
    • 了解与专业性有关的具体实践。
    • Learn about effective leadership and how it contributes to professionalism.
    • Examine resources for professional growth and mentoring in early care and education settings.




    It is very important for the general public to view early care and education providers (including those providing care to school-age children) as competent, confident professionals. To support that thinking, the field of early care and education, through several professional organizations, has developed professional standards that describe the competencies needed to be an early care and education professional. These competencies include professionalism. Interacting with staff, families, and children must always be done in a professional manner. It is critical for training and curriculum specialists (T&Cs), program managers, and other program leaders/educational technicians to explicitly inform staff about expectations for professional behavior and to always model professional behavior.

    T&Cs and program managers must take the lead by providing positive examples of professionalism. As role models, they demonstrate how to interact during difficult encounters with parents or colleagues. They are the leaders that staff members look to for guidance about what to say and do when difficult situations occur.


    Professional organizations (e.g., National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC); National After School Association) that work on behalf of children, families, caregivers, and teachers have created standards and competencies to guide early care and education professionals. Each professional organization created standards that address professional behaviors. Professional organizations rely on research-based principles and bring together highly respected experts to draft and verify the standards and competencies for the field.

    When you review various organizations' sets of standards and competencies you will find many similarities when it comes to professionalism. This indicates a common understanding that engaging in professional behavior is critical for those working with young children, youth, and families.


    有效的专业领导者最重要的是作为role models for the staff. Just as teachers and youth workers must build relationships with each child and family, T&Cs and managers must attend carefully to building a relationship with each staff member. Child care and youth programs must have a clearly articulated shared mission and philosophy thatall sTAFF会员了解,并由在该计划中工作的每个人都证明。T&CS和计划管理人员通过尊严和尊重对待每个工作人员来支持使命和哲学。正如教师预期导向儿童一样,方案领导人指导在该计划中工作的成年人。T&CS和计划经理对中心或计划的专业气候有强大的影响。有效的专业领导者是仔细聆听家庭和员工分享他们的想法和担忧,影响计划质量的思想和担忧。


    T&Cs and program managers view the growth and development of each staff member as an important aspect of their work. Program leaders are entrusted to intentionally guide others to exceed at their jobs. As each staff member grows professionally, the overall quality of the program is enhanced.

    Effective professional leaders enjoy their work and show it. They encourage a positive atmosphere. They know that it is important to have fun and laugh, celebrate successes, and acknowledge all the good things staff members do for children and families. Leaders may plan joyful events that build community among the staff, such as acknowledging individuals during staff meetings, celebrating staff birthdays and life events with potluck suppers, or attending a professional conference together.


    Resources for Professional Behavior

    There are a number of books, Web sites, and webinars available to help you and your staff better understand professional behavior and how it influences the quality of early care and education programs. Early-childhood leadership expert Fran Simon provides suggestions about what early care and education leaders need to do to create their vision. These are just a few listed in her article, "Look Up and Out to Lead":

    • Join professional associations, attend conferences, volunteer
    • 参加现场和虚拟专业学习网络狗万app怎么下载
    • Engage with social media (e.g., Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.) where hundreds of thousands of educators share links to valuable information and breaking news that is pertinent
    • Engage in formal professional career and leadership development
    • 找一个导师 - 甚至领导需要渴望他们的生活
    • Mentor promising young people and learn from your engagement with them
    • 在领导力和相关主题上建立一个图书馆
    • Subscribe to email and print newsletters and professional journals from a variety of sources



    Professionalism: An Introduction

    Hear program leaders talk about the importance of being professional.

    Completing this Course





    T&Cs and program managers demonstrate professionalism by supporting staff members to do their jobs well. When staff members are encouraged to be successful, they demonstrate increased feelings of competence and confidence in their work with children and families.

    All staff members have a commitment to building relationships with the children and families they serve. In your role as a T&C or program manager, you must build a relationship with each staff member. This does not entail making all staff members close friends, but it does mean you must work to earn the respect of each staff member in order to effectively lead. Just as you create a safe climate for children and families, you must consciously create a safe climate for the staff. The staff needs to know that you are open to their issues and concerns and you will be professional in your daily interactions with them.

    Think about a supervisor or leader that you admire as a role model. What did she or he do to earn and maintain others’ respect? How did he or she promote a safe climate in which to share concerns and issues? Arrange to interview this individual (in person, by phone, email, Skype). You may create your own interview questions or use the ones on the handout, Professionalism: Creating a Climate of Trust, Respect, and Safety.



    One aspect of professionalism is advocating for high-quality child-care and youth-development programs for children and their families. What does it mean for you to act as an advocate for your early care and education program? How do you represent your program’s story to those outside the field of early care, education, and youth development?


    学期 Description
    advocate A person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy; champion, supporter, promoter
    mentor Someone who teaches or gives help and advice to a less experienced and often younger person




    True or false? Effective leaders do not work to build relationships with their staff; this is unprofessional.




    At a recent staff meeting, you stressed to all staff members the importance of arriving on time. As you schedule evaluation conferences you want to be sure to…

    References & Resources:

    Allred,K. W.,&Hancock,C. L.(2015)。协调领导力和伙伴关系:赋予专业人士和家庭的策略。幼儿,70(2),46-53。

    Bloom, P. J., Hentschel, A., & Bella, J. (2013). Inspiring Peak Performance: Competence, commitment, and collaboration. The Manager's Toolbox Management Series. Lake Forest, IL: New Horizons.

    Division for Early Childhood. (2014). DEC Recommended Practices in Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education 2014. Retrieved fromhttp://www.dec-sped.org/recommendedpractices

    Kouzes,J. M.,&Posner,B.Z.(2012)。The Leadership Challenge: How to make extraordinary thingshappen in organizations (5th ed.).San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

    National After School Association Core Knowledge and Competencies. Retrieved fromhttp://naaweb.org/resources/core-competencies.


    Schweikert, G. (2014). Winning Ways for Early Childhood Professionals: Being a supervisor. St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press.

    Simon, F. (2015). Look Up and Out to Lead: 20/20 vision for effective leadership. Young Children, 70(2), 18-24.

    Sullivan, D.R. (2010). Learning to Lead: Effective leadership skills for teachers of young children (2nd ed.). St. Paul MN: Redleaf Press.

    Wisconsin Early Childhood Collaborating Partners. (2014). Wisconsin Core Competencies For Professionals Working with Young Children & Their Families. Retrieved fromhttp://www.collaboratingpartners.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/CPlinkedDocs/WI_Core_Competencies_2014_16WITHlinks.pdf