

记住,每个学龄项目都是不同的。咨询你的教练、教练或管理员关于你的计划的期望。正如本节课所讨论的,你也可以和学龄儿童和青少年一起选择时间表。不要害怕改变日程安排的流程,进行测试,然后与孩子、青少年、他们的家人和你的工作人员一起检查,看看它是如何工作的。下面是一些适合学龄儿童发展的时间表的例子。请注意,这里的时间块是指南;记住,你要提供一致的日常安排,但也要灵活。放学前看护6:00-7:30:到达(例如,签到,放好物品,洗手)室内自由选择,可提供不同的计划活动开放零食作为一个选项(每个儿童和青少年都被询问)7:30-7:45:收集物品,为天气准备衣服,换乘公共汽车或客货两用车放学后看护2:45-3:00:到达(例如,签到,放好物品,洗手) 3:00-3:30:户外游戏(自由选择,有一些计划好的活动)3:30-3:45:从课外班会过渡到课堂时洗手,分享当天的活动; children may share progress on particular projects  3:45-4:45: Indoor free choice time (open snack offered during this time and a few small-group planned activities)  4:45-4:55: Clean-up, leaving two open activity areas for the end of the day 4:55 -5:30: Outdoor play (free choice)  5:30-6:00: Wash hands during transition in from outside Two free-choice options available Child pick-up, clean-up as children leave  Extended Care and Summer Care Programs 7:00-8:30: Arrival (e.g., sign-in, put away belongings, wash hands) Indoor free choice with different planned activities available Open snack available as an option (each child and youth is asked)  8:30-8:45: Morning group time Class meeting to share activities of the day; children may share progress on particular projects  8:45-9:45: Indoor free choice time Also planned small-group activities, projects  9:45-10:00: Clean-up, transition to outside  10:00-11:00: Outdoor play (free choice with some planned activities available)  11:00-11:15: Transition inside, wash hands, gather lunch  11:15-12:00: Lunch  12:00-12:45: Quiet activities (e.g., silent reading, small-group reading, quiet art projects, and math games) 12:45-2:00: Outdoor play (free choice with some planned activities)  2:00-2:15: Transition from inside, wash hands  2:15-4:00: Indoor free choice with several planned activities; also planned small-group time with projects Activity to help make snack Open snack offered from 3-4 4:00-4:15: Clean-up, leaving two open activities for the end of the day  4:15-5:30: Outdoor play (free choice)  5:30-6:00: Wash hands during transition in from outside Two free choice options available Child pick-up, clean-up as children leave  *Summer or extended care schedule may vary to include field trips, swimming, water play, etc.