In this lesson you will learn about indicators of program quality. T&Cs and program managers have tremendous impact on program quality. They model professional interactions with children, staff, families, and community partners. Leaders ensure that program-level goals are set and attained in order to provide high-quality services to children and their families.
- 了解职业主义如何影响程序质量。
- 了解从事别人(员工,家庭,社区合作伙伴)加强计划质量的重要性。
- 了解进入目标和评估如何促进持续的计划改进。

专业and Indicators of Program Quality
When you reflect upon indicators of professional behavior you can see their connection to program quality. As a leader your staff will look to you and treat you differently than each other. There may be days when you feel the staff don't like you, but at all times you need to conduct yourself in such a way that staff and families will always respect you. Your professional behavior will demonstrate your respect for others and in turn, others will respect you. You may have to give difficult information or share disappointing news. This is never easy, but it can be done respectfully with care and sensitivity.
Programs that are continuously changing, growing, and striving to provide the highest-quality programming have strong leaders guiding the way. T & Cs and program directors are responsible for guiding staff to continuously improve the quality of the program. These are a few professional behaviors adapted from the Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children (DEC) Recommended Practices that may contribute to this mission (your program may emphasize others):
- 承诺在法规,做法,道德规范和行业标准中工作。
- 展示了关于服务,保密,报告儿童虐待等资格等问题的适用状态和机构规定的知识。
- Stay current on the latest research and technology.
- Become skilled at communication, conflict resolution, working with difficult people, ensuring personal safety, setting professional boundaries, and understanding limitations.
- 创建价值开放性和协作决策的节目环境,因此工作人员投资计划质量。
- 与教师建立关系(没有信任关系,教师不会对反馈开放)。
- 仔细聆听员工和计划经理 - 检查是否理解。
- 询问非阶段,探讨问题并制定延长对话的陈述(“告诉我更多关于您所在的内容”)。
- Be comfortable with silence during conversations.
- 使用目标,观测数据在员工培训期间通知您的讨论(“我注意到您希望我在故事时观察您。您的目标是在故事阅读中向孩子们提出更多问题 - 我一直在读取,你今天提出了三个问题”)。
Always remember that as a leader and evaluator, you set the tone-your attitude and professional behavior impacts how staff, children, and families feel when they walk into your program. Address issues as they arise, but always remain professional in your interactions.
As a professional in the field of early care, education, and youth development, you are integral to building partnerships that will enhance the program's quality. Your team extends to staff, families, and community partners. Program managers and training & curriculum specialists must be adept at working collaboratively with these stakeholders in order to build a strong program.
家庭:您作为工作人员的型号,您如何对待有患有该计划的儿童的家庭。您是新人员学习如何与家庭互动的最佳来源。解决与家庭的专业行为应该是中心的书面特派团,价值观和政策的一部分。儿童保育教育家Gigi Schweikert描述了与父母合作,作为“缔约方对其责任责任的互惠责任”,共同定义和改变本组织的责任。“在下降期间欢迎父母和其他家庭成员,接送时间至关重要。专业人士寻求父母的意见,以改善方案服务。您必须出席并提出问题。作为计划领导者,您可以通过向他们提供有意义的方式来引出父投入(例如,例如,程序咨询委员会的志愿者,父母的计划活动,邀请他们完成有助于塑造计划目标的反馈调查)。支持员工以家庭为中心的练习。工作人员可能有经验教学或关怀儿童和青年,但可能没有太大的经验与父母形成有意义的伙伴关系。
社区伙伴:As a program leader, it is important to build professional relationships with community members, who can be wonderful allies for your program. Joining a professional group (for example, a child care directors group, an NAEYC local affiliate, or an interagency council) can open partnerships and shared resources. Professional behavior includes being collaborative with others in the community who also seek to provide high-quality services for children. Forming partnerships to advocate for children and youth in your own community and in the country is an important professional activity. You need to be able to speak about your program to others and to work to access resources for your staff, children, and families.
Receiving negative information and complaints。As a professional in a management position, you must be able to listen and remain calm when hearing from someone who is dissatisfied about the program or a decision you have made. Regardless of how others react, you must remain calm. You understand that becoming defensive will not help the situation. Dealing directly with difficult information (complaints) is hard, and you may need to process particular situations with your supervisor or another trusted colleague from outside your program. As a leader, you understand that hearing negative information or complaints and following through to address them is a way to improve program quality.

Think about one measure of professionalism such as your positive communication with others. To learn more about how your professional interactions can influence your colleagues, watch the following TED talk by Christine Porath about professional behaviors that encourage creativity, productivity, helpfulness, happiness, and good health:。

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