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    • 反思建立和维护关系的重要性。
    • Identify the three main types of relationships of a school-age staff member and ways to implement them.
    • Describe the importance of friendships and identify methods to help children make friends.




    Positive Relationships: An Introduction


    1. 成人到儿童关系。这种关系在你和孩子之间的关怀之间。
    2. 点对点关系。这种类型的关系是两个孩子之间。这些关系通常被称为友谊,但并非所有孩子都是朋友。重要的是要促进与所有同龄人的积极关系。
    3. 成人与成人关系。这种关系对于与您的同事,家庭成员和其他专业人员或社区成员的专业关系很明显。

    Adult to Child Relationships


    A caregiver kneels to talk with a crying child护理人员在桌子上玩一个孩子的卡片


    • 帮助孩子们感到欢迎,舒适,支持
    • 认识到积极成就
    • 尊重儿童
    • 听孩子说的话
    • 应对兴趣,接受和欣赏的儿童
    • 一致,遵循你所说的是你会做的




    • 伴侣:Someone to spend their time with, share common interests and enjoy each other's company
    • 一个圣人:有人分享秘密,从事假装玩并分享思想和感受
    • 盟友:有人成为一支球队,面对艰难的任务
    • 支持:在困难时期提供稳定性和动机的人


    As children age, the types of friendships they form change from those rooted in common interests, and often convenience, to those of deeper emotional bonds. The earliest form of friendship, those usually seen in younger school-age children, are formed out of common interests. Children who enjoy the same games, books or sports may bond while enjoying their favorite activities. These friendships are also created out of proximity and convenience and children in the same class or program, or children who live near each other, are more likely to be friends than those that do not. The next stage of friendship development is one of shared values and rules. These types of friendships are rooted in something stronger than a shared interest. They typically appear in older school-age children. These peers bond over similar outlooks on life, values and ethics. Also, children with similar temperaments and play patterns will tend to seek each other out as friends. Around puberty and in the preteen years, children tend to form larger peer groups, sometimes referred to as “cliques.” In many cases, children in a large circle of friends can be highly influenced by each other and often times take on similar ways of dressing, talking or specific behaviors.






    • 连接:Take time to get to know the child’s personality and temperament. Observe the child in the learning environment by watching play patterns, preferred activities and interactions with peers. This will help you to get a sense of who they are, and might help you to match them up with another child. You should spend time talking and establishing your own relationships with these children. They need to trust you so you can help them branch out and make new friends. You will also want to gain a deep understanding of their personality and temperament, something that can only be done through engaging in conversations and participating in activities with them.
    • 表现:鼓励孩子表达自己。在对话期间,重要的是让他们鼓励他们表达自己的感受。您可以通过提出问题和提供动机来完成此操作。它有助于熟悉儿童的兴趣,因此您可以讨论对他们很重要的主题。
    • 闪耀:为害羞闪耀而成为专家的儿童创造机会。一旦你花了时间来了解一个孩子,让孩子出于他或她的壳牌的机会。根据孩子的兴趣,人才或技能,让孩子有机会展示技能或讨论重要的东西。害羞的孩子有时需要帮助自己感到乐意。帮助他们感到重要,特别是提高害羞儿童自尊的一种好方法。
    • Search:Help children find healthy friendships. Use what you know about the children in your program to find good matches for children who are shy. Make sure that you are mindful when setting up children to work together in groups or share activities. Encourage the formation of healthy friendships by pairing a shy child with another child who has similar interests. You may need to give the children conversation starters to help them realize their similarities.



    • obs:花时间观察学习环境中的孩子。狗万app怎么下载观看带来侵略行为的模式或触发器。试着理解他们为什么行动或生气。只要有可能,通过在情况升级之前通过干预来帮助他们避免这些行为。此外,花时间了解他们的兴趣,技能和才能。类似于与害羞的孩子一起工作,您需要建立信任来帮助和发展健康的关系,以便您能够理解其侵略背后的原因。
    • :尝试到解决问题的根源。如果您觉得一个孩子正在积极地表现出来,因为在家或学校可能会有更大的问题,请将其引起主管的注意。与家人会面试图了解问题的原因可能是有益的。
    • 后果:帮助孩子理解如何表达自己or herself in healthy ways and understand the consequences when he or she doesn’t. Give children ways to cope with their anger or frustration so they do not act out aggressively. You can suggest taking deep breaths, reading or writing in a journal. Be consistent in your redirection and consequences. If you tell children that they will not be able to participate in a game if they continue to throw the game pieces, you have to follow through.
    • Set Limits:Boundaries and clear expectations that will help children understand what is expected of them and what will happen if they behave in a positive way. Reinforce positive behavior and redirect negative behavior. Refer to the Guidance course for more information.
    • 控制:一旦你能够了解为什么孩子的表现或做出反应他或她所做的方式,你就可以控制这些行为。您可以帮助孩子通过为他们创造与分享利益,技能和才能的儿童合作来建立友谊。就像与害羞的孩子一起工作一样,这些孩子需要机会成为专家并分享他们的知识,以提高自己的自尊。

    Helping a Child who is Anxious

    As our understanding of mental health has developed, engagement with childhood psychiatric issues has become a regular part of care. You will most likely see a wide range of childhood mental health issues in your experience as a school-age staff member but research has shown that anxiety disorders are the most common type of these issues in children (Piacentini & Roblek, 2002). Children with anxiety disorders may exhibit some of the same behavioral issues as children who are shy or aggressive, such as a failure to speak around others or throwing tantrums. While certain accommodations can be made during program hours, some of the most effective strategies you can employ are forming positive relationships, building trust, and modelling coping skills. Encouraging the child to build friendships with others and strengthen their own coping mechanisms is the key to helping these children reach their full potential within your program. Consider using some of the following strategies to accomplish this goal:

    • 验证和头脑风暴:在忙碌的一天,只需告诉孩子放松,可能很诱人。在患有焦虑障碍的儿童中,这可能只是让他们将他们的焦虑重定向到他们生命中的其他东西上。而不是要求他们抑制他们的焦虑,听到他们的担忧,然后冷静地将他们带到头脑风暴的解决方案与你的担忧。
    • Reframe:就像我们的思想有时如何被带走一样,孩子们可以侧重于假设,“如果......”在经历焦虑时出现问题。鼓励他们思考他们是否是真实的或假设的。要求孩子们标记他们的担忧,练习重塑技能可以帮助他们阻止他们急于思考的思考并导致更大的计划中断。
    • 应对技巧:Teaching children to choose relaxation strategies when anxious can help them build calming skills for the future. Deep breathing exercises, muscle relaxation techniques, and mindfulness practices are all excellent self-soothing strategies. Consider creating stress balls as a craft activity or inviting a yoga instructor to the program as a guest.
    • 同情:Children who experience anxiety may feel alone or isolated. Relate times when you have felt anxious to model for them that anxiety can be overcome. Help them build a library of positive outcomes and be an example of properly dealing with anxious thoughts.

    Adult-to-Adult Relationships



    • 家庭可以成为您的计划窗口进入文化反应的经历。邀请家庭分享有意义的体验。
    • 为您的计划中的儿童家庭提供机会,以满足并相互了解。
    • Invite families to observe and participate in some of your program activities.
    • 送家庭书籍有关儿童的情感和社会情感技能。
    • Encourage families to nurture social-emotional skills at home by extending some of your classroom and school experiences in the home environment.

    A caregiver speaks with a child and his parent


    • 与您的同事联系。在工作人员会议,午休或在职时使用同事与同事分享您的兴趣和经验。解释这些利益如何推动您在程序中为儿童创建的一些体验。了解您在个人级别工作的人。
    • 与同事交流思想,了解促进社会情绪增长的经验。邀请一位同事来到你的房间,观察你的一些活动并给你反馈。为您的同事做同样的要求。
    • 询问教练,主管或培训和课程专家观察您,所以他们可以为您提供有关您对材料和经验的反馈,以促进儿童的社交情绪增长。
    • Acknowledge other colleagues who are doing great things, who offer you guidance and constructive feedback and who inspire you to strive for excellence and be a team player.
    • Keep it professional. Avoid talking about your personal life while at work.
    • Establish lines of communication. Have regular check-ins with other colleagues so you can discuss any concerns before they become problems. It is also good to discuss program planning ideas. Keep families informed by providing regular forms of communication and maintaining an open-door policy.


    The relationships you have with other adults in the program also serve as a way to model healthy relationships for school-age children. Always stay calm, professional and respectful when speaking to another adult and ensure your body language is positive.







    在你的工作,你是负责创建意味着ningful experiences that incorporate opportunities for the practice of social-emotional skills throughout the day. Being a socially-emotionally competent staff member can be expressed in a number of different ways:

    • Taking the time to work on establishing and maintaining relationships with children and colleagues in your program
    • 试图解决问题并解决问题的解决方案
    • Demonstrating flexibility
    • 允许自己犯错误
    • 培养和响应
    • Trying new things
    • Asking for help or support when facing difficulties
    • 帮助其他需要
    • Being willing to accept new or different perspectives
    • 拥抱多样性
    • open
    • 分享自己的情绪和思想



    Helping children establish and maintain positive relationships will require you to observe children in the learning environment. View and complete theobs:R制动活动。完成后,与您的教练,教练或管理员共享您的工作。



    Some children will need your help making friends. Take a look at the帮助孩子交朋友活动。头脑风暴对每种情况的想法。与您的教练,教练或管理员分享完成的工作。






    真正or False? Allowing yourself to make mistakes as a school-age staff member is a characteristic of a socially-emotionally competent teacher.


    Finish this statement: A healthy friendship between school-age children…


    美国儿科学院。(2004)。照顾你的学龄儿童:5-12岁。Schor, E. L., Ed. New York: Bantam.



    Hurley, K. (2018, October 11). Helping kids with anxiety: Strategies to help anxious children. Psycom. Retrieved from

    Joseph,G. E.,&Strut,P. S.(2004)。与幼儿建立正面关系。年轻的特殊孩子7,21-29。

    Joseph,G. E.&Strut,P. S.(2003)。你必须有朋友。早期学习的社会和情感基础的中心:培训材料。狗万app怎么下载
