End of Course Assessments

What is an EOCA?

An End of Course Assessment (EOCA) for Foundational courses is comprised of a series of short-answer and essay-based questions designed to assess mastery of the key concepts presented in the respective course. There is one unique EOCA per Foundational Course for each direct care (Infant & Toddler, Preschool, School-Age, and Family Child Care) Track.


End of Course Assessments are only available to registered users of the Virtual Lab School.

When to Administer

Foundational Courses

Once a direct care staff member has satisfactorily completed all the lessons within a particular course, the trainer, coach, or administrator will then administer and proctor the End of Course Assessment.

Completion of a lesson for center-based direct care staff and home-based providers includes viewing, reading, and understanding all materials presented in the Learn, Explore, and Apply sections; correctly completing the Demonstrate questions; completing any required activities; reviewing activities with trainers or coaches; and having the trainer, coach, or administrator certify that the user has achieved competency within the lesson topic.


Focused Topics Courses

Once an enrolled user has satisfactorily completed all the lessons within the Supporting Children with Challenging Behavior, Sexual Development & Behavior in Children and Youth, or Trauma-Informed Care in Child Care Settings course, the End of Course Assessment will automatically be made available to the user.

Completion of a lesson for all registered users includes viewing, reading, and understanding all materials presented in the Learn, Explore, and Apply sections, and correctly completing the Demonstrate questions. Lessons in the Focused Topics courses are automatically marked as complete when a user successfully completes the Demonstrate questions.

一旦令人满意的主题课程内的所有课程都令人满意地完成,Eo万博体育下载手机版Ca就可以向登录用户提供。三个目前可登名的专注主题课程要么万博体育下载手机版VLS AssessedorTCS Assessed.

TheVLS AssessedEOCA is comprised of ten multiple choice questions and is evaluated by the VLS system. Upon successful completion of aVLS AssessedEOCA, the system will automatically award the course certificate to the user (Direct Care, T&CS or Program Manager). T&CSs or Program Managers will have unlimited attempts to successfully display master on theVLS AssessedEOCA. Direct Care users will have three attempts to successfully display mastery on theVLS AssessedEOCA, then a T&CS must open additional attempts. If additional attempts are necessary, direct care users are encouraged to seek guidance and support from their trainer, coach, or administrator. ForVLS AssessedEOCAs, mastery is achieved when a user correctly answers at least 80% of the questions.

TheTCS AssessedEOCA includes a combination of multiple choice and short answer questions. TheTCS AssessedEOCA must be reviewed and approved by a Training & Curriculum Specialist in order to achieve course certification. To help trainers, coaches, or administrators evaluate the strength of direct care users' responses in aTCS AssessedEOCA, the VLS offers a set of suggested answers for the EOCA. The suggested answers provide guidance for trainers, coaches, and administrators on what to look for when reviewing learners' EOCA responses. There are no points assigned to each answer. Installations, Services or programs may have more specific guidance regarding how to evaluate the EOCA as it relates to the user's appropriate display of knowledge.

EOCA Access

Only VLS-registered trainers, coaches, or administrators have access to the End of Course Assessment in the Foundational courses or in currently enrollable Focused Topics courses. There are no corresponding End of Course Assessments for lessons in the Training & Curriculum and Management Tracks because those Tracks are self-certified. Lessons in these Tracks appear as complete on a user's progress dashboard once the Demonstrate questions within the respective lesson are correctly completed.

三船used Topics: Supporting Children with Challenging Behavior, Sexual Development & Behavior in Children and Youth, and Trauma-Informed Care in Child Care Settings contain EOCAs. EOCAs in these three courses are automatically available to enrolled users upon completion of all lesson.Military-affiliated registered users can use their Service-specific procedures to track professional development and use the Clock Hour documents provided within theUser Resource Kit.