- 描述在学龄期学习环境中建立和保持社区意识的必要因素。狗万app怎么下载
- 确定适龄工作人员在学习环境中鼓励友善、安全和保障的方法。狗万app怎么下载
Caring relationships
Structure and safety
Caring Relationships in the Learning Environment
- Always greet children by name as they enter your program. Be sure to make eye contact and smile at each child. When they leave the program, be sure to say goodbye and to have a good day or night.
- 始终保持专业和愉快的形象,以自己的外表为荣。如果你显得草率或匆忙,你可能看起来不高兴在那里。
- 在整个环境中容易看到的地方张贴明确定义的行为期望准则。孩子们需要知道在适当的行为方面对他们的期望是什么。在期望中使用积极的语言,比如“时刻尊重自己、他人和你的环境”,而不是“不打”
- Allow time for the exchange of feelings. It is important for children to feel safe expressing their feelings, talking about what worries them or sharing happy news. Create a time for this whenever possible by having group discussions or a space in the learning environment for sharing and listening.
- Showcase the performance of children. Show children that you are proud of their accomplishments by displaying their work, planning events to show off their talents and informing families of their projects and hard work.
Children also need the safety and structure of a learning community so that they can take risks and continue to grow and develop. As a school-age staff member, you can ensure the environment is safe by following all safety procedures and guidelines. Establishing routines, patterns and expected practices is also a way to help children feel safe in their environment. You can do this by establishing a daily routine and publishing it so children know the expectations and what is coming next. When surprises and transitions are limited, children will feel more comfortable in the environment. For more information on a safe learning environment, you can refer to the Safety course.
Safety in the learning environment means more than just the physical space; it’s a place where children can grow emotionally as well. Children should feel safe enough to share their feelings or take risks, such as making a new friend or trying a new sport. For children to feel safe from emotional harm there needs to be expectations in place to maintain a kind and caring environment. For example:
- 对欺凌行为制定零容忍政策。孩子们必须感到他们可以做自己而不用害怕被欺负。如果你看到或听到欺凌,重要的是你尽快停止这种情况,并遵循你的计划的指导方针欺凌。下面提供了有关欺凌的更多信息。您也可以参考欺凌资源列表附加到本课程以获取更多信息和资源。
- 建立一个持续的项目,激励孩子们对他人友善。许多学校和教育中心都有鼓励孩子们每天都善待他人的项目。这方面的一个例子是“装满你的桶”计划,它邀请孩子们用他们为他人或自己所做的善事装满他们的桶,以此来表达善意并过上幸福的生活。像这样的课程教人尊重和积极的自尊。
- Model respectful behaviors. Children will watch you and learn from your behaviors. It is important that you always behave the way you want the children to behave. Be mindful of your actions, reactions and interactions with others. Always show respect to others and speak in a kind and positive manner.
- 言语的:说或写有意思的东西。这可能包括点名、嘲弄、威胁要造成伤害以及不恰当的性评论。
- 社会或关系:伤害某人的关系或名誉。这可能包括散布关于某人的谣言,让他们难堪,故意把某人排除在外。
- 物理:伤害某人的身体或物品。这可能包括拿走或打碎某人的东西、打、吐口水或推。
- Cyber:利用电子技术进行的欺凌行为。这可能包括在社交网站上发布的谣言、伪造的个人资料、令人尴尬的图片或视频,或者意味着短信或电子邮件。
Visit stopbullying.gov to learn more about how to
- 防止欺凌:http://www.stopbullying.gov/prevention/at-school/index.html
- 应对欺凌:http://www.stopbulling.gov/respond/index.html
- 教导儿童和青少年如何作为受害者或证人应对欺凌:http://www.stopbullying.gov/kids/what-you-can-do/index.html
Children can thrive when they feel safe and confident in their environment. It is important to set clear boundaries and achievable expectations for school-age children. According to the Council on Accreditation’s After School and Youth Development Standards, methods to create boundaries for school-age programs include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Time is set aside to discuss behavior expectations in a way that children and their families can understand.
- 工作人员和儿童共同努力,形成对所有人都有意义的期望。
- 工作人员根据项目中儿童的发展水平设定了切合实际的限制。
- All children are expected to follow the same set of expectations.
- 设置适当的限制,使儿童免受伤害,防止儿童在口头或身体上伤害对方。
Developing a sense of community in a school-age learning environment will take some time, and won’t happen without hard work. You will need to:
- Be consistent and fair when resolving conflicts and communicating behavior expectations.
- 与所有孩子建立积极的关系。
- 坚持对欺凌行为的零容忍政策。
- Reinforce positive behaviors and institute a program that encourages acts of kindness.
- 塑造适当的行为和社交技能。
- 对你的工作充满激情和兴趣。
观察学龄学习环境将使你能够评估你课程的社区方面。查狗万app怎么下载看并完成Observe: The Environment活动并与您的培训师、教练或管理员分享您的工作。
McCloud, C. (2006). Have you filled a bucket today: A guide to daily happiness for kids. Ferne Press.
Council on Accreditation Standards for Child and Youth Development Programs.https://coanet.org/cyd-standards/