This lesson may have content specific to certain audiences. Differences between audience views may be subtle or non-existent. Please select your audience:


    • 定义儿童虐待和忽视,包括家庭and institutional abuse and neglect.
    • Describe your legal and ethical obligation to report abuse and neglect wherever it occurs.
    • 识别防止儿童虐待和忽视的保护区因素。
    • Describe training requirements for staff and your responsibility regarding training.





    • Help you understand what child abuse and neglect is
    • Help you understand your responsibilities in reporting and preventing abuse and neglect
    • Help you understand your training and professional development responsibilities for staff members who work with children ages birth to 12 years

    作为培训和课程专家,您将拥有教学人员如何识别,报告和回应儿童虐待和忽视的疑虑的作用。要有效地完成工作,您必须了解虐待儿童和忽视。要记住你是一个授权的记者也很重要。这意味着您有法律要求报告对适当的当局的滥用或忽视的怀疑(例如,儿童保护服务MIL, Military Family Advocacy programs, or your Reporting Point of Contact in Army programs). If you are unsure whether something is abuse or neglect, or rather an infraction of a policy, you may want to discuss this with your supervisor. You never have to seek permission to report. If YOU think a case of abuse or neglect has occurred, you are required to report it properly.

    The following sections define child abuse and neglect. All direct care staff members have read identical definitions, so you can communicate a consistent message with this content.

    What is Child Abuse and Neglect?

    The U.S. Federal government defines child abuse and neglect as:

    Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse, or exploitation, or an act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm.

    Source: Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) Reauthorization Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-320), § 3.

    Take a minute to reflect on that definition. What are your impressions of the federal definition? What does it mean? Let’s explore each part in more detail:

    • Any recent act or failure to act:这让我们提醒我们,虐待和忽视是两个截然不同的概念。一个孩子可能会受到击球或踢的公开行动的伤害,但是当一个成年人未能提供孩子的幸福时,孩子也可能受到伤害。
    • 在父母或看护人的一部分:Remember abuse and neglect can happen anywhere and by anyone. Abuse does not just happen at the hands of a parent or family member. Abuse and neglect can be committed by anyone who is responsible for the care of a child. This might be a teacher, coach, faith leader, or any other individual in a caregiving or supervisory role.
    • which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse, or exploitation
    • or an act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm:We don’t have to wait for tragedies to strike. If a child is in serious risk of harm, it can be considered abuse or neglect.

    This definition is the minimum federal standard. States and government departments can develop their own more specific definitions of child abuse and neglect.MILIn your workplace, you will observe and follow the Department of Defense definitions of child abuse and neglect.


    Child abuse and neglect includes physical injury, sexual maltreatment, emotional maltreatment, deprivation of necessities or combinations for a child by an individual responsible for the child's welfare under circumstances indicating that the child's welfare is harmed or threatened. The term encompasses both acts and omissions on the part of a responsible person. A child is a person under 18 years of age for whom a parent, guardian, foster parent, caretaker, employee of a residential facility or any staff person providing out-of-home care is legally responsible. The term child means a natural child, adopted child, stepchild, foster child or ward. The term also includes an individual of any age who is incapable for self-support because of a mental or physical incapacity and for whom treatment in a medical treatment facility is authorized.

    According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesMILand the military Family Advocacy Program, child abuse and neglect generally falls into one of these four categories:


    Neglect includes the failure to provide for a child's basic needs despite being financially able to do so. Neglect may be:

    • Physical, when an adult fails to provide necessary food, shelter, or appropriate supervision
    • 医疗,当成人未能提供必要的医疗或精神健康治疗时
    • Educational, when an adult fails to educate a child or attend to special education needs
    • Emotional, when an adult fails to provide attention to a child's emotional needs, fails to provide psychological care, or permits the child to use alcohol or drugs


    Physical abuse is defined as non-accidental physical harm to a child by actions such as:

    • punching
    • beating
    • kicking
    • biting
    • shaking
    • throwing
    • stabbing
    • 窒息
    • hitting
    • burning

    Emotional Abuse


    • Ignored: An adult may not look at or respond to a child.
    • Rejected: An adult actively refuses a child by denying their needs or ridiculing them.
    • Isolated: A child is prevented from having interactions with peers, family members, or other adults.
    • Exploited or corrupted: A child is taught or encouraged to engage in illegal or inappropriate behaviors like stealing.
    • Verbally assaulted: An adult constantly belittles, shames, ridicules, or threatens a child.
    • Terrorized: An adult threatens or bullies the child and creates a climate of fear; the child or a loved one may be placed in a dangerous situation or threatened with harm.

    Sexual Abuse


    • Fondling or groping a child's genitals
    • Making a child touch an adult's sexual organs
    • Penetration of any kind that does not have a valid medical purpose
    • Incest, rape, and sodomy
    • Exposing one's self to a child
    • Exposing children to pornographic material
    • Deliberately exposing a child to the act of sexual intercourse
    • 在孩子面前自慰
    • Involving a child in prostitution
    • Involving a child in the production of any sexually explicit images

    Where Does Child Abuse and Neglect Occur?

    Child abuse and neglect can happen anywhere. You should be familiar with two distinct types of abuse and neglect: Familial and institutional. The two are distinguished by who is suspected of committing the act and where the suspected act occurred.

    Familialabuse or neglect occurs in a child’s home. The act of abuse or neglect is committed by a parent, guardian, or family member.

    Institutionalabuse or neglect occurs outside the home in community or private settings. This type of abuse or neglect is also known as “out-of-home” or “extra-familial” abuse or neglect.MIL在本课程的其余部分,机构滥用将指虐待或忽视,可能发生在国防部的设施,计划或活动部门。本课程将重点关注虐待或忽视,可能发生在儿童开发中心,家庭儿童保育家庭,赞助的外地旅行和学龄儿童护理计划中。万博体育下载官方网站但请记住,该机构滥用也可以在安装家庭作业或计算机中心,指导或辅导计划,体育计划,教堂计划,侦察兵,士气福利和娱乐计划,青少年中心和青年方案中。This type of abuse typically involves a child and an adult in a supervisory role, like a teacher, caregiver, or volunteer.

    You will learn more about institutional abuse in the last lesson of this course and in the Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Course. However, there are a few things you should know as you begin this course. There are certain types of guidance and discipline that have the potential to inflict harm and model aggression. When staff members use aggressive techniques with children, they and their families learn that aggressive responses to behavior are OK. That is not the message we want to send children and families. The following practices have no place in programs and may be considered child abuse or neglect:

    • 体罚: Staff may not, under any circumstances, strike, hit, whip, spank, or use any other form of physical punishment on a child of any age.
    • Withholding physical needs: Staff may not, under any circumstances, withhold food, sleep, physical activity or other needs like toileting from a child as punishment.
    • 大喊大叫,羞辱、贬低或威胁一个太极ld:在任何情况下,工作人员都可能不会对他或她的身体或心理安全作出儿童恐惧。工作人员可能不会称呼儿童伤害名称,威胁孩子,或让孩子感到羞耻。
    • Isolating a child: Staff may not punish a child by leaving him or her alone (i.e., leaving a child on the playground alone because he did not line up with the group) or by putting the child in “time out” in an enclosed space like a closet, restroom, or cardboard box.
    • Binding or restricting a child’s movements:通过防止他或她能够移动或说话(即,覆盖孩子的嘴或带胶带的手),员工可能不会惩罚儿童。

    If a staff member is accused of child abuse or neglect, they can expect to be removed from direct contact with children while an investigation is underway.

    Who is At-Risk?

    Child abuse and neglect can happen to anyone. There is no “typical” abuser or victim. There are some situations that are associated with higher levels of risk for abuse or neglect, though. Understanding who is more at-risk for abuse and neglect can help us provide extra support to children and families who are experiencing stress. We can think of risk occurring at several levels: individual, family, and community.

    Individual:三个类别的孩子更危险experiencing child abuse and neglect: young children, children with disabilities, and children with challenging behavior. This means children who have a difficult time communicating, controlling their emotions, following directions, or getting along with others might be at-risk. The adults around them might get frustrated easily or not know how to help the child. We must be careful to remember this does not mean that the child causes the abuse and neglect. The child is never to blame. It also does not mean that only children in these categories are abused or neglected. Rather, we must remember to provide extra support to families whose children meet these characteristics.

    家庭:也有一些成年人的特征are more at-risk for committing abuse or neglect. Adults with little knowledge of child development or a history of maltreatment as a child are at increased risk for committing child abuse or neglect. It is important to remember, though, that not all adults who were abused as children go on to abuse their own children. Adults with substance abuse, mental health issues, or a harsh approach to discipline may also be at risk.

    Abuse is more likely to occur in families that are socially isolated. A family might be socially isolated for many reasons: a recent move or deployment might separate them from extended family and friends, long or unpredictable work schedules might prevent them from having social opportunities, or they might not know how to reach out to others. Child abuse and neglect is also more likely to occur in families that have experienced other forms of domestic violence, like violence against a spouse or partner. Families experiencing stress (like unemployment, birth of a new child, marital conflict, or deployment), poor parent-child relationships, and negative interactions also are more at-risk for abuse or neglect to occur.

    Community:Community risk factors include community violence, high levels of poverty, high levels of mobility and housing instability, high unemployment rates, and poor social connections. Community risk factors can add increased stress on families. Abuse and neglect is more likely to occur when stress is high or access to necessary resources is low.

    What are Protective Factors?

    Take a moment to reflect on the risk factors you just read about. If you could think of ways to counteract or cancel out those risk factors, what would they be? What types of characteristics minimize the risk for child abuse and neglect? Researchers and policymakers have spent a lot of time thinking about these questions. As a result, the Center for the Study of Social Policy has developed the Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework to prevent child abuse and neglect. It is important to understand this framework because it can help you see that the high-quality, family-centered work that you do every day in your program makes a difference in the lives of children and families. Our job is not only to care for each child but also to provide care and support for the whole family. The Strengthening Families Protective Factors framework gives us tools and ideas to support families.

    There is a resource in the Apply section for you to download and read to learn more about the Protective Factors Framework. Here is a brief overview of the five protective factors that help prevent child abuse and neglect in families. When these five factors are strong, families are better equipped with the skills and supports they need to protect their child from abuse and neglect.

    Strengthening Families Protective Factors(图1)

    1. 父母的弹性

      Families are able to manage stress and bounce back from challenges.

    2. 对儿童发展和养育的知识

      Adults know what to expect as children grow and are able to meet their child's needs at each stage of development.

    3. Social Connections

      Families know there are people who care about them and who they can call on for help.

    4. Concrete Supports in Times of Need

      Families can get the help they need when crises strike: food and shelter, medical and mental health services, social, legal, and educational resources.

    5. Social and Emotional Competence of Children

      Social and emotional development promotes healthy relationships with others. Children with strong relationships, who can regulate their own behavior, express their emotions, and relate to others are at lower risk of maltreatment.

    What is My Role in Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect?


    You will learn about reporting procedures in subsequent lessons. For now, it is important to recognize that you have an obligation to report your suspicions of child abuse and neglect.

    On military installations, you may also work closely with staff of your installation’s Family Advocacy Program (FAP) to create a climate that promotes reporting. Watch this video to learn more about FAP’s scope and mission.

    Scope and Mission of Family Advocacy Programs

    学习about the scope and mission of FAP

    A major part of your role is training, supporting, and strengthening staff. You will ensure staff members participate in annual child abuse and neglect trainings. It is also likely that your will be the first person staff members come to when they are concerned about a child or family. You have an important role to listen actively, take concerns seriously, and provide staff with the professional and emotional support they need during stressful times. You will learn more in Lesson 4 about the signs of stress and how you can help staff members build resilience.


    模型a Commitment to Keeping Children Safe

    You are a mandated reporter and a role model for staff members. If you suspect child abuse or neglect, you must make a report. You must also provide staff members with the information and support they need to make a report if they suspect child abuse or neglect. You will learn more about reporting in subsequent lessons, but for now understand that you play a critical role in building a program culture that prioritizes each child’s safety.

    模型Collaboration with CommunityMILor InstallationOrganizations

    You are a mandated reporter, and so are all installation law enforcement personnel, physicians, nurses, social workers, school personnel, Family Advocacy Program and Children, Youth and School personnel, psychologists, and other medical personnel. In some services and on some installations, all service members are mandated reporters.

    Clearly, there are many other professionals who share your mission to protect children from harm. You can build relationships with these other professionals and share resources. Reach out to your local FAP office. Learn about how they can support your work with children and families.

    Training and Curriculum Specialists also have an important opportunity to partner with Prevention Education trainers and FAP clinicians. Some program staff members may view FAP as dealing only with families in the aftermath of violence, but, in reality, FAP has just as much focus on prevention and supporting healthy familial interactions. FAP has general counseling for individuals, couples and families dealing with life transitions or long-term mental health issues. FAP is designed to provide educational, group, or counseling servicesan incident of abuse or neglect occurs. You can refer families to FAP even if no abuse or neglect is occurring. You can also refer families of infants and toddlers to the New Parent Support Program on many installations. The offer many support groups and trainings, and they can partner with you to provide staff trainings.

    Clearly, there are many other professionals who share your mission to protect children from harm. In your community, law enforcement personnel, physicians, nurses, social workers, school personnel, and medical personnel are usually mandated reporters. You can build relationships with these other professionals and share resources. Learn about how they can support your work with children and families.


    What do programs that promote the Protective Factors Approach look like? Watch this video to find out.


    学习about how you can learn with FAP on your installation


    Make sure staff members fulfill their annual training requirements for child abuse and neglect identification and reporting. This is more than just offering training and making sure basic requirements are met. Make sure staff members really understand what they are looking for and how to respond if they have a suspicion of abuse or neglect.

    Also be sure to observe staff members for signs of stress and provide them with the professional and emotional support they need. You will learn more about this in Lesson 4.

    Continue working through this course and the Child Abuse Prevention course to learn more about how to observe and support staff members.

    Completing this Course

    For more information on what to expect in this course and a list of the accompanying Learn, Explore and Apply resources and activities offered throughout the lessons, visit the Training & Curriculum Specialist Child Abuse: Identification & ReportingCourse Guide.

    To support the professional development of the direct care staff members or family child care providers you oversee, you can access their corresponding Course Guides:



    Throughout the next five lessons, you will learn about “Braden and Bethany’s Story.”

    This is a fictionalized account of actual events that occurred on a U.S. military installation. The names, exact dates, locations, and service-specific terminology have been changed or neutralized. To create the activities in this and subsequent lessons, we started with the facts of a real criminal investigation and lawsuit. What you will read here goes beyond the facts recorded in the criminal case by imagining details of individual’s thoughts, feelings, and actions. Although much of what you will read here is fiction, the sequence of events is very real.

    This activity introduces you to Braden and Bethany’s story. Some direct care staff members have read the same scenario in their lessons, but they will answer different reflection questions. This story has been specifically chosen to highlight in the T&Cs track because this family’s experiences might be applicable across your work with different age groups. The family had children of different ages in a variety of child and youth programs. The purpose of this activity is for everyone to be familiar with the facts of a real case and to reflect on issues that are relevant to their roles.

    Download and print theCase Study Reflection activity. Read Braden and Bethany’s Story. Then answer the reflection questions. We also encourage you to read the suggested responses from experts. These will provide additional information and extend your learning.



    Before identifying and reporting child abuse and neglect, you must have a basic understanding of the terms. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has created a fact sheet with a definition and types of child abuse and neglect. Download and print the滥用事实表as a resource for your professional library.

    You can also download and print a two-page description of theProtective Factors Frameworkapproach to learn more about that important model for your work.


    Term Description
    Child Abuse 任何最近的行为或未能采取行动,导致死亡,严重的身体或情感伤害,性虐待或剥削或行为或者对行为的行为,这呈现出严重伤害的迫在眉睫风险
    Emotional Abuse A pattern of behavior by adults that seriously interferes with a child’s cognitive, emotional, psychological or social development
    家庭虐待 虐待或忽视是儿童父母,监护人或家庭成员的犯罪
    Imminent risk There is substantial evidence that a child is in immediate danger
    Institutional Abuse Abuse or neglect that occurs by someone outside the home who is responsible for the care or supervision of the child (a teacher, caregiver, coach, priest, etc.)
    Neglect Failure by a caregiver to provide needed age-appropriate care despite being financially able to do so or offered financial or other means to do so (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2007)
    身体虐待 Non-accidental trauma or injury
    Protective Factors Conditions or attributes of individuals, families, communities, or society that mitigate or eliminate risk and increase the health and well-being of children and families
    Risk Factors Conditions or attributes of individuals, families, communities, or society that are associated with increased risk of abuse or neglect
    Sexual Abuse The involvement of a child in any sexual touching, depiction, or activity




    Read the following statements from staff members. Which of the following do you think could be examples of child abuse or neglect? Choose the best answer.


    Which of the following is not an example of child sexual abuse?


    After your annual child abuse training, Gabby comes to you visibly upset. She confides in you that the training was very emotional because she was abused as a child. True or false: You should move Gabby to a job without contact with children because she is very likely to commit abuse.


    Which of the following is an example of institutional abuse? Choose the best answer.



    References & Resources:

    Center for the Study of Social Policy (n.d.). Strengthening Families: A Protective Factors Framework.

    疾病控制和预防中心。(2013)。Violence Prevention. Retrieved from


    Harper Browne, C. (2014). The Strengthening Families Approach and Protective Factors Framework: Branching out and reaching deeper. Washington, D.C.: Center for the Study of Social Policy. Retrieved from

    Military Family Advocacy Programs. Retrieved from:

    Seibel, N. L., Britt, D., Gillespie, L. G., & Parlakian, R. (2006). Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect. Washington, DC: Zero to Three: Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families.

    U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2012). Child Maltreatment 2011.
