No one likes to be sick. You and all staff members play an important role in preventing the spread of disease. This lesson helps you know how to teach, model, and observe staff members using universal precautions to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. This includes making sure staff members know the importance of daily health checks and common signs of illness.
Secondary tabs
- 描述一次性手套在防止疾病传播中的作用,促进工作人员的手套使用。
- Describe and promote the use of universal health precautions.
- Identify and share resources related to health maintenance and common childhood illnesses.
- Describe, apply, and communicate about your program’s exclusion and readmission policies.
All staff members who work with young children are required to complete training to learn how to help prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Often, a nurse or health care professional provides this training. You can also help support staff members' learning. Make sure you are familiar with the resources related to infectious disease available in this Healthy Environments course.
You will also need to make sure staff members know how to perform and document daily health checks. This includes recognizing when a child experiences illness or a health concern. Make sure you train new staff members on your program's exclusion policy. You may be called to help a staff member make a decision about whether a child is ill and needs to be sent home. Therefore, you must be familiar with the signs and symptoms of common infectious diseases and your program's policies. You may also be responsible for communicating with families when certain infectious diseases occur in your program. Be prepared to make sure staff members follow exclusion and readmission policies themselves: sick staff members can spread illnesses, too.
你应该实践,防止扩散模型of infectious disease. Follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's guidelines for covering your cough and handwashing. You can also model talking to children about healthy habits. For example, if a child sneezes while you are in a classroom, you can remind the child to go wash his or her hands. You can also help staff members remember to wash their own hands and the child's hands after wiping a child's nose. It's OK to remind staff members and administrators to take steps to prevent the spread of disease, too. This helps promote a culture of healthy habits in your program.
You might be called when a staff member suspects a child is ill. Be prepared to conduct a health check and look for signs of illness. Follow your program's procedures for exclusion and readmission. In the event of an emergency or illness, model proper sanitation procedures in the presence of body fluids like blood, vomit, urine, or feces. Remain calm in these situations and help staff use their training. You might also need to supervise children while staff members respond to the emergency.
You may not see staff members respond to illness every time you observe in a classroom or program. However, when illness occurs, be prepared to make sure staff members follow your program's procedures for responding. You can observe and provide feedback on a staff member's calmness, appropriate response in caring for a child, and attention to health and sanitation protocols. Use theInfectious Diseases Best Practices Checklistresource in the Apply Activities section below to help document staff members' progress and knowledge of appropriate procedures.
重要的是要考虑如何支持员工,因为他们回应疾病。这种情况示例显示了婴儿和幼儿课堂。您将看到不防止疾病传播的反应。在您观看视频时,请考虑工作人员应该采取的程序以及您看到的健康风险。还借此机会思考why您的计划具有它的健康和清洁度政策howthese policies help keep children healthy. Being able to articulate your policies to staff members is important, but it is also important to be prepared to talk about why and how those policies keep children and staff healthy.
作为一个教练或教练,可能be necessary to help the child development or school-age team develop a plan about providing a healthy environment for children. This requires a team effort. Here is a sample plan that you might develop based on what you saw in the video:
目标: Provide a healthy environment for all children by following program procedures when a child is ill.
- Meet individually with staff and as a team to go over the program procedures for responding to illnesses.
- Walk through the classroom and make sure cleaning supplies (soap and water mixture, bleach solution, disposable paper towels) are accessible at all times and were made accurately. Fix any problems immediately.
- Review handwashing policies for adults and children. Develop reminders that can be used by the team to reinforce handwashing.
- Remind staff members when someone forgets.
- Say "Thank you" as acknowledgement to each other when you see a team member wash their hands or a child's hands.
- Regularly use theHand Hygiene Monitoring Tool(在课堂上提供)在教室中提供反馈(第两节)提供反馈。
Case Example Step 2: Provide Feedback
作为一个教练或教练,可能be overwhelming to think about what you might say to staff members about maintaining healthy habits. There are often many things you could talk about following any observation of a classroom or program. It is important to focus your feedback-in this case on responding to illness. You might say:
"You guys had your hands full today when your little guy got sick at the table. I know that's a non-contagious health concern for him and that you are working with his family. I want to talk, though, about the steps we need to take when children get sick or sneeze. Even if the child does not have a contagious illness, we need to treat all body fluids as if they could possibly spread illness. This is just good practice and a good habit to have. Let's talk about the steps to take the next time this child gets sick or sneezes…"
作为教练或教练,您可以识别可能支持团队的资源。对于该案例的团队来说,早上做一支团队健康和安全检查可能很重要,以确保所有清洁用品都准备好并可访问。您可以帮助他们制作一个简单的流程图,他们可以在离散地点挂起,以提醒他们孩子生病的时间。您可能会提供副本Hand Hygiene Monitoring Tool(in Lesson Two) and ask the team to check themselves regularly.
Responding to Illness Scenarios
Use the menu at the left or the pager below to cycle through scenarios
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You Say |
You Do |
What you might do:
Scenario |
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What you might do:
Responding to Illness Scenarios
Use the menu at the left or the pager below to cycle through scenarios
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What you might do:
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What you might do:
Responding to Illness Scenarios
Use the menu at the left or the pager below to cycle through scenarios
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What you might do:
After completing their Healthy Environments course, staff members should understand and follow procedures for responding to illness whenever it occurs. Remember to observe, provide feedback, and offer resources as needed throughout an employee’s career. Needs will change, but your role always serves a critical mission.
Even in the best programs, serious illness can occur. Use the生病和疲惫activity to read the scenarios and describe how you would respond. Then compare your answers to the suggested responses.
Use theInfectious Diseases Best Practices Checklist作为一个专注的观察工具,支持已完成健康环境课程的工作人员,但可能需要额外的支持或跟进传染病程序。此清单提供了一种简单的方法,可以跟进围绕此主题的目标以及对您所观察到的工作人员的具体反馈。
Term | 描述 |
Exclusion | When a child is sent home from child care due to illness. Children are excluded from child care based on each program’s exclusion policy. Readmission, also based on a program’s policy, can vary due to the reason for exclusion |
Infectious disease | A disorder “caused by organisms — such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites…. Some infectious diseases can be passed from person to person. Some are transmitted by bites from insects or animals. And others are acquired by ingesting contaminated food or water or being exposed to organisms in the environment.” (Mayo Clinic, n.d.) |
Reportable illnesses | 被认为是严重的公共卫生问题。医生和医院必须在被诊断患者时向公共卫生官员报告这些疾病。这有助于跟踪和控制爆发 |
American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education. (2015).Caring for Our Children: National health and safety performance standards; Guidelines for early care and education programs, 3rd ed.Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; Washington, DC: American Public Health Association. Also available at
Aronson, S. S., Bradley, S., Louchheim, S., & Mancuso, D. (2002).模型Child Care Health Policies, 4th编辑。华盛顿特区:国家幼儿教育协会。
Aronson, S. S., & Spahr, P. M. (Eds., 2002).Healthy Young Children: A Manual for Programs.华盛顿特区:国家幼儿教育协会。
保持健康:家庭,教师和儿童。(2007). [Brochure]. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
North Carolina Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center, (May 2009). Information available by contacting 800-367-2229.
Ritchie, S. & Willer B. (2008).Health: A Guide to the NAEYC Early Childhood Program Standard and Related Accreditation Criteria。华盛顿特区:国家幼儿教育协会。