
    • Reflect on your own sense of self and how it was developed.
    • 描述自我意识。
    • 找出在自我意识发展中起作用的因素。






    What is a Sense of Self?

    我们的自我意识包括角色、属性behaviors, and associations that we consider most important about ourselves (Ylvisaker, 2006). Examples of things that help to develop who we are as individuals can include our occupations, hobbies, affiliations, abilities, personality traits, and spiritual beliefs. How we identify and how we feel about ourselves is largely the result of our environment and immediate surroundings. For example, if you are a member of an encouraging or nurturing environment you are more likely to feel accepted and self-confident in your abilities. Whereas if you are part of a non-supportive or negative environment, you may have difficulty discovering who you are due to a lack of acceptance and encouragement to explore your interests and positive attributes. Think of a person you know who is confident in their ability to perform a particular task or skill. Chances are this individual has received positive feedback and support from others, which helped to further the development of these skills and foster a sense of identity.


    Your interactions with others can also shape your sense of self. For example, if your family praises your cooking ability you may come to believe that you are a good cook. However, if you were to enroll in a cooking class, your perception of your abilities may change when you are in the company of others with similar or more advanced culinary talents. In this example, your sense of self was altered, though your ability to cook remained the same. Your sense of self was not judged to be true or false, but rather, good enough or not good enough because of the situation. If you truly enjoy cooking, though, and gain some joy from it regardless of who else is in your presence, you are less likely to need encouragement from others because you are motivated from within.

    A sense of self encompasses a child’s self-esteem, self-worth, identity, and self-image. It is a combination of the way children see themselves, their experiences, and their environment and how they feel about themselves. For school-age children, a sense of self is linked to their developing identities, which are becoming increasingly independent from their families.

    根据沟通障碍的研究员Mark Ylvisaker,有七个经验,有助于建设积极和生产性的自我:

    1. 接受和尊重

      The level of acceptance and respect from relevant adults remains a strong contributor to an individual’s sense of personal identity at all ages. Respect for others is communicated through the expression of genuine thoughts and interests as well as holding reasonably high standards for their behaviors and ability levels. Non-judgmental communication and view of families are also important components of respect.

    2. Success with meaningful tasks

      A positive sense of self and self-esteem are ultimately derived from meaningful achievements. As a school-age staff member, you must therefore be creative in identifying activities and tasks in which you can experience meaningful success and ideally a sense of contribution.

    3. Association of positive role models

      People who are reminded of someone with strong values or great inner strength prior to beginning a difficult task tend to put more effort into the task and achieve at higher levels than if they had not had the positive association before beginning the task.

    4. 诚实的反馈

      When giving feedback, it should be honest, respectful, and specific to the task at hand. Rather than saying, “Good job!” to a child who successfully completed a large puzzle, try saying, “Wow! You worked so hard to put that puzzle together. That took a long time and you didn’t give up.”

    5. Genuinely challenging and meaningful tasks


    6. 有意义的同伴互动机会

      Finding opportunities that can contribute to ongoing support from peers can help contribute to a positive sense of self.

    7. 应对失败


    What is Self-Concept?




    社会学家维克托·盖卡斯(Viktor Gecas,1982)认为,成年人能够从多个维度来看待自己,并且能够在这些维度中对自己的能力和价值进行详细的描述。多年的生活经验积累,形成了一个明显的,坚定不移的,现实的自我意识。随着学龄儿童成长为青少年,他们的自我意识会变得越来越复杂,直到成年才逐渐建立起来。


    What is Resilience?


    Every child has an opportunity to develop and enhance personal characteristics and other strengths that act as protective factors or help create a protective barrier to misfortune and change. These strengths, or protective factors, are developed within the context of important, safe and responsive relationships with caring adults. They can also be strengthened by protective factors found within the environments in which the child plays and lives, as well as within the child himself or herself. The within-self-protective factors are closely tied to the development of self and social and emotional well-being.

    What Role Does Culture Play?

    文化有助于定义个人如何看待自己以及如何与他人相处。请记住,个体在许多方面存在差异:语言多样性、文化多样性、性别多样性、宗教多样性和经济多样性(Selmi、Gallagher和Mora Flores,2015)。多样性的所有这些方面共同形成你的自我意识。

    重要的是要承认并理解个人可能不会以同样的方式发展自我意识。一个家庭的文化价值观塑造了孩子的自我概念的发展:文化形状我们如何看到自己和他人。例如,一些文化更喜欢儿童在成年人周围安静而尊重。这并不意味着一个安静的孩子缺乏自信心。重要的是要记住,并非所有家庭都强化了各个主义,竞争和自信的主流文化价值。幼儿学习并吸收向他们讲述的故事经常强调家庭的价值观,影响孩子的自我概念。随着孩子的增长和上学,与同龄人一起度过休闲时间,他们得知别人可能没有与家人相同的价值。例如,有些家庭可以重视学者在运动体育运动中,而另一个家庭可以重视艺术和学习乐器。狗万app怎么下载每个家庭在他们的文化背景中影响孩子的自我概念。Young children may describe themselves based upon their family’s values (for example, a young child from a culture that stresses fitting in with others as a strong value may describe herself as “kind” while another child from a culture that stresses individualism may describe herself as “a good runner”). As a school-age staff member, you assume the important task of nurturing children’s sense of self, and you must carefully observe and listen to each child.

    Two of the most studied aspects of culture related to the sense of self are independence and interdependence. Independence views individuals as separate from one another, and values ideas such as self-esteem, individual choices, and assertiveness. Interdependence means more value is placed on the group, and ideas like conformity, concern for others, and group decision-making are valued. Children come from families and cultures that value independence and interdependence in different ways at different times.

    发展心理学家Catherine Raeff(2010)认为,文化可以影响你、你的同事和你服务的家庭的看法:

    • 关系:Culture influences how you enter into and maintain relationships. For example, relationships may be seen as voluntary or as duty-based. This influences how adults encourage children to form relationships: Do they choose whom to play with or are children encouraged to play in certain ways to promote group welfare?
    • 个性特征:文化影响是否以及如何与谦卑,自尊,礼貌和自信相同的价值特征。文化也影响了你如何感知困难以及你对依赖他人的感受。
    • Achievement:文化影响你如何定义成功,以及你是否重视某些类型的个人和团体成就。
    • 表达情感:文化影响你如何以及是否将感情视为公开的还是私人的。

    Take a moment to reflect on the influence your culture has had on your sense of self. How might this influence your teaching philosophy and expectations in your program?




    学龄员工仿佛不是看这个视频ct on their own and sense of self and the importance of self-understanding for school-age children and youth.


    Staff members provide their views on the importance of sense of self and how it is developed over time.

    Next, this video focuses on how school-age staff members can promote a positive sense of self in their programs. As you watch, reflect on the way you help incorporate children’s family and cultural lives in your program.




    As a school-age staff member, you have the opportunity to support children as they are growing, learning and becoming individuals. School-age children are in a time of their lives when they are learning to take risks and developing and recognizing their own identity. You can support this through your thoughtful planning of experiences and activities for the learning environment. You can also help children by:

    • 塑造支持健康自我形象和自尊的健康行为
    • Creating an environment that encourages children to be individuals—showcase their talents, interests and spark their creativity
    • 在学习环境中培养一种社区意识,在这种环境中,孩子们可以安全地承担风险、分享想法和尝试新狗万app怎么下载事物;这包括对任何类型的欺凌或对彼此的负面行为都不容忍

    Completing this Course

    For more information on what to expect in this course, the Self & Cultural UnderstandingCompetency Reflection, and a list of the accompanying Learn, Explore and Apply resources and activities offered throughout the lessons, visit the School-Age Self & Cultural Understanding课程指南




    在完成以下讲义时,请考虑自己的自我和弹性感,自我反省. 了解我们自己和我们自己的韧性可以帮助我们更好地认识和支持孩子的力量和毅力。与同事、管理员、培训师或教练分享并讨论您的回答。



    我们的自我意识包括角色、属性behaviors, and associations that we consider most important about ourselves. Examples of things that help to develop who we are as individuals can include our occupations, hobbies, affiliations, abilities, personality traits, and spiritual beliefs. How we identify and how we feel about ourselves is largely the result of our environment and immediate surroundings.

    View the定义你的自我意识利用马克·伊尔维萨克强调的八个经历,想想你生命中帮助你成长为今天的人的决定性时刻。想想经历、环境和人际关系是如何在你的经历中发挥作用的。完成后,与培训师、管理员或教练分享您的回答。


    Term 说明
    Self-concept The set of attributes, abilities, attitudes, and values that an individual believes defines who he or she is
    自尊 The aspect of self-concept that involves judgments about one’s own worth and the feelings associated with those judgments
    自我价值 Another term for self-esteem
    自我形象 A mental picture of our own abilities, appearance and personality
    自我认同 一个人是谁,包括他们对自我概念、价值、能力和个性的看法,尤其是在社会环境中








    You are having a family conference with Davinia’s parents. After sharing how you would like to encourage Davinia to be more assertive and feel empowered to make more individual choices in your program, Davinia’s parents express their concerns. They say that is not the way they are raising Davinia. What might be the reason for their concerns?


    Berk, L.E. (2003).Child Development。(6th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

    Gecas,V.(1982年)。自我概念。Annual Review of Sociology, 8, 1-33.

    Harter,Susan(2012年)。自我建构:发展与社会文化基础(第二版)。New York, NY. Guilford Press.

    Raeff,C.(2010)。儿童发展体验中的独立性与相互依存。儿童发展观点。4(1), 31-36.

    Tugade, M. M., & Fredrickson, B. L. (2004). Resilient Individuals Use Positive Emotions to Bounce Back from Negative Emotional Experiences.人格与社会心理学杂志, 86(2), 320.

    Selmi, A. M., Gallagher, R. J., & Mora-Flores, E. R. (2014).所有学习者的幼儿课程:整合游戏和扫盲活动。圣人的出版物。

    Ylvisaker,M.(2006年)。自我指导:一种对环境敏感的,以人为中心的方法来进行脑外伤后的社会沟通。Brain Impairment, 7(3) 246-258.