
    • 定义家庭参与
    • 教人员员工参与家庭的价值和重要性。
    • 模型包容,接纳、文化敏感,and responsive practices towards families.
    • 观察and provide feedback on staff members’ family engagement strategies.


    Family Engagement: What Is It?



    • 教师,家庭和社区之间的强大,信任关系
    • Recognition, respect, and support for families’ needs, as well as differences
    • Strength-based partnership where decisions and responsibility are shared
    • 活动,互动和支持增加家庭参与他们孩子的健康发展
    • 家庭对孩子的学习负责狗万app怎么下载
    • 致谢,家庭参与对家庭和早期护理和学习计划有意义,有利于狗万app怎么下载


    为了帮助确保家庭致力于他们的孩子的学习并从事儿童发展和学龄方案,应邀请家庭参加他们觉得最舒适的水平。狗万app怎么下载参与是否为每月会议或参加父母咨询委员会?(并与所有父母共享的母公司咨询委员会会议纪要?)参与意味着捐赠饼干的烘焙销售吗?和班级一起去实地考察?对于家庭来说,对于他们所能做的方式并选择参与和参与 - 将他们的孩子每天携手共同分享他们的担忧或在委员会任职时,这是非常重要的。





    Including Families in Your Programs

    在儿童发展和学龄计划中包括父母和家庭有很多理由。家庭通常对儿童的发展产生最大的影响。家庭参与与儿童的积极成果相关联,包括儿童发展,态度和行为的更好的结果。此外,家庭参与学校可以帮助改善学校计划,学校环境和教师(Hanson&Lynch,2004; Turnbull,Turnbull,Erwin,&Soodak,2006)。

    儿童在家庭单位内发展,对每个孩子都有不同。由于孩子的整个家庭可以影响他/她的发展,因此重要的是考虑承认的方法,并在您的计划中包含不同的家庭类型。在整个这一系列的课程中,我们使用这个词familyto refer to important people in children’s lives. These people can be parents, siblings, guardians, extended family members such as aunts or cousins, and other individuals who are involved in children’s lives.

    Relationships With Families

    Think about a relationship you have with someone special and how it developed. What is it about this person (their characteristics and their actions) that supported your relationship development? Was this person upbeat, consistent, flexible, respectful, a good listener, reliable, honest? Some of these same characteristics and supportive interactions can lead to positive, trusting relationships with families.

    要有效地与家庭建立关系,您必须帮助工作人员反思他们对家庭的想法。您可以花时间与他们一起思考自己的家庭和家庭关系的重要性和影响。例如,请求工作人员反映出问题,“What messages did I receive about relationships from my family and culture?”Do I build relationships and interact with others in the same way important adults interacted and behaved with me when I was a child (e.g. playful, joking, patient, honest, cautious)?


    The next step is helping classroom staff get to know the families of children. Understanding families will help the staff build relationships. Each family brings a variety of experiences, such as education, health, and skill levels. Families structures also vary; birth, blended, kinship, partnership, adopted and foster families are represented in many programs. Staff should actively get to know the family members in the child’s life.

    Some families will be open and willing to share information about themselves; however, you will find that other families will be more private. You must help staff members convey two important messages to families: (a) we respect your decision to share information with us about your family practices and (b) we accept your family practices. This will help families feel that your program values them and their practices.


    您还可以确保家庭有权访问,并提供可理解,有意义,特定于自己的孩子的发展信息。考虑通过定期沟通,贷款图书馆,定期通讯或其他此类通信策略与家庭分享信息的尊重方式。第三课,与家庭沟通, will offer additional information and ideas for sharing developmental information with families.

    Family engagement starts by meeting families where they are and engaging them in interactions and experiences they choose and that feel most comfortable to them. When families have trusting, consistent, and responsive relationships with others (such as community members, service providers, caregivers, teachers), they are more likely to have positive relationships with their children. In essence, if you think of yourself in partnership with families, you will be attuned with family-centered practice that you learned about in lesson one. The benefits are rewarding!

    Children are born into families



    When they share what they know, everyone benefits.


    Sometimes these goals may differ.


    模型Welcoming Families

    Begin by thinking about what it might mean for families and new parents to consider your program for their child. Families often experience uncertainties and feel scared when seeking a child development or school-age program for their child. You can do the following to help staff members support families during this sensitive time:

    • Invite families tovisit在孩子开始日期之前。出席有关该计划课程和编程的问题。
    • 鼓励工作人员将家庭发送个人欢迎笔记,以便在该计划中的每个孩子送一个个人欢迎笔记。提供静止,并确保工作人员有受保护的时间来写出笔记。
    • 关于如何与家人共享信息participate in the program. Work with management and a family advisory group to brainstorm ways families might enjoy being involved.
    • Provide tools or mechanisms for staff members to ask families about their child’s例行,优势,兴趣,喜欢和不喜欢。
    • 了解您的计划中使用的家用语言,并帮助员工了解key words and phrasesto use in the program.
    • 调查有关他们的家庭通信偏好。与管理层一起工作,以确保为更喜欢这些方法的家庭维护更新的电子邮件通信列表或电话树。
    • Maintain afamily bulletin board借助关于当前计划活动,即将举行的会议和活动以及家庭感兴趣的社区机会。
    • 展示照片of children and their families in program spaces– hang them on the wall where they can be seen or in durable photo books that children can hold and explore in the lobby.

    模型Encouraging Families to Be Involved

    Families want to be included and involved in child development and school-age programs. There are a number of ways to encourage and support family participation, such as:

    • Inviting family members to share special talents (e.g., play an instrument, read a book, sing, engage in an art activity)
    • Offering family members jobs (e.g., help repair broken toys, create books or special photo albums)
    • Inviting families to observe their children with you or staff members
    • 要求家庭根据他们的优势和利益帮助计划他们的选择
    • Creating and sending out a short survey to families asking about their ideas and suggestions for ways they might like to participate
    • Scheduling opportunities for families to join their children breakfast, lunch, or snack
    • Encouraging families to share suggestions or concerns with you




    模型Respectful Information Gathering & Sharing


    • Relationships with other family members
    • Family routines and practices
    • 课堂外或计划之外的重要家庭活动

    For young children, you might also encourage staff members to ask:

    • How the child can be comforted
    • 孩子如何受例程的影响和常规变化
    • Does the child have any fears


    • 他们的思想,信仰或对友谊和约会的担忧
    • 他们认为随着孩子的增长,他们认为的独立性是多少


    You must also be prepared to help staff members share information with families respectfully. This will be covered in more depth in the next lesson.


    You can also model inclusive, respectful language. You should:

    • 使用显示尊重家庭的语言。避免可能羞辱家庭的语言。例如,避免将生物父母称为“真正的妈妈”或“真实爸爸”。
    • Answer questions about differences honestly.
    • Speak up if you hear disrespectful language or broad overgeneralizations about groups of people or families. Simply saying, “Why do you say that?” or “What makes you think that?” can open a conversation and build opportunities for reflection.



    • 展示或参与文化庆祝活动或事件。
    • 将材料从课堂和程序中的不同文化中的纳入其中。来自世界各地的乐器,服装,面料,艺术或玩具可以增加兴趣和荣誉差异。
    • Involving families in events. Invite families to share skills, talents, interests, or cultural traditions.


    Now that you have heard about the importance of engaging families, take some time to reflect on how that actually looks in your work. Read these three vignettes. The vignettes represent the range of ages you might support in a child development or school-age program. Think about what you would say and do to support the family and the staff member.




    Several of the families in your program are relatively recent immigrants to the U.S. They grew up in families of migrant farm workers and often lived in small spaces with large extended families. In their families, infants were not laid on the floor. It was not considered safe or healthy for the infants. This feeling carries over to your program: These families do not want the infants to be placed on the floor. They want infants carried, held, and rocked.

    You Say

    Say to the family:

    "I understand your concerns. We want to follow your wishes for your child. Our program is carefully designed, so your baby is safe at all times. Let's talk about how our program is designed to keep your baby safe and healthy while in different spaces with opportunities for physical movement and exploration."


    Take Action:

    • 与工作人员讨论家庭偏好。帮助他们了解为什么家庭感受到这种方式。
    • Work with staff to develop strategies that are safe and respectful to the families' preferences but that also acknowledge your program's commitment to providing a wide range of experiences.
    • Brainstorm with families and staff about whether families feel comfortable if infants play on mats in a protected area.



    A new child enters your preschool program. His mother stays in the classroom all morning. At lunch, the child seems disoriented. His mother quickly sits down next to him and starts feeding him. She does not speak fluent English, so she just smiles and continues feeding her son.

    You Say


    • To the mother:"Thank you. We are happy to have you here."
    • 工作人员:“要耐心,让我们一起工作,帮助这个家庭感到舒适。”


    Take Action:

    • 与工作人员合作,了解家庭的文化和文化期望,就像喂养和厕所等行为。
    • Encourage staff members to continue building a relationship with the mother, encouraging her involvement in the program, and to find community resources and translations of materials for the mother.
    • Develop a picture book to share with the mother and child about what happens at the program. This will help the child feel comfortable in routines, and the mother can read the pictures to him in her own language.


    School-Age Scheduling Goals

    A parent is concerned about the school-age program. She thinks her son should complete all of his homework immediately after school. Once his homework is completed, she wants him to read and do additional academic work that she provides. She thinks the other program areas are wasteful.


    You Say


    • “我们都希望为你的儿子最好。告诉我更多关于你的目标在这里的目标。”


    Take Action:

    • 与两个家庭分享信息,了解不同计划领域的目标。
    • 与第一个母亲和孩子合作,制定适用于所有各方的计划。



    Take some time to think about how culture might influence interactions between families and staff members. Read the scenarios in theHelping Staff Engage Families活动和写作如何回复每个工作人员。




    另见托儿所意识Key Family Engagement Features & Indicators in Quality Rating and Improvement Systemshttp://usa.childcareaware.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Key-Indicators-Features-Table.pdf


    学期 Description
    文化 A set of attitudes, beliefs, values, goals, and practices shared by people in a place or time
    Family engagement 持续,基于力量的家庭与儿童计划之间的伙伴关系;计划致力于聘用,以有意义的方式涉及家庭,家庭致力于积极支持孩子的学习和发展狗万app怎么下载
    Tolerance An acceptance of beliefs or practices different from one’s own




    真的or False? As a supervisor, trainer, or coach you need to put a plan into place to engage families in your program.





    References & Resources

    Gonzalez-Mena, J. (2008). Diversity in Early Care and Education: Honoring differences. Boston, MA: McGraw Hill.

    Halgunseth,L.,Peterson,A.,Stark,D。,&Moodie,S.(2009)。家庭参与,多元家庭和幼儿教育计划:对文献的综合审查。Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children and Pre-K Now.

    Hanson,M. J.,&Carta,J. J.(1995)。解决具有多种风险的家庭的挑战。特殊儿童,62,20-212。

    Hanson,M. J.,&Lynch,E. W.(2004)。了解家庭:多样性,残疾和风险的方法。巴尔的摩,MD:Paul H. Brookes。

    Harry, B., Rueda, R., & Kalyanpur, M. ( 1999). Cultural Reciprocity in Sociocultural Perspective: Adapting the normalization principle for family collaboration. Exceptional Children, 66, 123-136.

    Kalyanpur, M., and Harry, B. ( 1999). Culture in Special Education: Building reciprocal family-professional relationships. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing.


    Kreider,H.,&Westmoreland,H.(EDS)。(2011)。Promising Practices for Family Engagement in Out-of-School Time。Information Age Publishing.


    Tabors,P. O.(2008)。一个孩子,两种语言:学习英语作为第二语言的儿童早期教育者的指南。狗万app怎么下载巴尔的摩,MD:Paul H. Brookes。