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    • 教staff members the importance of strong communication skills.
    • Model good communication strategies with staff members and families.
    • Observe and provide feedback on staff members’ communication with families, including during conferences or meetings with families.



    The Importance of Communication


    Positive communication and relationships with families help to build trust. Trust is an important part of helping to make sure that you (a) maintain partnership with families and (b) work as a team with families to help children meet their goals. Trust between families and staff makes parents feel good about the program and its ability to meet their child’s needs. In your role, you should prioritize creating and maintaining trust with全部families.

    在你的程序中,应该有一个特定的plan as to how to engage families throughout the year. Though families’ participation is voluntary, it is your job to make them feel welcome by actively encouraging involvement. Program activities should reflect families’ interests and motivate them to participate. Additionally, your program may have a family involvement committee. This committee is composed of family members who encourage communication and involvement with the goal of strengthening and supporting the well-being of children and families. This committee is a resource and asset to your program and the staff as families may discuss issues or concerns and suggest changes to improve family satisfaction and involvement. Refer to your program’s policies to determine your role in creating a plan to increase family involvement.


    When issues come to your attention, you will need to gather as much information about the concern as possible so you understand what the true problems are and how to support communication between those involved. You may need to meet with families, staff members, and administrators. A meeting with the family and staff members can allow everyone to share their feelings and agree on a plan for resolution.

    当家庭成员语音不容易解决的问题时,必须完成必要的文书工作。您需要帮助员工了解如何完成本文档并在出现疑虑时提醒他们此责任。课堂工作人员可能需要行政援助。一些工作人员比其他工作人员更有可能寻求帮助,对您来说沟通适当的时期是重要的。您处于一个重要地位,不仅有助于解决家庭和工作人员之间的疑虑,而且还可以帮助教师利益将来使用技能。When you have the opportunity to talk with staff members about a concern, help the staff member (a) process his or her emotions, (b) think about the family’s position on the matter, (c) think about the causes of any misunderstandings, and (d) to empathize with the child and family.

    Finding the “Right” Time to Communicate with Families

    Although communication with families should be ongoing throughout the year, you should help staff members understand the appropriate times for certain conversations with families. For example, imagine staff members are having discipline problems with a child. The staff members might feel it is appropriate to discuss this at pick-up time. This approach, however, does not allow the parents to prepare themselves for the conversation. Talk with staff members about planning ahead for difficult conversations: how will these conversations be planned? Where and when are they best to occur? Who will be involved? When staff members need to discuss serious issues with families, a formal discussion should be scheduled. This will maximize the likelihood that all parties will be satisfied with the outcome. Parent will feel respected and able to prepare in an environment that focuses on outcomes and collaboration. This kind of outcome cannot occur at the end of the day during pick up.



    Help staff members prepare and organize for the meeting.
    • 确保他们有可与家人分享的具体示例,文档和照片。角色扮演工作人员他们将如何谈论每件事。确保工作人员已经确定了反映孩子发展和能力的材料。一名工作人员向您展示了一块材料,释放您所听到的并锯。有工作人员是否确认您所理解的是准确的。如果你误解了一些东西,请帮助工作人员完善他们的沟通,直到它对你很清楚。
    • 确保工作人员制定了会议的基本议程。父母很忙,被组织有助于保持会议在轨道上,并使它有价值而有意义。
    • Brainstorm questions parents may have with the staff member. Role play is a great way to do this. Find appropriate resources the staff member might need for the conference.
    教staff to use the “Sandwich Approach”
    • When sharing difficult information with parents, it is best to “sandwich” it between two pieces of positive information about their child.
    • Brainstorm positive information with the staff member in advance of the meeting. Help them practice sharing information in a natural way.
    Support staff during the meeting
    • In some programs you will be expected to attend parent conferences. In others, your attendance may be optional. If it is optional, offer to attend the meeting if you are needed or requested. Be supportive, listen actively, and help the staff member feel confident.
    • Express that you are on a team with the goal being the child’s success.
    Help staff members stay calm
    • Don’t engage in arguments. If you feel tension start to rise or notice an unkind comment from any party, use one of the communication strategies in the next section to diffuse the situation. You might say, “I can tell that this topic is important to all of us. Let me see if I understand the situation…”
    Be available to families and staff members after the conference
    • Staff members may need to debrief or brainstorm. Families may need additional information or to discuss their child’s care with you. Provide ways for people to reach you after the meeting: in person, email, or over the phone.



    You are a role model for staff. Your communication skills can make a difference in your program. Some things you can do to promote good communication include:

    1. Provide specific and factual information (example: I saw Pedro sitting quietly during circle time today!)
    2. Ask questions (example: Are you concerned about something?)
    3. Paraphrase (example: If I heard you correctly, you are worried that the other children aren’t treating Mia nicely.)
    4. Encourage the person to continue talking (example: Tell me more about what makes you think Ms. Jones doesn’t like Anthony.)
    5. Think about the person’s point of view (example: Think “This mother wants the best for her son even though I disagree with what she’s saying.”)
    6. Respect cultural and family communication differences (example: Ask a parent how, what, and with whom he or she wishes to communicate.)

    It is important that you also model fair behavior when talking about families when they are not around. It is easy to become defensive or critical of others. It is also natural for staff members to want to “vent” about families to someone who will understand. But staff members should hear you speak positively about families to demonstrate your respect for families. Even though you may not agree with a family member’s behavior or you may be frustrated with a family situation, speaking negatively about family does not help the situation. Instead, you can model empathy by talking about what the concerns are and what you are able to do to help.

    家庭成员可以成为情感因素related to a child’s experience, especially when families don’t trust staff or there is a problem with communication. Staff members may have a difficult time responding to a family member’s emotions. A situation like this might be an ideal time for you to model good interaction skills. When responding to emotions, there are two important things you should do: identify the person’s feelings and acknowledge the feelings. This validates the person’s feelings. When dealing with others’ emotions, avoid an emotional response. It can be easy to get defensive or feel offended, but thinking carefully about your response will reduce the chance of the issue becoming more intense. For example, consider if a mother gets angry during a meeting. She begins yelling and accusing the staff of being incompetent. After gathering some information (using the tips above), you could say, “Ms. Adams, it seems like you’re upset that Kamaya isn’t making the progress that you hoped she would. I understand why you feel this way, and we’re going to talk about what we can do as a team to help.”


    Families want to be engaged and involved in your program. This video has a two part structure: you will hear from families and then you will hear from a Training & Curriculum Specialist about how you can engage families in your role. The Training & Curriculum Specialist in the first video refers to a program that they use in their center to engage families. (“WIN - Why I’m Needed”). Does your program have any programs that help families understand how valued they are in your program?

    Engaging Families: Training and Curriculum Specialist's Role

    Learn the impact of family engagement and strategies to involve families

    Engaging Families: When Concerns Arise

    Listen as a Training & Curriculum Specialist discusses common concerns



    Staff members sometimes struggle to remain objective and fair with families. It’s not uncommon to vent sometimes. Read the statements in the Reframing Activity. Then describe what you would say and do to help staff members move toward supporting and communicating with families. Compare your responses to the answers provided.



    Help staff members communicate with families. You can use or adapt theFamily Inventory表格,以帮助工作人员收集信息和开放关于家庭兴趣的沟通线。你也会找到Tips for Conferencesguide. Share it with staff members as they prepare to meet with families.


    学期 Description
    Empathize To try to feel what another person is feeling; to “put yourself in another’s shoes”
    Model To show someone how to do something by actually doing it in front of the other person
    Paraphrase To say the same thing that someone else said, but using different words
    Partnership 两个或更多人在共同目标中工作的两个或更多人
    Resolve To figure out a problem with a positive solution






    As a supervisor, trainer, or coach you should help staff members prepare for individual conferences with families by…


    Which isnotan example of paraphrasing?

    References & Resources:


    Bumgarner, M. (2011).Working with School-Age Children. Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

    Colorin Colorado (n.d.).Tips for Parent-Teacher Conference. Available from: