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    • 教员工定义和描述了小鬼ortance of families across programs.
    • 模型策略,促进家庭欢迎,尊重,协作和包容性氛围。
    • 观察并提供关于员工展示的家庭中心实践的反馈。狗万充值平台



    当你听到这个词时,你的想法是什么家庭吗?也许个人的想法affected and shaped your life, or images of people coming together to celebrate holidays and other significant events; maybe smells of home-cooked food, memories of conversations or arguments you had with loved ones, feelings of love, joy, or sadness.



    考虑一下这个词的意思家庭。美国人口普查局将一个家庭定义为一群由出生,婚姻或采用相关的两个或更多人,居住在一起。全国幼儿教育协会表明,“术语家庭可能包括除父母之外的成年人,负责参与教育,培育和倡导儿童”(第3页)。研究和与家庭一起学习和合作的研究人员将它们定义为“将自己视为一个家庭的两个或更多人以及家庭常见的职能。这些人可能或可能与血液或婚姻有关,也可能或可能不会与众不同“(Poston等,2003,p。319; Turnbull,Turnbull,Erwin,&Soodak,2006,p。7)。支持家庭的团体和组织,甚至这些组织收集数据来支持家庭,并不总是一定要同意构成一个家庭的内容。对于一个人来说,一个家庭可以包括一个不与婚姻,采用或生物学相关的亲密朋友。对于另一个人来说,一个家庭可以成为一个已婚夫妇,居住在一起。


    当我们谈论鼓励家庭的福祉时,返回和思考家庭结构的变化动态有助于。作为婚姻,合作和分娩之间的协会在过去五代发生了变化,家庭结构通过同性恋夫妇家庭,具有共同监护权的家庭变得更加多么多样化或多样化,议员有不同移民身份的家庭以及其中的家庭父母有多个合作伙伴的孩子。今天,40%的孩子现在出生于未婚父母。请注意,各种各样的家庭结构中的一些班次对家庭并不总是挑战,但家庭复杂性有时与父母未婚伙伴的虐待风险有更多的关联,从非居民父母和其他因素中不太关注。像'家庭的概念一样,家庭幸福的概念也在挑战定义。在您在程序中看到它时,您可能会认出它。或者您可能会识别家庭何时缺乏家庭福祉的某些方面。当您想到如何最好地与家庭和模型与员工一起互动,考虑您的计划在加强计划家庭保护因素方面的作用。与积极家庭运作相对应的许多行为可以“教授和加强教育”。 (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2019, p. 42).

    Most of the staff members you work with will see families daily. Although most interactions on a typical day are brief and casual, they have a large impact on your program’s climate and on children’s outcomes. Relationships with families are widely recognized by professional organizations and accrediting agencies as a cornerstone of quality programming in child development and school-age programs. This is so because children and youth develop in context; all of the systems they encounter (home, community, school, child care, places of worship, etc.) affect their development (Bronfenbrenner, 1994). How these systems interact with each other makes a difference, too. Think about how all children learn from watching adults interact.


    What a child or youth learns:




    I am respected here.

    A family member volunteers a skill (reads to children, tells a story in a native language, brings in materials).

    My family is important here.


    A family member returns a survey about family needs, preferences and program options.

    It’s important to communicate and OK to ask for help.

    My voice is heard here.

    A family attends a planning meeting for program changes.




    My community is important here.

    My child’s program is a part of my community.

    We want families to be so much more than consumers of our program’s services. We want them to be partners in promoting program excellence.



    Family-centered practice is “a philosophy or way of thinking that supports practices in which families are considered central and the most important decision makers in a child’s life. More specifically, this philosophy recognizes that the family is the constant in a child’s life and that service systems and providers must support, respect, encourage, and enhance the strengths of the family” (Sandall, Hemmeter, Smith, & McLean, 2005).

    Throughout the Virtual Laboratory School, we consider family-centered practice as an umbrella term that encompasses the beliefs and actions of people in your program. Consider this graphic:




    • 我们了解家庭的想法和偏好。
    • 我们在编程中提供选择。
    • 我们涉及计划领导的家庭。
    • We involve families in decision-making.

    Families are unique and their differences enrich our programs.

    • 我们尊重和尊重多样性。
    • 我们涉及孩子生命中的所有重要人物。
    • 我们聘请并涉及家庭。
    • We develop responsive and reciprocal relationships.
    • We represent families in our programs.

    Families are resilient.

    • 我们了解家庭的优势,需求和环境。
    • 我们将家庭与资源连接。
    • 我们建立家庭的优势。

    Families are central to development and learning.

    • We share information with families.
    • 我们听家人。
    • 我们将家人视为孩子的第一任教师。
    • 我们尊重家庭对孩子的专业知识。


    • We use respectful, responsive, and two-way communication.
    • We reach out to families.
    • We involve families in all aspects of our program.

    Family-centered practice involves much more than simply ensuring that families are involved in your programs. It involves designing your program with the belief that families are central to everything you do. Of course, you want families to attend events, return paperwork, and talk to their children about the programming day, but ultimately, your goal is deeper and broader than simple involvement. You want families to feel invested in your program. You want families to feel that the program contributes to their well-being, and that they contribute to the program’s well-being.

    This information must be communicated to staff members. It is important that your program has clearly-articulated policies for engaging families as partners. For example, your program might have policies regarding family participation in decision-making councils , responding when a family has a concern about their child, or gathering information from families about their needs and preferences . You should work with your program director to make sure you understand and can teach these policies to staff members.

    Diversity in Families


    • Composition (who is a member of the family)
    • 种族和种族
    • 社会经济状况
    • 性取向
    • Ability or disability
    • 学历
    • Values and traditions
    • Child-rearing practices




    Modeling Family-Centered Practices





    这training and curriculum specialist and manager greet families by name as they arrive.


    I am respected by everyone here.

    这training and curriculum specialist greets a family member who arrives unexpectedly and walks with him to the classroom to visit his son.

    Families are always welcome.





    这training and curriculum specialist asks a parent if she has had time to fill out the family survey. The training and curriculum specialist reminds her of where and when she can return it.

    Getting input from families is a priority here.





    A training and curriculum specialist participates in a community event or takes interest in a family’s traditions.


    My child’s program is a part of my community.


    • A training and curriculum specialist remains silent when a staff member complains about a family.
    • A training and curriculum specialist focuses on paperwork and ignores a family as they walk down the hall.
    • 培训和课程专家劝阻一个家庭在白天检查孩子。
    • 培训和课程专家鼓励工作人员在不评估家庭利益的情况下计划家长教育活动。
    • A training and curriculum specialist joins in gossip about a family in the program.
    • 培训和课程专家向一个愤怒的父母保证一名员工,愤怒的父母会很好,并说他们“一直抱怨他们自己的声音”。


    • 家庭总是受欢迎;他们不需要邀请
    • 家庭是专家,当涉及他们的孩子,你和员工应该重视他们的意见
    • Families provide valuable input for continuous improvement
    • Families need to know everything regarding their child; they are not on a need-to-know basis
    • Families are decision-makers; not just information sources
    • 家庭需要不同程度的参与;缺乏参与并不意味着他们不在乎
    • Families may not be able to ask for what they need; we may need to ask them


    • 创造一个热情的环境。迎接家庭,挂起建筑物的地图,为父母提供一个空间,以收集和获取资源。
    • 交流。翻译所有书面材料,并具有可用于面对面交互的翻译。请父母与他们沟通的最佳方式。倾听家庭,并收集关于他们与您的经验的反馈。
    • Share decision-making. Incorporate families’ voices in program leadership and policy-making.
    • 教育。提供育儿技能的信息或课程。
    • 支持learning at home. Provide tips on reading at home, offer suggestions for help with homework, encourage cooking activities at home, etc.
    • 对家庭的需求敏感。识别并响应家庭对余下的编程,部署支持,家庭宣传等的需求。
    • Model self-reflection. To work effectively with individuals from a diverse background, you must evaluate your own beliefs and potential biases.
    • Model respectful information gathering and sharing. Families generally have information to share about their children. If you are not in a position to gather this information personally, you can encourage staff to ask families about family routines, important family events, and important relationships.
    • Model respectful language and interactions. Avoid language that might stigmatize families. For example, avoid calling a biological parent the “real mom” or “real dad.” Answer questions about differences honestly. Speak up if you hear disrespectful language or broad overgeneralizations about groups of people or families.



    You play an important part in creating a respectful community


    Honoring Families: Training & Curriculum Specialist’s Role

    You can honor and represent families in all of your programs


    For more information on what to expect in this course and a list of the accompanying Learn, Explore and Apply resources and activities offered throughout the lessons, visit the Training & Curriculum Specialist Family Engagement课程指南




    花一些时间来反思家庭在课程中的角色。您的计划如何符合家庭参与?使用Reflecting on Families’ Roles in Your Programactivity as you answer the questions and think about how families are considered in your program. Share your thoughts with an administrator to begin thinking about how to improve experiences for families.



    您可以通过简单地询问员工如何支持他们与家庭的合作方式对家庭参与产生重大影响。该策略还模拟了他们可以与家庭一起使用的平行过程。这Family-Centered Practice:职员存货can be used to gather information from the staff members you work with. Make adjustments in your practice based on the responses you receive from staff.

    你也会找到一个家庭互动最佳实践清单 you can use to learn about staff members’ strengths and needs related to this course.


    学期 Description
    Culture A set of attitudes, beliefs, values, goals, and practices shared by people in a place or time
    Families 为儿童或青年提供监护护理的人。这可能包括生物或养父母,祖父母或对孩子的关心重要的任何其他人
    Family-centered practice A philosophy or way of thinking that supports practices in which families are considered central and the most important decision makers in a child’s life. More specifically, this philosophy recognizes that the family is the constant in a child’s life and that service systems and providers must support, respect, encourage, and enhance the strengths of the family
    家庭订婚 持续,基于力量的家庭与儿童计划之间的伙伴关系;计划致力于聘用,以有意义的方式涉及家庭,家庭致力于积极支持孩子的学习和发展狗万app怎么下载
    父母 A term used interchangeably here with families
    宽容 一个接受信仰或行为不同的from one’s own









    References & Resources

    Bronfenbrenner,U.(1994)。人类发展的生态模型。在国际教育百科全书中,卷。3,2ndEd. Oxford: Elsevier.

    Forry, N. D., Moodie, S., Rothenberg, L., & Simkin, S. (2011). Family Engagement and Family-Sensitive Caregiving: Identifying common core elements and issues related to measurement, Issue Brief OPRE 2011-26b. Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

    Forry, N. D., Moodie, S., Simkin, S. & Rothenberg, L. (2011). Family-Provider Relationships: A multidisciplinary review of high quality practices and associations with family, child, and provider outcomes, Issue Brief OPRE 2011-26a. Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.



    Kreider, H., & Westmoreland, H. (Eds.). (2011). Promising Practices for Family Engagement in Out-of-School Time. Information Age Publishing.

    National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2019). Strengthening the Military Family Readiness System for a Changing American Society. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

    National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse. Retrieved from


    Sandall, S., Hemmeter, M. L., Smith, B. J., & McLean, M. E. (2005). DEC recommended practices: A comprehensive guide. Longmont, CO: Sopris West.

    Turnbull,A.,Turnbull,R.,Erwin,E.J.,&Soodak,L. C.(2006)。家庭,专业人士和异常性:通过伙伴关系和信任的积极成果,5TH.编辑。上部鞍河,新泽西:皮尔逊教育,Inc。

    U.S. Department of Education: Parent and Family Engagement. Retrieved from