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    • 描述学龄儿童中的自我感。
    • Define different aspects of positive self-concept.
    • Reflect on ways you and families influence the development of self and how you can work with families to support the development of school-age children’s positive self-concepts.


    Sense of Self and School-Age Children

    Within Lesson One, highlighted was that a sense of self includes the roles, attributes, behaviors, and associations that we consider most important about ourselves (Ylvisaker, 2006). Children begin to develop their sense of self from birth. They are taking in the world around them and developing relationships and likes and dislikes. School-age children are also developing their sense of self, but in a more mature and sophisticated way. For the first time, children are asking the question, who am I? During the school-age years, children are thinking about themselves in a new way. They begin evaluating themselves, their performance and achievements, in addition to comparing them to their peers. In this stage of development, children are demonstrating characteristics, behaviors and emotions that are unique to this age group as well as coping with new pressures. The table below provides examples of characteristics that school-age children are developing as well as the new pressures that they bring.


    • 孩子们开始看到辛勤工作和工作岗位之间的关系。
    • Children become better at transitions and go between the worlds of home, neighborhood, and school with increasing ease.
    • Children are mastering new skills, working towards new goals.
    • 孩子们能够抽象思考。
    • Children are capable of understanding others’ perspectives.


    • Children are coping with academics, group activities, and friends.
    • 孩子们正在掌握新技能,致力于新的目标,同时与他人进行比较并冒险失败。
    • Children see increased focus on grades and performance—academic, social and athletic.

    According to Erikson's theory of psychosocial stages, the developmental goal of school-age children is to fulfill a sense of competency. Between ages 5-12, children shape their sense of self based on their ability to perform and master skills that are valued by the important people in their life or themselves.


    During the preschool years children are able to describe themselves in physical terms, such as physical actions (I can run fast.) and traits (I am a girl and I have brown hair.). Between five and seven years old, self-descriptions will highlight proficiencies, most commonly in social skills and cognitive abilities. During this period, children become aware of cultural values and gender roles and begin to incorporate these views into how they describe themselves.

    年轻的学龄儿童继续看到themselves in an overly positive way and will overestimate their abilities. While their perspective taking skills have increased considerably since the preschool years, they do not yet actively evaluate themselves or compare themselves to others. At this age when children compare themselves to others the purpose is to determine if they are being treated fairly ("His half is bigger than mine!") and to see how others complete a task to help their own performance. They are much more likely to compare their current self with their past self, which contributes greatly to their overly positive and unrealistic sense of self. Before eight years old children see themselves and others in all-or-none ways. While children at this age are able to understand the concept of opposites, they believe it is impossible to be both antonyms at the same time. Their logic tells them "I'm good, therefore I can't be bad;" although at this age they may acknowledge that people can switch qualities on occasion or in the future ("He was such a bad man at the beginning of the story! But now he is nice.").


    Middle to Late Childhood



    All throughout the school-age years significant relationships will continue to have the most influence on a child's sense of self. As a school-age staff member, every interaction you have with each child and the guidance you provide are very important to how the children see themselves. For example, when you help with math homework, you not only help a child learn the content, but can also influence their perception of themselves as successful academically. This is an excellent opportunity to build resilience and help children learn the importance of perseverance and hard work to success.

    Promoting Positive Self-Concepts

    Family, cultural, social, environmental and other factors all play a role in children’s concept of themselves. As a school-age staff member, you have a role in this, too. You will be helping to promote positive self-concepts in school-age children.

    Developing a strong, positive self-concept takes time. Think about what it takes to make you feel confident and secure in a new skill or situation. Usually, the feeling of success and accomplishment gives you the sense of confidence in yourself to try new things, take risks and feel good about your abilities. The same is true for children and their self-concepts. Children and youth need to build up a track record of things that make them feel good about themselves in order to develop a positive self-concept. Children are working to build their track record each day. This is seen in the way children make choices, experience accomplishments, and establish relationships:

    • When children and youth make positive choices,他们对自己感觉良好。随着孩子们的发展和发展,他们对权利和错误的理解也是如此。当介绍选择,行动和决策时,他们开始了解哪条路径是积极和成功的路径,可能会面临负面后果。随着孩子们学会选择积极的道路并从错误中接受并学习,他们开始相信自己。
    • 当儿童和青年成功并经历成就时,他们对自己感觉良好。与积极的选择一样,儿童需要有机会成功,体验成就感。当孩子们努力实现目标并且成功实现它时,他们会觉得他们能够再次做到,尝试新事物,并冒险。
    • 当儿童和青年发展和保持健康的关系时,他们对自己感觉良好。Healthy relationships help children to feel secure and loved. When children have established positive relationships with family, friends, teachers and caregivers, they feel accepted and safe. They know that they will be supported as they try new things, take risks and learn. Children also need to know they have a support system for when they need to ask questions or seek guidance.

    School-age children are becoming increasingly independent. For the first time, children are able to make choices based on their past experiences and knowledge rather than from options provided by an adult. Children are beginning to develop their own identities, establish unique personalities, and enjoy a variety of interests and likes. As a school-age staff member, part of your role is to support their autonomy.

    Maturity and autonomy are closely linked to a positive self-concept because it is all about how children feel about themselves. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, there are key characteristics that help children establish healthy self-esteems. A positive self-concept and healthy self-esteem are necessary for children to establish their independence as they grow into adolescence. The chart below lists the American Academy of Pediatrics’ key characteristics important to developing a healthy self-esteem. On the right side of the chart, you will find examples on how to support these characteristics within the learning environment to encourage autonomy.


    How to support


    • Maintain a safe and healthy learning environment by following safety policies and procedures.
    • 通过每天与他们交谈并学习他们的生命,向所有孩子展示自己关心的孩子。狗万app怎么下载
    • 保持一致并按照您的承诺。


    • 创造一个社区氛围。
    • 作为个人庆祝所有孩子。
    • Implement a zero-tolerance policy on bullying, and promote kindness and character education.


    • 给孩子们在环境中的责任。
    • Ask for input from children when creating activity plans and setting themes.


    • Give children opportunities for success.
    • Have activities that are varied in levels of difficulty so that children can be challenged in a safe way.

    Sense of trust

    • Gain the trust of children by creating an atmosphere based on respect and kindness.
    • Set boundaries that give children opportunities for safe risk taking.
    • 保持一致并按照您的承诺。

    Sense of making real choices and decisions

    • 让孩子有机会选择他们的活动,实地考察等。通过认真对待他们的建议并使用它们来开发活动计划,让他们感到自己的意见和语音。


    • Use positive guidance methods that support school-age children and their ability to regulate their own behavior.
    • 通过教导他们的应对技术,帮助孩子获得自我控制。


    • Provide guidance, encouragement, feedback and praise when children are working hard towards any goal (big or small).

    Sense of accepting mistakes and failures

    • 通过与儿童交谈发生的事情,将错误,挫折或失败进入学习机会。狗万app怎么下载与他们讨论可能改变结果的选择,步骤或决定。
    • 始终谈论孩子在未来会如何不同的事情。这有助于他们将他们目前的情况应用于未来的事件。


    • 家庭是一个孩子的第一个也是最重要的照顾者,教师和倡导者。孩子们需要在家庭单位内感到舒适,喜爱和安全。
    • Work with families to support their needs.
    资料来源:美国儿科学院(2015年)。Caring for Your School-Age Child: Ages 5 to 12。Available at:


    No two children or families will ever be the same in your school-age program and meeting the needs of every individual can seem like a daunting and impossible task. There isn’t one best practice to help children develop a healthy sense of self; it requires many experiences over time. While you will need to pay special attention to accomplishing this goal, the tasks necessary to accomplish this will coincide with a large number of the best practices you do every day.


    • Ongoing nurturing relationships
    • Physical protection, safety and regulation
    • Experiences tailored to individual differences
    • Developmentally appropriate experiences
    • Limit setting, structure, and expectations
    • 稳定的社区和文化连续性
    • Adults to protect the future


    Considering that families have the largest impact upon children’s development, it is critical that they are actively involved in program efforts that promote their children’s sense of self and overall development.


    Establishing and maintaining collaborative relationships between home and school promotes children’s optimum learning and growth. When it comes to families of children with special learning needs, communication is essential. As a school-age staff member, you should gather as much information as possible about the child and their particular needs, as well as accommodations that the family has used in the past. You should also invite the families to share concerns or ask questions.



    Promoting a Positive Sense of Self



    You will offer support through a variety of methods, depending on the child and situation. It is important to remember that all children develop at their own pace and while milestones and characteristics may be similar, all children are individuals with their own life experiences and perspectives.

    • 提供鼓励孩子尝试新事物,take risks, and work towards a goal.
    • 能够响应的情绪健康child. Take time to talk to each child every day, listen to what they have to say and observe how they interact with others. Make sure that children know you are always available to listen if they need an adult to talk to.
    • 对孩子们善良,照顾和放心。在与家庭,工友和其他成年人互动的方式对待每个孩子的尊重和模拟善意。



    阅读附件,Promoting a Sense of Self: Scenarios。In each scenario, reflect on the child and family’s sense of self, and consider how you would promote a positive sense of self. Then look at some of the suggestions provided. Which ones would you try first? What other ideas might you try to support this child and family to support their positive self-images? Discuss your ideas with your coach, trainer, or administrator.



    In the支持积极的自我概念活动, read the American Academy of Pediatrics’ key characteristics that are important to developing a healthy sense of self-esteem. Then, brainstorm ways you can support children develop a healthy sense of self-esteem within your school-age learning environment. When finished, share your responses with your trainer, coach, or administrator.




    真的or False? Offering school-age children activities that are geared at the same level of difficulty helps support their sense of personal competence and pride.







    Berk,L.E.(2003)。Child Development. (6th ed.)。Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

    Brazelton。T. B.&Greenspan,S. I.(2000)。儿童的不可减少需求:每个孩子必须要成长,学习和蓬勃发展。剑桥,马:佩戴斯。

    Harter, Susan (2012).建设自我:发展和社会养殖基础(2nd版)。纽约,纽约。桂福德出版社。

    Kelly, D. (2005). Developing a Sense of Self. National Association of Social Workers Press,.

    Woolfolk, A. (2013). Educational Psychology, 12th ed. Pearson.