
    • Describe features of the environment that prevent challenging behavior and promote social development: supportive relationships, schedules and routines, and environmental design.
    • Identify tools and strategies for assessing the environment and how it influences children’s behavior.
    • Observe and provide feedback on environmental arrangements in child development and school-age programs.




    Close your eyes and imagine the following scene: You enter a crowded airport that you have never visited before. People push past you from every direction. The cars in the drop-off zone behind you honk their horns and jockey for positions. There are signs overhead directing you to a dizzying number of airline counters. As you stop to get your bearings, fellow travelers brush against you and seem upset that you are blocking their way. You finally recognize your airline’s counter and make your way toward it. Hundreds of people stand in several different lines that snake across the lobby. Signs seem to give conflicting information, and you are not sure what applies to you: “Drop bags here,” “Please see ticket agent,” “All passengers this way,” “Premier passengers only.” You walk one way only to be told that the end of the line is the other direction. When you get in that line, an employee informs you that you need to get your boarding pass before joining that line. He directs you back in the other direction. The minutes are ticking away, and you begin to worry that you have not planned enough time to make it through this line and security.

    这个场景让你感觉如何?你是否觉得a sense of stress or anxiety? What might have made this scenario less stressful? What do good airports do to minimize the stress and confusion? If you look at the scenario again closely, you might notice that the source of much of the stress is environmental. You and hundreds of fellow passengers are in a vast open space with very little information about how to navigate it successfully. The lack of information in the environment leads to frustration: you feel like you waste valuable time and energy. People become short with one another and “bad” behavior might arise. Perhaps a customer becomes angry with an agent at the counter, children begin to cry, or employees become impatient with all the questions they receive. Simple changes can make a big difference. Clear entries and exits for each airline minimize the number of people gathering in one spot. Entries funnel you directly to the counter you need, and exits funnel you close to the security checkpoint you need. Rope barriers clearly mark where lines should form, and lines do not extend past the barriers. Signage overhead, on the floor, and at eye level give you consistent messages about where you should be and how to meet your needs. A sufficient number of agents are available to keep lines moving quickly. Lines move at a consistent pace, so you can estimate how long you will be in line and budget your time appropriately. You have options for meeting your needs independently, like clearly marked “self check-in” kiosks that are operable and easy to use.

    Now translate this airport scenario to one that children can relate to. A child enters a new classroom or school-age program for the first time. The space appears massive to the child. She does not know where to go or what to do first. Other children move quickly around her. The new noises and sights overwhelm her. She moves toward something that interests her and is quickly told she should be doing something else (taking off her coat, washing her hands, or engaging in some other part of the check-in routine that she does not understand). Perhaps she becomes frustrated, frightened, disappointed, embarrassed, or angry. Perhaps she becomes quiet, withdrawn, and timid clinging to her family member. Perhaps she flits frantically from one spot to another as she explores the space without adult direction. Just like in an airport, a well-designed classroom or program space can help a child feel independent, secure, and confident. This minimizes frustration and leads to more cooperative behavior. This lesson will focus on ways you can help staff members provide these kinds of spaces.


    The first and most important strategy for preventing challenging behavior is developing positive relationships with children, families, and staff members. All guidance occurs in the context of this relationship: children and adults understand one another, value one another, and respect one another. Programs that actively work on relationship-building are likely to have fewer instances of misbehavior because children understand that adults are there to help rather than to hinder their success. If a child frequently acts out in the presence of a particular adult, their interactions should be examined to determine where improvements could be made. As a trainer or coach, your goal is to guide the adult, not to criticize.

    Staff can encourage positive social interactions by demonstrating respect toward children. This includes modeling respectful forms of communication, respecting the decisions children make, and respecting overall differences in others. You encourage these positive interactions by modeling them yourself. Respect each and every staff member, including your manager, and show this respect in your words and actions.

    Appropriate Expectations for Behavior

    A set of positive expectations can set the tone for guidance in your program. These expectations must be age-appropriate for the children in the program, but they should also be broad enough to apply to the adults. For example, it is appropriate to have an expectation to “Be safe” for even the youngest infant rooms; this expectation guides the work of the adults in the room. Staff members might say, “Let’s keep you safe and make sure you’re buckled into the stroller” before taking infants on a walk. They might use the expectation when helping children interact with each other or objects: “Let’s be safe with the rattle. Let me help you shake it in front of Miller’s body instead of near her head.” As children get older, more complex expectations like respect, teamwork, or responsibility become appropriate. Preschool and school-age programs can benefit from having a set of three to five positively stated expectations that guide all interactions in the program. You must help staff members understand these expectations, teach them to children, and talk about them throughout the program day. For example, you might help the school-age program team brainstorm ways to involve children in developing their program expectations. Then you would follow through as the staff members work with children to develop the expectations, design posters, and remind one another of the expectations. The Safety course has examples of expectations. Here is another example from a school-age program.

    Schedules and Routines

    Managing time and the sequence of events that occur each day is an important part of positive guidance. A regular schedule can prevent behavioral outbursts and reduce anxiety in children, especially those who are resistant to change or surprises. Providing structure and predictability helps everyone know what is to be expected throughout the day. This is best achieved by posting a daily schedule.

    A daily schedule should be displayed and followed closely. Higher-interest activities (e.g., such as free choice or outside time) should be scheduled after lower-interest activities (e.g., whole group time) to ensure the children’s interest and motivation. Of course, the children’s physical needs should always come first. This includes meals, bathroom breaks, safety, and opportunities to rest throughout the day.example of a visual daily schedule

    Example of a Before and After School Daily Schedule


    Watch how some staff members communicate schedules and routines

    Once children have learned the daily schedule, changes can cause discomfort and confusion. Special care must be taken to inform children of any changes to the schedule. Warning should be given well in advance for weather interruptions, special guests, and special events.

    Transitions between activities should be minimized. The daily schedule should be examined and any unnecessary transitions should be eliminated. For example, compare these two early-childhood schedules intended for families and staff members from the Head Start National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning Front Porch Broadcast Call series (Artman-Meeker & Kinder, May 2014;https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/planning-transitions-prevent-challenging-behavior):



    The remaining transitions should be made as calmly and orderly as possible. There are a number of ways to add structure to transitions. For example, in toddler or preschool programs, children could be called to line up based on the color of their shirt or hair. Or a song could be sung or played with the expectation that children are where they need to be by the end of the song. For school-age programs, group transitions should be minimized and children should be encouraged to transition to new areas or experiences independently. When a group transition is necessary (e.g., when preparing to get on the bus for a field trip), you should help staff members prepare before the transition so children do not need to wait. Make sure they have all materials ready; the bus is parked out front, etc., before they begin the transition. Help staff consider leadership roles for children (can a child be responsible for distributing program t-shirts?) and ways to involve the children in the transition (children count themselves out loud as they line up).

    Engaging Experiences

    Children are constantly learning and should be provided materials and opportunities to explore and investigate. Staff members should always strive for intellectually challenging and stimulating activities to prevent children from getting bored. When productive activity is encouraged, there is little time for unproductive behaviors, according to Fields, Meritt, Fields, and Perry’sConstructive Guidance and Discipline(2014)。工作人员应限制具有特定权利或错误答案的活动人数。这些被称为封闭的活动。有时候是一个明确的正确或错误的答案是合适的,例如使用材料安全。然而,通常,没有权利或错误答案的活动更合适。这些被称为开放式活动。依赖开放式活动的环境鼓励儿童使用他们的优势,并妨碍失败。孩子们更有可能感受到包括在内,订婚,并愿意在失败的恐惧被删除时尝试新的东西。

    Physical Design


    • 消除儿童感到不堪重负或运行的大型开放空间。在所有年龄组中,家具应用于帮助定义空间并鼓励安全的交通模式。低架子为提供可见性提供安全和移动提供安全边界。
    • 为播放,学习和个人需求提供明确定义的空间。狗万app怎么下载婴儿空间可能有明显的空间,如平静的活动,例如喂食和摇摆孩子睡觉,以及更积极的探索。平静的空间是房间的一部分,并具有所有其他空间的可视性,但是通过地毯,软炉或成人舒适座位,它们可明显地分开。有效的空间可能会带有软登山者,婴儿健身房或带有活跃玩具的低架。对于幼儿和学龄前儿童,提供明确定义万博体育全站app的空间可能意味着具有不同的兴趣区或学习中心,例如戏剧性的戏剧,块,感官播放或图书馆。狗万app怎么下载学龄计划可能有独立的活动(家庭作业,建筑,小吃,科学等)的独立房间,或者他们可能会为不同的目的组织空间。例如,一组沙发用于定义视频游戏或休息室空间;舞台定义了戏剧性的播放空间。
    • Providing adequate materials. Work with staff members to inventory their classrooms or programs and to make sure they have the materials they need. There should be sufficient materials to provide children with a variety of choices each day. The materials should be chosen with the interests and cultures of the children in mind. All materials must be safe, engaging, and developmentally appropriate.
    • Defining the boundaries on the number of children in an area. Some spaces can accommodate larger numbers of children than others. Help staff members consider the needs of children in a space. For example, does a block area become overwhelming when more than four children build at the same time? Does challenging behavior (arguments) or disengagement (children sitting with no materials or nothing to do) happen when a certain number of children try to play in the art area? Can the school-age science area accommodate a limited number of children safely? Or can you safely expand certain areas that are of high interest?

    Here are additional considerations for each age group.


    In a program for infants and toddlers, it is important to engage children with the environment and the people around them. Comfortable furnishings and soft surfaces with interesting patterns provide visual interest and a safe place for young children to explore. Incorporating separate spaces for play, frequently rotating materials, and providing duplicates of toys will help to avoid conflicts, hurt feelings, and tantrums.


    Preschoolers need access to materials that encourage dramatic play, construction, writing, art, science exploration, music, and sensory materials. At this developmental stage, it is important to plan activities that incorporate fine- and gross-motor skills both in and out of doors. For example, if a young girl is having difficulty sitting still during story time, it is likely that constantly redirecting her to pay attention will result in a behavioral outburst. Instead, encouraging her to release energy in a tumble area set up in the corner would be an example of developmentally appropriate guidance. Likewise, rather than forcing a reluctant young boy to participate in a game of kickball, it would be more appropriate to encourage him to explore the leaves and insects within the grass beneath him using a magnifying glass. He could then report to others what can be found beneath the grass on which they are playing.


    学龄儿童应该incorp的环境orate space for distinct activities. This might include computer/tech labs, homework labs, onsite playgrounds, the integration of sports and fitness, and theme or activity clubs. The activity spaces should be clearly defined with specific boundaries and be designed to promote learning and exploration. The focus of individual activity spaces can incorporate academic subjects like math, science, literacy, or art. Within certain activity areas or for certain projects you could also strategically limit materials helps to encourage collaboration and teamwork, which fosters the development of social skills. For example, a staff member might provide a limited number of tools in the construction area. This encourages school-age children to take turns and to work together. Additionally, school-age children should be instructed on the access, use, and return of materials to ensure that proper engagement and organization of the program areas is maintained.


    You set the tone for how the environment is designed in your program. You must value and communicate the importance of the environment in promoting positive behavior. Do this by:

    Building strong relationships with staff members: Talk to staff members socially each day; ask how their day is going, ask about their kids, share about yourself. Have an open-door policy, so staff members know they can always come to you with concerns, struggles, or celebrations. Use the communication strategies you have learned in other Virtual Lab School courses.

    Building strong relationships with families: Be present in your program; greet families by name as they arrive, and say goodbye as they leave. Provide resources that might interest families; let them know when you get messages about sign-ups for youth sports, provide lunch-time family education events on “hot” topics, like biting, bullying, or bedtime routines, and set out informational pamphlets about issues your community may be facing, such as deployment.

    Building strong relationships with children: Make sure children see you as an active member of the program. When you observe in classrooms or program areas, sit down with children and join in the activities with which they are engaged. Learn children’s names. Hold infants, roll a ball with toddlers, sing with preschoolers, or join in a game of checkers with school-agers. These little moments will refresh you and help children feel like they are a part of a larger community of caring adults.

    Constantly reflecting on program spaces and schedules:当您的程序中存在问题时,是第一个检查环境的人。例如,与团队合作开发游乐场时间表,确保一个安全的孩子们一次在操场上。

    Embracing program expectations:发布计划期望在你的办公室。开放的米eetings with new teams by reminding staff members of the expectations and giving examples of how you should respect one another. Remind children of expectations during observations or while you are in spaces like the hallway or playground.

    Engaging adult learners: Practice what you teach; design professional development experiences that capture staff members’ interests and make good use of their time. Keep staff members busy and engaged during professional development. Offer role play, problem-solving discussions, and case examples that help staff members actively participate. Use your knowledge of the staff members to plan professional development that meets their needs.


    You have a variety of tools at your disposal to help you observe and assess environments. When you use data-based tools to observe environments, you are better able to provide staff members with meaningful feedback. Here are a few tools that you may consider or that may already be used in your program:

    • Environmental rating scales: Several rating scales are available commercially. The most widely-used rating scales are the Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale-Revised (ITERS-R; Harms, Cryer, & Clifford, 2003), the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised (ECERS-R; Harms, Clifford, & Cryer, 2004), the Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale-Revised (Harms, Cryer, & Clifford, 2007) and the School-Age Care Environment Rating Scale-Updated Edition (SACERS; Harms, Jacobs, & White, 2013). You should receive training before using an environmental rating scale. It is important that you use the tool to observe consistently and in a manner consistent with the authors’ recommendations. Training videos and materials are available from the publishers of these tools. Consult your supervisor if you need additional training.
    • Inventories of practice: Several organizations have developed inventories of practice related to guidance and social-emotional development. You read about the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) Inventory of Practice in the Social course. You can find that tool, and a school-age adaptation, in the Apply section of this lesson, too.
    • Behavior support observational tools: Several observation tools have been designed specifically to observe for features of the environment that support children’s behavior. Examples include the Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (Fox, Hemmeter, & Snyder, 2014), the School-wide Evaluation Tool (https://www.pbis.org/resource/school-wide-evaluation-tool-set), (Pre - P万博体育全站appreschool-Wide评估工具SET; Steed, Pomerleau, & Horner, 2012). More information on these tools can be gathered from the publishers listed in the References & Resources section of this lesson.

    你和你的项目团队可以决定那一个工具t is appropriate for your needs and follow the authors’ recommendations for training. Regardless of the tools you choose to use, there are some basic principles you can follow to use the data you collect. Here are some tips for using data from these or other observational tools:

    • Use data to identify a classroom or program’s strengths. What is going well? What areas can you build upon as you help staff develop new skills?
    • Talk about data and what it means for staff members. Data is a powerful learning tool. It should not be hidden or secret. These tools can help you open up lines of communication about the specific practices that your program values. Avoid talking only about scores. Rather, discuss the specific practices that make up a score. For example, a classroom team may not understand what a score of 3 on the Program Structure scale of the ITERS-R means. It is up to you to explain how their schedules were scored and to describe areas of strength and areas for growth.
    • Observe regularly. These tools are not one-time events. They can help you quantify professional growth and changes in your program. They also help you document your impact: as you work with staff members on specific strategies, these tools provide evidence that your coaching and professional development efforts are effective.
    • Use data to inform professional development. These tools give you valuable information about staff members’ knowledge and performance. This is information you should use every day to design effective, personalized professional development opportunities. It would be wasteful, for example, to deliver a training on classroom expectations if everyone in your program already has and uses effective expectations. Data helps you avoid “one-size-fits-none” trainings. Instead, you can focus your energies on providing staff with the professional development they need, when they need it. For example, if your observational data suggests that a staff member is struggling with transitions in the program, you can provide materials, resources, training, or coaching on designing effective transitions.

    Now let’s try using data to observe and provide feedback to staff members. You will watch videos from each age group and consider items from the Inventory of Practices in the Apply section related to environments.

    Infants and Toddlers

    As you watch the video below, consider these questions:

    • How do the staff members build meaningful relationships with the infants and toddlers?
    • How do staff members arrange the outdoor space?
    • 工作人员如何确保平滑过渡?

    Environments that Guide Behavior: Infants and Toddlers

    Observe how different environments influence behavior

    What you saw:

    What you might say:

    • 作为过渡的一部分,一个成年人为孩子提供温暖的问候/再见。成年人使用孩子的名字,是友好和深情的。
    • An adult assists a child with the transition outdoors.
    • 为小婴儿设定明确的空间,在炎热的一天探索户外。
    • Materials are prepared, and there is no need to wait.
    • You have such strong relationships with the infants and toddlers in the room. You are modeling important relationship skills and building community.
    • You individualized the transition for a child who needed more time and who needed more active play.
    • You were prepared with safe activities for all children.


    As you watch this video, consider:

    • How do (or could) staff members prepare children for transitions?
    • How could staff members ensure a smoother transition with less wait time?

    Environments that Guide Behavior: Preschool

    Observe how different environments influence behavior

    What you saw:

    What you might say:

    • Adult was playing at the table with a small group of children.
    • A bell rang and another adult said it was time to clean up.
    • Some children began cleaning up. Others continued to play.
    • At least two children sat on the carpet for at least 3 minutes while others cleaned up.
    • 我想知道孩子们是否明白是时候清理了?什么可能有帮助他们意识到今天是时候清理了?
    • Several children started cleaning up right away. What might be fun for them to do while the others finish?
    • 我注意到几个孩子坐在地毯上等待。接下来发生了什么?



    • 工作人员如何在过渡之前确保她有孩子的注意力?
    • 工作人员如何设计活动促进参与?

    Environments that Guide Behavior: School-Age

    Observe how different environments influence behavior

    What you saw:

    What you say:

    • Adult is playing with a small group of boys in block area.
    • Materials appear interesting and engaging to the boys, and encourage creativity and open-ended play.
    • An off-screen adult gives an attention signal, and all children stop and respond.
    • The adult says, “5 more minutes to play.”
    • 你认为你今天花时间与男孩一起玩什么影响?
    • 当你(屏幕上的成人)唱出“注意音调”,你们每个人都有注意力。你已经努力了。
    • Giving the children a 5 minute warning was very respectful of the effort they were putting into their creations. Are there ways children can continue their projects at a later time? How do you support that process?



    It can be useful to spend time observing program environments and evaluating how they function. You can use your observations to help staff members reflect on the appropriateness of each space. Using theObserving EnvironmentsActivity,观察classro度过一个短暂的时间om or program space. In the space provided, make a mark in each area of the room where challenging behavior occurred or where an adult seemed overwhelmed. Share your data with staff members and make a plan to identify reasons why behavior may have occurred in in each setting. Make changes to the environment to prevent challenging behavior.



    There are many tools available to help you observe and provide feedback on staff members’ use of positive guidance techniques and environmental arrangements. The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning have developed a series of实践库存. These Inventories can help you and staff members become aware of strategies that prevent challenging behavior and promote social and emotional development. You can download theInventory of Practices在“应用部分附件”中,或单击下面的链接,为学前班和婴儿幼儿库存。万博体育全站app



    The Inventories contain a wide range of strategies. You can find specific practices related to effective environments in the following locations in each Inventory:

    • 婴儿和幼儿:Pages 1-9
    • Preschool: Pages 1-5
    • School-Age: Pages 1-9


    Term Description
    Expectation A guideline for behavior, like a rule except typically broader and applying to all the settings a child might be in
    Routine An event that happens daily like snack, toileting, diapering, arrival, departure, or clean-up
    Transition The movement between one activity and the next; usually involves stopping one activity and starting a new one
    Visual support An object that is used to communicate information to children through pictures, drawings, or images; examples include visual schedules, rule charts, classroom signage




    Finish this statement: The most important strategy for preventing challenging behavior is…




    Which of the following should you use to observe and assess environments?

    References & Resources:

    Fields, M. V., Merritt, P. P., Fields, D. M., & Perry, N. (2014).建设性的指导和纪律:八岁的诞生. Pearson Higher Ed.

    Fox, L., Hemmeter, M., & Snyder, P. (2013).Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT) for Preschool Classrooms Manual(Research ed.). Baltimore: Brooks Publishing.

    Harms, T., Cryer, D., & Clifford, R. M. (2005).幼儿环境评定量表(rev. ed.).纽约:师范学院出版社。

    Harms, T., Cryer, D. & Clifford, R. M. (2006).Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale(rev。编辑。)。纽约:师范学院出版社。

    Harms, T., Cryer, D. & Clifford, R.M. (2007).Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale,revised edition.纽约:师范学院出版社。

    Harms, T., & Jacobs, E. (2013).School Age Environment Rating Scale. New York: Teachers College Press.

    Horner, R., Lewis-Palmer, T., Sugai, G., & Todd, A. (2005). School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET). Retrieved fromhttps://www.pbis.org/resource/school-wide-evaluation-tool-set

    Inventory of Practices for Promoting Children’s Social Emotional Competence. (2010). Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning. Retrieved fromhttp://csefel.vanderbilt.edu/modules/module1/handout4.pdf

    Kinder, K., & Meeker, K. (2014). Front Porch Series: Moving Right Along: Planning Transitions to Prevent Challenging Behavior. Retrieved October 12, 2014, from https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/hslc/tta-system/teaching/practice/fp/fpArchive2014.html

    Pomerleau, T., & Steed, E. (2012).Preschool-Wide Evaluation Tool (PreSET) Manual(Research ed.). Baltimore: Brooks Publishing.