Staff Management Overview

虚拟实验万博体育下载手机版室的学校(VLS)旨在empower all child and youth care education professionals as they build their knowledge and skills around research-based practices. While all Virtual Lab School content is available to the public, currently only individuals employed by military child and youth programs are eligible to create a VLS user account (SeeAccount Registration Availability). A Virtual Lab School account provides a platform for Training & Curriculum Specialists and Program Managers to coach and track the progress of Direct Care staff members as they build their knowledge of child care practices.

Check if User Already Exists in VLS System Before Adding New Account

培训和课程专家和程序经理可以从他们的名单页面添加新用户帐户到他们的程序(见Create New User). When a staff member joins a program, first determine whether or not the staff member already has a Virtual Lab School account. Duplicate accounts cannot be combined, even if both accounts belong to the same person. Duplicate accounts add unnecessary complexity of the course certification process.

To Add Existing Account into Staff Roster at Your Installation, First Coordinate with Staff at Previous Installation to Deactivate Account

只要要传输的用户帐户首先被TCS或PM工作人员在上一个网站上的员工首次停用,培训和课程专家和计划管理人员可以将账户从其他安装或服务转移到他们的安装或程序中。(看到Add, Transfer, or Reactivate Users).

Confirm Staff Email Addresses Are Correctly Entered & Operational Before Adding New Accounts

It is important for Training & Curriculum Specialists and Program Managers to ensure that new accounts are accurately entered into the system. To create a Virtual Lab School account, new staff members must first have a valid email address . This allows the VLS system to promptly deliver an account activation email. If the VLS system is unable to deliver the account activation email, then the new account will be temporarily blocked (seeAccount Email Blocked), and the Training & Curriculum Specialist or Program Manager who created the account will have their account creation abilities temporarily revoked (seeAccount Creation Suspension). If the new account was created with a misspelling or wrong email address, the Training & Curriculum Specialist or Program Manager can immediately clear the block by editing the new account (seeCorrecting New Accounts). Otherwise, the new staff member will have to email VLS Support to clear the blocked account. The Training & Curriculum Specialist or Program Manager must always email VLS Support in order to regain their account creation abilities.

Can I Resend an Account Activation Email?

If needed, Training & Curriculum Specialists and Program Managers can resend an account Activation Email from the ‘User Management’ menu located within a staff member’s profile.

Training & Curriculum Specialists and Program Managers have the ability to edit all information associated with staff members’ accounts within their programs. The ‘Edit Account Settings’ screen is located under the ‘User Management’ menu within a staff member’s profile. From here, Training & Curriculum Specialists and Program Managers can change a staff member’s email address, name, position, password, role, enrollment track, and assigned location (see编辑工作人员的帐户详细信息). Changes to a staff member’s enrollment track should only occur after any pending requests for lesson approval are resolved in order to avoid losing their progress. If a staff member has lessons pending review, a track change will cause their progress to be lost, and any requests for review will have to be reissued (see切换角色和曲目欲获得更多信息)。




If a staff member needs to set a new password and is unable to do it themselves, a Training & Curriculum Specialist or Program Manager can send them a Forgot Password email from the ‘User Management’ menu located within a staff member’s profile. Training & Curriculum Specialists and Program Managers can also directly set a password for a Direct Care staff member from the ‘Edit Account Settings’ screen. If a staff member forgets the email address associated with their account, Training & Curriculum Specialists and Program Managers can see the email address from the user’s profile (seeLogin Issues)