluation



    Evaluation of practice also can be done more frequently, and this involves all the things you do as a school-age staff member with children and families on a daily basis. In your daily work with school-age children, you plan experiences, activities, routines, and transitions. You carefully select materials and purposefully organize your environment so that it promotes optimum growth and development. As you implement your plans, it is important to look back and review what actually happened during a certain day, a certain week, or a period of time. Doing that allows you to take into consideration important observations that tell you if things went well, or not so well and therefore need change. For example, you may notice which activities school-age children were engaged in, whether children seemed to enjoy working with the materials, or if routines and transitions were smooth or chaotic. This kind of information can help you make decisions about maintaining or changing transitions, materials, or activities and experiences.

    Collaborating with Others for Program Evaluation

    Leaders in your program (T&Cs and program managers) work with you and families to collect relevant data about program outcomes, analyze it, and use the findings to make changes that will improve overall program quality. Program relevant data might include the results of a survey given to family members asking them how well the program is meeting their child’s and family’s needs, that month’s curriculum and activity plans, or evidence from children’s portfolios or assessments that they are meeting developmental goals. T&Cs and program managers. T&Cs and program managers use this information to create a formal report or description of the program for those outside the program who are interested partners (families, advisory board members, etc.).

    Formative Evaluation

    Formative evaluation is used during the daily operation of the program to examine ongoing processes and to help improve the program. A formative evaluation examines day-to-day successes and challenges. It is often used when programs are just starting or a new policy has just been put into effect. Formative evaluation provides a fast feedback loop to influence program decisions and make necessary changes.

    For example, your program T&C observes two activity areas each afternoon during your transition to playground time and leaves a brief note summarizing her observation in each staff member's mailbox. Both of these activity areas were starting a new routine at playground time, and you and your colleague wanted your T&C to observe the transition several times to provide feedback about how it was working. At the end of two weeks, your T&C meets with you and your colleague to discuss her observations over that period and to help you decide if the new routine was working well for the children and staff.


    A summative evaluation is typically conducted at the end of a program or after a program has been in existence for some time. The summative evaluation is often shared with those outside the program (advisory board, interagency council, funders) to provide data about the effectiveness of the program.

    For example, each July your program manager writes an evaluation report. In it, she summarizes child data, family event data, child and family satisfaction data, and the overall program budget report. This report also highlights progress on the program's goals (e.g., increase the number of family volunteers on school-age field trips). In many ways a summative evaluation report may be of interest to anyone affiliated with the program, but is also of importance to individuals outside the program.

    Although a summative evaluation report might only be written and shared once per year, the information that is used to create the report is collected across the year at many different points and includes many different stakeholders (e.g., staff, families, advisory board members).

    Evaluations may be conducted by a staff member who is internal to the program (e.g., T&Cs, program managers) or the evaluation may be conducted by someone who is externalto the program (e.g., paid consultant, higher-education personnel or state licensing representative with expertise in conducting program evaluations).


    You should familiarize yourself with the following indicators of effective program evaluation as stated by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Departments of Education (NAECS/SDE) (2009), and the National Afterschool Association (NAA 2011):

    • 评估用于持续改进您的实践。
    • 您为儿童的目标成为评估指南。
    • 评估是由训练有素的人完成的;例如,您的计划领导者(T&CS和董事)或在您的计划外部的个人专家。
    • Multiple sources of data are used for the purposes of the evaluation.
    • In the process of evaluation, children's gains over time are emphasized.
    • The results of the evaluation are shared with others in the program.
    • Evaluations promote collaboration between school-age staff members, T&Cs and program managers, family members, and members of the community.
    • Evaluations are based on current theories, research, and policies.

    Planning Evaluation for Improvement

    计划包括在思考你佤邦nt to do and how you will do it. When planning for the purpose of evaluating your practices, you need to be thoughtful about the purpose of your evaluation. Being clear about the purpose of your evaluation will help drive the types of information you gather, the questions you ask, the way you time your gathering of information, and the individuals that will be involved in the process. Ultimately, the information you collect will enable you to make decisions about things that you are doing well and things that need to be changed or improved.

    For example, you may want to get feedback about how materials are used in your program, how experiences and activities involve and engage each school-age child and youth, how routines and events are carried out, or whether families in your program feel welcomed. You should work with your T&C or program director, as their support will be invaluable throughout this process. They can help you identify and clarify aspects of your practice that you may want to improve, make a plan to collect the information you need, and then use that information to improve your practices with children and families. Your T&C or program director can help you select the best ways to gather accurate information relevant to your question, and help you analyze that information to make informed next steps. For example, if you are interested in understanding whether families feel welcomed in your classroom, your T&C might suggest a small anonymous family survey, with well-crafted questions, and/or he/she may make a detailed observation of how families interact with you while dropping off or picking up their child. You can then review this information together and see what within this area of your practice is working well and identify strategies for improvement.



    Continuous quality improvement entails:

    • 对终身学习的承诺狗万app怎么下载
    • Program changes that result in better quality care
    • Self- reflection about daily practices with school-age children and families
    • 共同领导地位
    • Collaboration with fellow staff members and program administration

    With the leadership of your T&Cs and program managers, you should strive for high-quality services and continuous improvement. Excellence within yourself contributes to your program's success and growth.


    Program Evaluation

    In this video you will learn about evaluating your practices.

    In your daily work with school-age children and youth, you can do the following when it comes to using information to evaluate your own practices and ultimately your program:

    • 确定每天在程序中发生的好事和不那么好的事物。例如,您可能会注意到您可以在您的计划中使用的学龄儿童可以提供各种各样的书写材料(期刊,笔,铅笔,明信片,未键纸,指数卡等)区域。
    • Be purposeful and intentional when designing experiences and choosing materials for school-age children in your care. Be flexible and willing to make changes in your environment, materials, or routines, based on what you learn or observe about each school-age child.
    • It's important to know whether families of school-age children in your program feel welcome and supported. You can use your program's or curriculum's goals as a way to know whether you are doing well when it comes to working with families and then make changes if needed.




    Take some time to review the resources in theProgram Evaluationactivity, then respond to the questions. Share and discuss your responses with your coach, trainer, or administrator.



    In your work as a school-age professional, you can use evaluation data to reflect on your practice and make changes as needed. Use the resources in the使用数据进行评估活动要反思如何使用数据来改善您的练习。



    学期 Description
    Continuous quality improvement 确保计划的持续进程是系统地和有意地改善服务和增加积极成果的过程




    真的or false? Program evaluation is typically completed every three years to determine if the program is effectively meeting its goals.




    下面是一个有效的指标e program evaluation?

    References & Resources:

    Carran, D. T. (2009). Early Childhood Program Evaluation. In J. M. Taylor, J. R. McGowan, & T. Linder (Eds.), The Program Administrator's Guide to Early Childhood Special Education (pp. 307-335). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

    Feeney,S。(2010)。今天在早期护理和教育中的伦理:审查,反思和未来。幼儿,65(2), 72-77.

    Feeney, S., Freeman, N. K., & Pizzolongo, P. (2012).Ethics and the Early Childhood Educator: Using the NAEYC code (2nd ed.).Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.


    Johnson, J. (2010).Keeping Your Smile: Caring for children with joy, love, and intention。圣保罗,Mn:Redleaf按。

    National Afterschool Association (2011).雇用核心知识和雇用竞争力和青少年发展专业人士Retrieved fromhttp://www.naaweb.org/images/pdf/na_final_print.pdf.

    National Association for the Education of Young Children. (2011). NAEYC Position Statement: Code of ethical conduct and statement of commitment. Retrieved fromhttp://www.naeyc.org/positionstatements/ethical_conduct

    National Association for the Education of Young Children and National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Departments of Education. (2003).Early Childhood Curriculum, Assessment, and Program Evaluation: Building an effective, accountable system in programs for children birth through age 8.Position Statement with Expanded ResourcesRetrieved fromhttps://www.naeyc.org/files/naeyc/file/positions/capeexpand.pdf.

    National Association for the Education of Young Children and National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Departments of Education. (2009).Where We Stand on Curriculum, Assessment, and Program Evaluation.Retrieved fromhttps://www.naeyc.org/files/naeyc/file/positions/StandCurrAss.pdf

    Simon, F. (2015). Look Up and Out to Lead: 20/20 vision for effective leadership.Young Children,70(2), 18-24.

    Schweikert, G. (2014).Winning Ways for Early Childhood Professionals: Partnering with families。圣保罗,Mn:Redleaf按。