
    • 向员工传授适合发展的学习环境设计。狗万app怎么下载
    • 示范如何设计有效的环境,并帮助员工集体讨论解决方案。
    • Observe and provide feedback on learning environments.





    There are several things to keep in mind as you help staff design or redesign their classroom or program spaces. First, you should contribute your expertise on high-quality environments. You must know what a high-quality learning environment looks like for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, school-age children, and youth. You can read the age-specific Learning Environment courses for a review. These lessons stress the importance of the physical environment, how the environment sends messages to children, youth and adults about how to appropriately use the space, and how arrangement of the environment can hinder or facilitate staff’s work with children and families. The lessons include information on developing and communicating predictable schedules and routines. In addition, the lessons provide information on constructing indoor and outdoor environments that are:

    • 旨在支持儿童和青年的兴趣和发展,包括可根据儿童年龄纳入的有关兴趣或活动领域的信息
    • 组织起来支持独立性、易用性和学习性狗万app怎么下载
    • 充满适合发展的、与文化相关的、开放式的材料(即可以以多种方式使用的材料),以及支持儿童或青少年各种学习目标的材料狗万app怎么下载
    • 同时参与,有趣的经验,平静与家一样的属性
    • 支持所有儿童和青年

    You must also be able to communicate this information to staff members. This lesson will help you identify high-quality environments and provide suggestions for helping staff members continuously improve their learning environments. Although many staff members view the environment as an expression of their creativity and approach to teaching, you hold the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that environments are designed for learning.


    • 婴儿学习环境示例,包括填充狗万app怎么下载动物和恐龙等用他们的感官来探索世界arou婴儿nd them. The environment should be set up to encourage this exploration, but safety and supervision should be primary concerns. Infants can do a lot! As infants learn and grow, their needs change. After 6 months of age, children are ready to explore a bit more broadly.
    • toddlers and their care-giver finger-paint at a round table蹒跚学步的孩子也是探险家,但他们新的流动性拓宽了探索的可能性。蹒跚学步的孩子冒险,考验自己的极限。环境应该保持安全,同时让幼儿练习新的独立性。
    • 万博体育全站app学龄前儿童在户外画画和涂色万博体育全站app学龄前儿童正在世界arou的感觉nd them. They are able to explore more independently, and they can move confidently and quickly. They need a variety of objects and settings to explore, manipulate, and create. The environment should spark their creativity, but it should also help them practice important independent skills, such as hand washing and dressing.
    • school-agers play with legos学龄儿童需要许多与学龄前儿童相同的经历,但他们已经准备好接受更多的成熟、独立和挑战。环境应该允许他们识别同龄人群体万博体育全站app,单独或与他人一起工作,并选择他们感兴趣的材料和经验。

    You must be prepared to teach staff members about the role the environment plays in the curriculum and in child behavior. Talk to staff members about how their environments are designed to support engagement and active learning. Also be prepared to encourage staff members to look at their environments first when challenging behaviors occur.



    • What do you think this environment is communicating to the children or youth?
    • 你的目标是什么?
    • 你认为儿童或青少年应该如何使用这个空间?
    • 在这里做需要做的事容易吗?为什么?为什么不?什么能让它更容易?
    • 孩子们有什么问题?你认为他们想用自己的行为传达什么信息?

    Model curiosity and problem solving as you work with staff members. When a space needs to be arranged or rearranged, help staff members list all the activities, events, and materials that the space should accommodate. Use that list to set goals for the space and clearly define spaces that serve different functions. Also, keep open lines of communication among staff members who work different shifts in the same space. It is important that all staff members understand the purposes behind environmental arrangement.

    Finally, work with your program's management to make sure that your program's shared spaces communicate the same messages as individual classrooms. Model a clean, clutter-free, and learning-focused approach to designing all spaces in your program. This means the front desk, staff break areas, and training rooms are all arranged with learning in mind.


    It is your responsibility to ensure that staff members provide high-quality, engaging environments. As with safety, your program may have tools to evaluate the quality of indoor and outdoor environments. Several environmental rating scales are commercially available (ITERS-R, ECERS-R, SACERS). You can also use the National Association for the Education of Young Children environment standards or other tools developed for school-age programs. These tools can provide valuable information to help focus a staff member's professional development around the learning environments and materials they provide.





    Case Example Step 1: Make a Plan

    你注意到这个环境有什么变化吗?它是否最大化了学习的机会?它是否为课程提供了坚实的基础?作为培训师或教练,你有责任提供支持,所以最后两个问题的答案是“是!“想狗万app怎么下载想培训师、教练和课堂团队可能会讨论哪些具体策略,以帮助在这种环境中最大限度地提高学习效果。在安全课程中,培训师、教练和教师讨论了创建“区域”以便于监督,制定角色责任矩阵以使成人知道在每个区域中随时应做什么,以及获取课堂上“热点”的数据。这些同样的步骤可以成为促进学习的有力方法。在这种情况下,我们将开始向工作人员提供为什么和怎么做zones and active supervision promote learning. Here is an example of the simple way a goal about the classroom environment can include learning outcomes:

    目标: to provide a safe environment that promotes development and learning for all toddlers.


    1. Gather sample classroom designs from our curriculum guides and online. Identify strengths and weaknesses for our space. Person responsible and timeline: Michael (the coach) will complete and bring back to classroom team by next Tuesday.
    2. 把教室组织成学习的“区域”。确保区域被清楚地定义,大的开狗万app怎么下载放空间被打破,儿童和成人知道在每个区域做什么。负责人和时间表:团队将在10月25日的会议时间内组织。
    3. 在每周课程计划中包括每个区域,以便提供学习活动。负责人和时间表:乔安妮和马利(教师)将立即开始。狗万app怎么下载
    4. 继续获取数据以确定“热点”。负责人和时间表:迈克尔,正在进行。



    • “我注意到今天早餐后的过渡似乎特别困难。在一个完美的世界里,你希望在这段时间里发生什么?”
    • "It's so important to think about how our environments are set up to help kids learn-and to make our jobs easier. Let's brainstorm some ways that your environment could help you out after breakfast."
    • "How did today compare to other days? What do you think would happen if we broke up the circle the children were running around today?"
    • “你们两个都在努力为孩子们提供积极的指导。我认为你的学习环境可以为你提供一些方法。让我们在你的房间里散散步,一起集思广益。”狗万app怎么下载

    Case Example Step 3: Provide Resources

    All of us need the right tools to do our jobs. Use the information you have gathered to connect staff members with resources they need. You might model a skill, arrange for a staff member to observe in another classroom or program, bring in materials from a lending library, or brainstorm new ways to arrange a space. For example, a variety of commercial vendors offer free sample classroom blueprints-the company that sells your program's furniture may have resources you can find online. You could compare the strengths and weaknesses of each and brainstorm ways you could apply designs with the furniture and materials you already have. You might also help connect staff members with resources about teaming, or working with each other to solve problems. The University of Minnesota REACH program (https://reachfamiliesd7.umn.edu/prodev/track/coaching-and-management-success) has a variety of resources for developing your coaching skills and helping support adult learners.

    您还可以通过访问以下网站查看一些婴儿、幼儿和学龄前儿童的楼层平面图示例:万博体育全站apphttp://www.spacesforchildren.com/flrpln.html. Although these are examples of potential ways to design the layout of spaces, remember the safety and policy regulations in your program and help staff members consider these when they develop classroom layouts.

    Additional Examples of Learning Environments

    As a trainer or coach, you will likely see a range of environments across a range of age groups. Watch the following videos to see examples of environments with varying levels of quality. The case example followed an infant and toddler setting, and these examples represent preschool and school-age settings. Each video ends with a summary of how you might follow up with the staff members.





    • 几个孩子在街区里玩耍。
    • Two girls walk through to gather art materials.
    • 通往操场的门位于街区区域内。
    • Several types of blocks and play accessories are stored on low, open shelves.

    What you might say:

    • 儿童如何使用街区?你注意到什么样的问题了吗?
    • Which areas of the room seem to have the most conflicts or problems with children wandering around?
    • How do you feel about the way children use the space and materials?
    • I noticed the girls needed to cross the room to gather art supplies. Is that pretty typical? What does that do to the flow of the day?


    • 观察并提供反馈,说明孩子们是如何获得每个兴趣领域所需的材料的。
    • 帮助工作人员重新整理材料,让孩子们需要的所有材料都近在咫尺。
    • 帮助工作人员重新安排家具和兴趣区,让孩子们可以不间断地玩耍。
    • 鼓励员工参观其他教室,或花一些时间使用在线课堂设计程序来获取想法。



    • Block area has clear boundaries on all sides, and space is dedicated to building during this time of day.
    • 孩子们和老师正在建造一个大建筑物。它足够大(而且有足够的材料)让孩子和老师坐在里面。

    What you might say:

    • 你是如何决定如何安排房间的空间的?你的工作重点是什么?
    • How does this arrangement compare to other arrangements you have tried?
    • 你的学习目标是什么?你如何改狗万app怎么下载变不同学习目标的空间?
    • What seems to be going well? Are there any challenges?
    • How do you feel about the way children use the space and materials?


    • Help the staff member document the experiences children and staff members have in the space and the learning that is achieved.
    • Encourage the staff member to discuss the benefits of their room design at a staff meeting.





    • 游戏有很多选择。
    • All play options are lined up around the walls of the room. There is a large open space in the middle.
    • Materials are set up so children can access them on their own.


    • 孩子们如何使用这个空间?你注意到什么样的问题了吗?
    • 你认为如果材料被安排在有入口和出口的清晰区域,孩子们会有什么反应?
    • How do you feel about the way children use the space and materials?


    • 观察并反馈孩子们是如何使用这个空间的,以及问题的“热点”在哪里。
    • 帮助工作人员重新布置家具,使房间中间的空间最小化。



    • 大空间,明确规定不同活动的计划区域。
    • 安静的活动(家庭作业)和大声的活动是分开的。
    • 提供舒适的休息区。


    • 你是如何决定如何在你的节目中安排空间的?你的工作重点是什么?
    • What seems to be going well? Are there any challenges?
    • 你如何根据学习目标做出改变?狗万app怎么下载
    • How do children respond to all of the choices? How do you support them?


    • 如果出现问题,继续观察并帮助员工解决问题。
    • Provide feedback and support around planning activities within the space.




    • 婴幼儿学习环境狗万app怎么下载课程指南
    • 万博体育全站app学前学习环境狗万app怎么下载课程指南
    • School-Age Learning Environments课程指南
    • 万博体育下载官方网站家庭儿童保育学习环境狗万app怎么下载课程指南





    Watch this video to explore a school-age learning environment.

    探索学习环境狗万app怎么下载: Infants





    使用Organizing Spaces for Development and Learning Best Practices Checklist作为一个重点观察工具,支持已完成学习环境课程但可能需要额外支持或跟进的员工创建促进学习的空间。这个检查表提供了一个简单的方法来跟进围绕这个主题狗万app怎么下载设定的目标,并就您所观察到的情况向工作人员提供具体的反馈。


    期限 Description
    适合发展 An item, toy, or activity suitable for a child’s age and general level of development; it is safe and provides an appropriate level of challenge
    开放式 Toys or materials that can be used in a variety of ways (e.g., blocks, boxes, dramatic play items)









    References & Resources:

    Bronson,M.B.(1997年)。8岁以下儿童的正确选择:选择游戏材料来支持发展。Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.

    CSEFEL促进儿童社会情感能力的实践清单。(2010). 关注早期学习的社会和情感基础。检索自狗万app怎么下载http://csefel.vanderbilt.edu/modules/module1/handout4.pdf



    Greenman,J.(2007年)。Caring spaces, learning places: Children’s environments that work. Redmond, WA: Exchange Press, Inc.

    Grisham Brown,J.、Hemmeter,M.L.和Pretti Frontczak,K.(2005年)。Blended Practices for Teaching Young Children in Inclusive Settings.Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Co.

    Harms, T., Cryer, D., & Clifford, R. M. (2007).万博体育下载官方网站家庭儿童保育环境评定量表,(修订版。编辑:)。纽约:师范学院出版社。




    McWilliam,R.A.,&Casey,A.M.(2007年)。让每个孩子都参与到幼儿园的课堂中。万博体育全站appBaltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Co.

    明尼苏达大学。(2020). 通过研究和推广支持家庭。https://reachfamilies.umn.edu/