Approving & Certifying User Progress

If you are a Direct Care User looking for information on lesson approval and certification, please take a look at theDC: Lesson Approval & Certification帮助文章。


在TC / PM可以批准或不赞成课程之前,必须是DC用户注册in the respective track and course by a TC/PM before progress is recorded; and the DC user must follow these steps:

  • 学习:阅读整个课程并观看视频
  • Explore & Apply: Complete the exercises marked ‘required’ for the lesson and review with the trainer, coach, or supervisor.
  • Demonstrate: Correctly answer all demonstrate quiz questions.
  • 请求审核:单击将位于课程底部或用户在仪表板中的进度详细信息中的请求查看按钮。请求审核仅在完成上述要求后出现。注意:有些课程没有必要的活动,并在正确回答所有展示问题时自动认证。

一旦直流用户请求审查,TC / PM的用户at the program will receive a notification in their activity log and the approval controls will be available when viewing the DC user’s progress dashboard.



  1. 导航到您的员工名单。
    1. Use your account drop-down menu in the top-right header and choose My Staff Roster.
  2. 单击您希望注册的员工的“查看配置文件”。
  3. 向下滚动用户的仪表板,然后单击“查看进度详细信息”。
  4. 单击要注册的课程旁边的注册列中的注册图标。如果您希望在集中主题课程中注册员工,请单击进度部分顶部的聚焦主题选项卡。万博体育下载手机版
    1. The enrollment button functions as a toggle. Any unenrolled courses will be enrolled when you click the enroll button. Any enrolled courses will be unenrolled when you click the enroll button.
  1. Sign In.
    1. 首先,登录VLS站点。
  2. 导航到您的员工名单。
    1. Click the profile icon next to your name in the top right site-header.
    2. Click “My Staff Roster” from the drop-down user-menu.
  3. Navigate to the staff member's profile.
    1. 单击“员工名册”+'“切换以扩展您要审核的员工的程序。
    2. 单击工作人员的“查看配置文件”按钮。
  4. 向下滚动以找到用户的进度部分。单击“查看进度详细信息”。
  5. 定位项目等待审核。
    1. 向下滚动以定位进行中课程包含的pendinglesson to be approved.
    2. 单击“课程”+'“切换以展开并查看课程的课程。
      1. “Details” will expand to show all the required activities for each lesson, indicating that the direct-care staff member is expected to have turned in and/or discussed each activity with his or her TC.
  6. 批准或不赞成。
    1. 单击复选标记以批准课程,或X以不赞成。
      1. 一旦课程获得批准后,稍后没有选择返回并拒绝。
      2. 不赞成将课程的状态设置回来进行。用户可以在他或她准备批准时提交新的批准请求。通常,TC将利用现有的教练关系与工作人员合作,以澄清为什么课程未获批准以及需要填写的内容,以便获得批准。
  1. Sign In.
    1. 首先,登录VLS站点。
  2. 导航到您的员工名单。
    1. Click the profile icon next to your name in the top right site-header.
    2. Click “My Staff Roster” from the drop-down user-menu.
  3. Navigate to the staff member's profile.
    1. 单击“员工名册”+'“切换以扩展您要审核的员工的程序。
    2. 单击工作人员的“查看配置文件”按钮。
  4. 向下滚动以找到用户的进度部分。单击“查看进度详细信息”。
  5. 找到已准备好认证的待处理课程。
    1. The course will show as “pending” as long as all lessons in the course were approved as “complete”.
    2. 选择“课程”+“切换以扩展课程的课程,评估和资源。
    3. Assessments will be available towards the bottom of the list with a status of “Pending”
  6. Certify Course.
    1. 选择复选标记按钮以开始认证过程。
    2. 在弹出屏幕中选择“批准”以完成课程认证。
      1. 注意:在任何环静脉下无法撤消课程认证。
  7. 查看课程证书。
    1. 经过认证,颁发课程证书。用户可能会在其进度仪表板上查看其证书;TCS或PMS还可以在其名单中查看用户的证书。

The VLS currently offers tracking and certification for three of our Focused Topics. Supporting Children with Challenging Behaviors, Sexual Development & Behavior in Children and Youth and Trauma-Informed Care in Child Care Settings. Focused Topics courses are either VLS Assessed, with an End of Course Assessment (EOCA) containing only multiple-choice questions that are automatically evaluated by the Virtual Lab School system, or TCS Assessed, with an EOCA containing a combination of multiple-choice and short answer questions that must be reviewed and certified by a direct care user’s Training & Curriculum Specialist or Program Manager. Within the currently enrollable Focused Topics courses, the EOCAs for Direct Care users are VLS Assessed, with the exception of the Supporting Children with Challenging Behaviors course which is TCS Assessed. Training & Curriculum Specialists are required to review and approve the End of Course Assessment (EOCA) for the Supporting Children with Challenging Behaviors course.

Other courses are automatically certified by the VLS systemif the Direct Care staff member demonstrates Mastery of the course content on the EOCA.. If the Direct Care staff member does not demonstrate Mastery after 3 attempts, the program’s Training & Curriculum Specialistwill have to unlock their EOCA for the Direct Care staff member to attemptthe EOCA again. Prior to unlocking the EOCA, the T&CS should offer coaching support to the staff member on key concepts from the enrolled Focused Topics course. See Unlocking Focused Topic EOCA for more information.

In order to approve the submitted Supporting Children with Challenging Behaviors EOCA:

  1. Navigate to your staff member’s Progress page.
  2. 选择“进度”部分顶部的万博体育下载手机版聚焦主题选项卡。
  3. 通过选择“课程”+“切换以扩展和查看课程的课程,扩展有挑战性行为课程的支持子。
  4. Scroll down to the Assessments section. The status will show as “Submitted” once the Direct Care user has completed the EOCA.
  5. Expand the Assessments by selecting the “Details ‘+’” toggle.
    1. You will see a list of attempts, each with its corresponding date.
  6. 选择“查看响应”以查看此特定尝试的提交的答案。
  7. Review responses to the Multiple Choice section and Short Answer section and select Approve or Disapprove accordingly at the bottom of the page.
    1. The Multiple Choice section will display the direct care user’s selected answers and whether the user answer each question correctly or not.The correct answers will be provided to the T&CS to help trainers and coaches offer individualized coaching support to staff around these concepts.
    2. The Short Answer section will display the user’s response as well as the “suggested responses” from the VLS team. Trainers should evaluate staff member’s responses as compared to the suggested answers displayed. Approving the EOCA will immediately certify a course.
    3. 不赞成EOCA will give your staff member the chance to retake it at their own convenience.

The Sexual Development & Behavior in Children and Youth and Trauma-Informed Care in Child Care Settings courses are automatically approved by the VLS system if the Direct Care staff member demonstrates Mastery of the course content on their End of Course Assessment (EOCA). If the Direct Care staff does not demonstrate Mastery after 3 attempts, a program’s T&CS or Program Manager will have to unlock their EOCA for the Direct Care staff member to attempt the EOCA again. Prior to unlocking the EOCA, the T&CS should offer coaching support to the staff member on key concepts from the enrolled Focused Topics course.


  1. Navigate to your staff member’s Progress page.
  2. 选择“进度”部分顶部的万博体育下载手机版聚焦主题选项卡。
  3. 单击课程名称旁边的“解锁VLS评估”按钮。这将允许直接护理人员征收课程评估结束。
    1. 您可以通过选择“课程”+“切换以展开并查看课程的课程来审核您的员工对过去的EOCA尝试的回答,然后通过选择”详细信息“+”切换“展开”课程“部分来展开”评估“部分。查看响应按钮将在列表中的每次过去尝试旁边使用。

In order to enroll in a Focused Topic course as a trainer or coach, Training & Curriculum Specialist and Program Manager staff members must read through and complete the first lesson of a course. The Focused Topic course will show as Enrolled after the Demonstrate quiz in Lesson 1 is successfully completed.

在目前可放弃的专题主题课程中,培训和课程专家和计划管理人员的EO万博体育下载手机版CAS都是评估的所有VL。T&CS和Program Managerswill必须在每个集中的主题课程结束时课程评估结束时展示掌握。但是,请注意,T&CS和计划管理人员在展示掌握主题课程中的掌握时无限制地尝试,以获得认证。万博体育下载手机版