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    • 描述游戏和社交情绪发展的重要性。
    • 定义合作学习以及它如何支持社会和情感发狗万app怎么下载展。
    • 确定应包括在促进社会和情感发展的活动和经验中的核心能力。
    • Discuss how you can support the social-emotional skills of children with special learning needs in your program.




    The activities and experiences available in the learning environment should support the social-emotional development of school-age children. Your role will be to observe children in this environment and plan opportunities for them to play, interact, and socialize with their peers.

    The Importance of Play


    Fun objects

    • 练习谈判,轮流,分享,妥协,表达情感,并倾听另一个人的感受等社交技巧
    • 学习ing how to participate in a conversation with another person and understanding when it is time to listen or respond
    • 狗万app怎么下载学习如何在赢得或输掉一场比赛、运动或活动时表现得体
    • 理解公平正义等品质
    • 狗万app怎么下载学习如何遵循规则和发展自我监管
    • 培养移情和动机
    • 提高创造力和解决问题的能力

    Further, research has shown that, in addition to the skills they are learning and developing, there are many other positives from having children engage in play:

    • 从事社会和戏剧性游戏的儿童更能够能够从另一个人的角度来观看情境,并被教师视为更有智力和社会主管。(康诺特利,1984年; Sawyer,2001)。
    • Outdoor play helps improve children’s physical well-being, attention, conflict resolution skills, coordination, and weight (Clements & Jarrett, 2000; Council on Physical Education for Children, 2001; Fjortoft, 2001; National Associaton of Early Childhood Specialislts in State Departments of Education, 2002).
    • Children who play out events in a story have improved story comprehension and develop a stronger theory of mind—which is the understanding that others have different feelings, thoughts, views and beliefs (Pellegrini & Galda, 1980).
    • Positive links between children’s dramatic play and early reading achievement have been found (Pellegrini, 1980).





    • Children increase their friendship and respect for one another.
    • Children’s self-esteem is enhanced.
    • 孩子们有动力参与高阶思维。

    Kids play outdoors with building blocks


    Activities and Experiences

    作为一个适龄工作人员,你会responsible for planning activities and experiences that help promote social-emotional development. Attached to this lesson, you will find a resource list to help plan these kinds of activities for school-age children. Although many of the resources may be focused on children who have difficulty developing social skills, all children can benefit from well planned experiences aimed at supporting a child’s social-emotional development.

    Activities and experiences that help promote social-emotional development are those that include core abilities, such as:

    • 自我意识和自我控制:孩子们意识到他们的感受和行为,并知道如何使用自我控制来规范他们的情绪和行为。
    • Effective listening and observation: Children are able to participate in a conversation and understand the time for listening and responding. Children also understand how to read another’s body language and non-verbal cues.
    • Knowledge of a range of emotions: Children understand a range of emotions, both of their own and their peers and how to respond to another’s feelings.
    • Imagination: Children are able to see things from another’s point of view and empathize with others.
    • Tolerance and acceptance: Children respect and celebrate differences in others.
    • 解决问题:孩子们能够运用思考能力解决问题。

    Although it is good practice to plan experiences and activities that will directly help to promote the social-emotional development of school-age children, it is also important to understand that this will happen naturally in the learning environment. Through play and learning experiences, children will be interacting and observing others, which will give them the opportunity to practice their social skills and behaviors. To support this, give children unstructured time for free play. This will allow conversations and interactions to occur. Use conflicts and situations that arise as a learning experience for children be sitting down to discuss what happened and what could have been done differently. Take time to help children express what they are feeling to one another and always encourage an atmosphere of respect and kindness.


    发育障碍的孩子在您的program may also experience challenges with social-emotional skills. These challenges may affect the child’s ability to benefit from high-quality education and to engage in positive social interactions with peers and adults in your school-age program. Challenging behaviors are typical for children, but some children show persistent challenging behaviors that may affect their overall school experience. It is important to provide children with the support they need so they can benefit as much as possible from their school experiences. For these children, you may need to adapt your curriculum, environment and classroom experiences to enable them to be successful. Think about your activities, transitions, meal times, free-play time indoors and outdoors, or other program events. What are you during these times to ensure you address the needs of all children in your program?



    A caregiver works with a special needs child

    同伴介导的干预涉及策略,其中教师有目的地对有先进的社交情绪技能的儿童与正在进行这些技能的儿童合作。这些策略确保儿童在一天中有多次机会,以在日常生活中练习社交技能。例如,您可以将孩子们支持与朋友共享材料的实践和学习,例如与朋友一起读一本书,在游戏或活动期间轮流或回应朋友的娱乐要求。狗万app怎么下载还记得在考虑使用这些策略时,您应该选择社会能力,符合成人请求,受到其他儿童和同行的人的同行,以及那些拥有良好语言和戏剧技能的人,以及采取“教师”角色的人同龄人。You can teach these children to lead their peers who are practicing and learning social skills by: responding to a peer’s request to play, helping a peer play with a game or activity, suggesting an idea for pretend play, prompting a peer to share a toy, prompting a peer to select a game or activity, or prompting a peer to take turns with an activity or toy.


    Indoor Recess Visual Story

    As you have read throughout the Virtual Lab School courses, it is critical that you get to know the children in your program to be able to support their successful participation in your program experiences. Make sure all children and families feel welcome and involved. The Kids Included Together (KIT) program can be a valuable resource for ideas. You can also consider Building Blocks and Kara’s Kit. These resources from the Council for Exceptional Children Division for Early Childhood provide practical, real world ways to help children succeed in their environments.

    Social-Emotional Development: Experiences and Activities



    作为一个适龄工作人员,你会responsible for supporting the social-emotional development of children. Because social skills are such a core value for human beings, their development occurs naturally when children are given opportunites for interaction, imagination, and play. Your role will be to:

    • 支持children as they develop their social skills by creating an environment bases on respect and kindness.
    • 模型表达情感的健康方式,与他人互动,并应对压力。
    • Plan activities that encourage children to work together in cooperative learning environments. Group children in a way that gives children of varied backgrounds and capabilities a chance to work together and learn from each other.
    • Allow for the development of social skills to occur naturally in the learning environment by giving children time to play and interact in an unstructured way. Give children time to relax, imagine and have conversations with their peers.



    孩子们自然地练习社交情绪技能,同时与他人互动和玩耍。花一些时间观察他们的戏剧。查看并完成探索:播放时间观察activity. Share your finished work with your trainer, coach, or administrator.



    利用您在本课程中学到的信息,为学龄儿童规划适当的合作学习体验。阅读狗万app怎么下载Planning a Cooperative Learning Experienceform and then plan an appropriate activity. Share your finished work with your trainer, coach, or administrator.




    True or False? Play becomes less important as children enter the school-age years.


    A parent asks why you have implemented cooperative learning in your school-age program. How do you respond?




    伯克,L。E(2013). 儿童发展(第9版)。新泽西州上马鞍河:皮尔逊教育公司。

    关注早期学习的社会和情感基础。狗万app怎么下载资源:幼儿园培训模块万博体育全站app. 检索自


    Edwards, C. C., & Da Fonte, A. (2012). The 5-Point Plan: Fostering successful partnerships with families of students with disabilities.Teaching Exceptional Children, 44, 6-13.

    Gray, C. A., & Garand, J. D. (1993). Social Stories: Improving responses of students with autism with accurate social information.关注自闭症行为,8(1),1-10。

    Guralnick, M. J., Neville, B., Hammond, M. A., & Connor, R. T. (2007). The friendships of young children with developmental delays: A longitudinal analysis.Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology,28,64-79。

    Head Start Center for Inclusion. Social Stories. Retrieved from

    Kits Included Together (KIT, 2012).支持ing Children & Youth with Social-Emotional Needs。Kids Included Together & National Training Center on Inclusion. Retrieved from:

    Milbourne, S. & Campbell, P. (2007).卡拉的装备:为日常活动创造适应性. 检索自

    National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. (2012).3-8岁的教师的早期童年总体标准(3rd ed.). Arlington, VA: National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.

    National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning. Materials for Social Emotional Support: (1) Giving Children Responsibilities, (2) Following Children’s Lead, (3) Fostering Connections, (4) Being Aware of Children’s Needs, (5) Creating a Caring Community. Related content online at

    Sandall, S.R., & I.S. Schwartz. 2008.Building Blocks for Teaching Preschoolers with Special Needs。第二次。巴尔的摩:布鲁克斯。

    Watson Institute. Teacher Resources: Behavior Stories. Retrieved from: