
    • Provide and make available to staff a well-equipped professional resource library.
    • Ensure that monthly training is completed, and work with child-development professionals to ensure that modules are completed.
    • Model effective practices in designing a learning environment for children and adults.




    Building a Professional Library

    An important part of your role as a trainer or coach is ensuring that staff members have access to the resources they need to do their jobs well. Staff will often need professional development resources. These resources can take many forms: books, magazines, videos, curriculum tools, educational materials, website guides.

    The Apply section of this lesson offers six tips for building a professional resource library. Here are some suggestions:

    • 请求订阅专业组织发布的期刊。
    • 寻找有用的书籍。在整个虚拟实验室学校,您将找到万博体育下载手机版建议的读数。这些书籍对您的资源库有所帮助。您还可以在专业会议上浏览出版商的表格,以获得最新标题。
    • Help staff find appropriate websites. Again, professional organizations are a good place to start. Many have links to important resources.
    • 建造一个儿童和青年文学,玩具,游戏和其他材料的贷款图书馆非常有帮助。这些类型的材料可以帮助人员将一个想法变为现实。工作人员可以找到他们需要的资源。这也有助于避免在程序中重复资源。
    • 许多课程都带来了专业的开发资源。这些可能是视频,指南或补充。保留任何这些材料,员工在集中位置使用,因此可以在需要时找到。
    • There are many ways to include cutting-edge video in your professional library. The Virtual Lab School is a free source of such video.

    It can be helpful to see examples of programs’ professional resource libraries. Look at these photos of well-stocked professional libraries and quality work spaces for staff members. Are there ideas you can use in your own program?



    作为一名培训师或教练在中心的儿童和青少年发展计划中,您有机会鼓励正宗,自我发起的专业发展经验。一种这样的经验被称为专业学习界。狗万app怎么下载“1997年”规定,“三个字解释了专业学习社区的概念:专业人士在集团 - 一个社区 - 学习。”狗万app怎么下载在育儿或教育环境中,专业学习社区是一群教育者和管理员,他们定期与专业知识和工作合作,实现了改善他们的教学狗万app怎么下载和最适合儿童的发展和学习的目标。根据Shirley Hord(1997)的说法,有五个有效的专业学习社区特征:狗万app怎么下载

    1. 支持性和共享领导:这意味着您和您的经理必须与学习者一起看到自己。有一种感觉,该计划中的每个人都支持专业学习,并投资于卓越方案。狗万app怎么下载
    2. 集体创造力:这意味着您和员工不断共同努力,激发新的想法,反映,交谈和询问。你专注于应用新想法解决问题。
    3. 共享价值观和愿景:这意味着您和员工已同意为什么专业发展是您计划的重要组成部分。您有共同关注儿童学习和发展。狗万app怎么下载
    4. 支持ive conditions: This means you and staff have time and space to talk. It also means you have the kind of relationship with staff that encourages communication.
    5. Shared personal practice: This means staff members are expected to help one another by observing and discussing their work.

    When these elements are in place, groups of child-development professionals can engage with one another to improve their professional practice. As a trainer or coach, you can facilitate this process and ensure that the structures are in place to continue its success.


    One of the most powerful strategies as a trainer or coach is modeling. As a trainer or coach, you ideally have a combination of expertise and experience in child development. You are a resource for the staff. As staff members are building new skills or trying new strategies, they may not feel comfortable using the skill right away. They may not completely understand what it looks or sounds like. They may need some guidance to feel comfortable trying out new skills. You can provide this guidance and provide a model for what the skill should look and sound like. Here are some guidelines for modeling with staff:

    • 指南1:

      Make sure it's OK to jump in. Talk to the staff member in advance. Ask if he or she would like for you to try out a technique with a child or children. Make sure the staff member feels comfortable with you demonstrating the strategy. If he or she doesn't feel comfortable, this doesn't mean you can't model. Perhaps you can demonstrate the skill without children present by role-playing with the staff member.

      What you might say:

      • "We've talked a lot about ideas that might work to help Claire make friends with other children in the school-age program. Do you mind if I jump in tomorrow and show you how some of them might work?"
      • "Let's act out how you could encourage Claire to play with Sophie. First, you can be Claire and I'll pretend to be you. I'll try out a few ideas and then we'll switch."
      • "I know some of these ideas sound complex. Would you like me to model them with a few kids tomorrow?"
    • 指南2:

      Make sure the staff member has time to observe your modeling. It can be tempting to try dividing resources in a classroom: You try a technique while the staff member continues on with the routines of the day. This can be fun for you and a time-saver for the staff member, but remember it does not contribute to professional development. Make sure the staff member knows when you are going to model and is able to take a few moments to watch.

      What you might say:

      “让我们确保我们有另一个成人tomorrow afternoon to help supervise kids in the Construction Junction area. That way you can really watch how Claire and Sophie react when I model that strategy tomorrow. Then, I'll be here to help out when you try it the next day."

    • 指南3:


      What you might say:


    • 指南4.

      Be prepared for failure. Sometimes even the best-made plans do not go as we expect. It is possible that the strategy you model may not work perfectly. Talk about this with the staff member. Brainstorm together about why you each think the strategy did or did not work.

      What you might say:

      "Well, we tried that new choice board with Mo yesterday and he didn't seem to respond well. While you were watching me talk to him about it, what do you think went wrong? What ideas do you have for next time?"

    Also, remember that you, along with your program manager, can model the creation and maintenance of strong environments by incorporating some of the essential elements you want staff to enact in their classrooms into the other spaces staff use (e.g., your office, staff training rooms, staff break rooms, hallways). For example, consider:

    • 如何组织员工材料。它们是否以这样的方式安排,您可以轻松访问它们?他们是否以这样的方式排列,他们唤起了学习?狗万app怎么下载也许在员工休息室中,您可以展示一个新的资源或董事会分享最近由一间教室完成的有趣项目。这些小型触摸可以唤起员工的参与。
    • The aesthetics of the staff spaces. Are there home-like elements such as plants or soft furniture in your office or the break room? Are there ways you can incorporate nature, items of beauty, or the personality of your program into the other spaces staff use?
    • 您的员工空间有多样化。正如我们希望儿童和青少年的材料在文化上相关,请确保您在您为员工开发和恢复的空间中展示这一点。


    Monitoring Ongoing Professional Development

    Before working with children, staff members should be oriented to the program’s philosophy, goals, expectations, procedures, curriculum, policies, and requirements. Then, staff should participate in an organized professional development program. The National Association for the Education of Young Children recommends staff members develop annual individualized professional development plans. Developing these plans will be covered in more detail in the Professionalism and Program Management courses. As a trainer or coach, you may be responsible for designing, delivering, and documenting a staff member’s progression through her or his individual professional development plan. It is important to be organized and proactive about this process. Here are strategies that can help:

    • Create portfolios or binders for each staff member.
    • Make checklists of completed training opportunities.
    • Use online systems, such as the Virtual Lab School.

    As you develop and update staff’s individual professional development plans, do not forget to include resources, training and documentation related to the preparation and maintenance of high-quality indoor and outdoor environments.



    You are responsible for the professional development of a large number of staff members. This can be difficult to manage, and it requires complex organizational skills. Use the成人学习者活动反思自己的练习。想想如何确保所有工作人员都参与他们所需的专业发展。



    Use theTips for Building a Professional Librarydocument to reflect on your responses, and use them to help you build a professional library.


    术语 Description
    造型 The act of demonstrating a skill or strategy for a learner
    专业学习共同体狗万app怎么下载 A professional development approach in which staff and leaders “continuously seek and share learning and then act on what they learn” (Hord, 1997)




    Deandre is having a really hard time writing her lesson plans. What might you suggest?




    You overhear staff members grumbling that you always distract them when you come in their spaces. What could you do?

    References & Resources:

    Epstein, A. (2007). The Intentional Teacher:Choosing the best strategies for young children’s learning.Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.

    Hord, S. M. (1997).专业学习社区:持续查询和改狗万app怎么下载进的社区。Austin, TX: Southwest Educational Development Laboratory.

    Jacobs, G., & Crowley, K. (2007).播放,项目和幼儿园标准:培养儿童的奇迹和万博体育全站app学习的喜悦感。狗万app怎么下载千橡木,加利福尼亚州:科尔德新闻。

    教育改革词汇表(N.D.)。专业学习界。狗万app怎么下载Retreived from:http://edglossary.org/professional-狗万app怎么下载learning-community/