- Learn how having a well-supported program staff impacts program quality and improvement.
- Understand how the Training & Curriculum Specialist and Program Administrator work together and separately to support program staff.
- Utilize collaborative goal setting to support direct care professionals’ growth in providing high-quality child care.
- 制定反思和自我评估辅导能力的方法。
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."- Helen Keller
T&Cs and program administrators are responsible for acclimating new staff to the program and helping all staff succeed in their jobs. Intentionally welcoming new staff when they join the program may influence their desire to remain employed in the program. A new staff orientation, as well as training and coaching, may eliminate future problems where a staff member is unsure of a program rule or procedure. In addition, some of the benefits of a new staff orientation, and a training and coaching process, is that you can highlight from the start, and continually reinforce, your program’s goals, missions, and objectives for serving children, youth and families. These experiences also offer time and structure for you to create trust and professional partnerships that support high-quality care. Staff members know from the beginning that you are there to support their professional development, and that asking questions, seeking support, and learning together is encouraged. Your program may have an excellent formal orientation process for new staff, but you may additionally want to create opportunities to orient new staff within your particular setting. Each workplace has its own culture or way of doing things. These practices help new staff feel like part of the team when they are welcomed and invited to be a part of a workplace’s culture.
- Have current staff create a list of "Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Working Here." Include it in orientation activities and add it to the staff handbook. Include humorous examples (laughter is a great ice-breaker).
- T&Cs and program administrators should intentionally schedule brief check-ins with new staff members to make sure all is going well. T&Cs should provide supportive feedback and help new staff members celebrate successes, as well as provide additional information and clarification of policies or procedures.
- 向孩子们介绍的家庭,向孩子们介绍新的工作人员。这有助于他们了解支持家庭的重要性,除了提供儿童保育。
- 分配一个经验丰富的工作人员是一个导师the new staff member. Think carefully about this assignment and personally ask staff members if they would be willing to take on this leadership role.
- Leave a brief, descriptive note in the new employee's mailbox describing something you saw them doing well (e.g., "I saw how excited Juan was to see you when you came in this morning, and how happily you greeted one another. I can tell the children and families are beginning to develop strong relationships with you."). Encourage them as they learn their new job responsibilities. Everyone needs recognition from a coach or supervisor, but especially when starting a job in a new setting.
- 通过新员工的许可,通过程序通讯文章或图片网站或Facebook页面简要介绍他们对家庭的介绍。
Watch the video below to hear how staff members create a welcoming and supportive environment for fellow staff members.
Collaborative Goal Setting
作为培训和课程专家,您的职责是帮助直接护理人员使用可用资源和基于关系的支持来增长他们的知识和实践。教练是您使用的基于关系的策略集,通过共享决策来建立他人的能力。教练与评估或检查不同,因为您的角色不是批评学习者。相反,您可以作为其支持系统的一部分起作用;但帮助学习者设定目标并测量增长仍然很重要。当您和学习者同样有贡献时,会发生协作目标设置评估能力,establish goals and action, 和implement practices。This is a circular process that continues as one makes gains over time. Strategies to carry out collaborative goal setting steps include: use数据,reflect,observe,模型,并提供反馈。See the image below for a visual of the collaborative goal setting steps and strategies.
1. Assess Competency
Whether you are working with a staff member who is new to the child care profession or a seasoned professional with extensive experience, you and the learner will together assess the individual’s current level of competency or particular skills you are targeting. Think about the strategies or tools you both can use to help you assess competency. For example, part of your work as a Training & Curriculum Specialist is toobserve直接护理专业人员。观察后,您和您支持的直接护理专业人员可以使用虚拟实验室学校能力反射(或其他护理人员观察工具),一种类型万博体育下载手机版数据,协同评估学习者的能力。当您和学习者报告之间存在显着差距时可能有时。这是一个使用开放式结束的机会反思问题了解有关学习者对其实践看法的更多信息。
如果直接护理专业一致率themselves as “emerging” on a competency reflection when you rate them as “mastered,” you might say, “You are much more advanced than you rated yourself. By your answers on the VLS activities and by observing you, I can tell you know a lot about supporting children’s communication and language development. You also show me this through your actions because you routinely label and talk about children’s interests. Tell me what I can do so you feel more confident in this area.”
Positive反馈builds trust with those you are coaching and helps them recognize their strengths. When learners overrate their competency, it may feel more difficult to initiate these conversations, but you must address whether the gap is in their knowledge or in their ability to implement what they know. Use reflection by asking learners to give you specific examples of how they address competencies that you rated them lower on to help you both determine how to best support competency growth.
When you have previously established goals with a learner, you will use these same strategies and tools (data, observations, reflection, and feedback) to jointly assess their competency on previously stated goals and determine if it is time to develop new goals or modify existing action steps.
一旦你和学习者对学习者的当前能力进行了共同的了解,就是时候建立目标了。由您作为教练决定直接护理专业人员是否在其工作中的一个地方,您可以让他们更自由地决定他们想要改进或学习的内容。用reflectionwhen you want the learner to take the lead in establishing their goals. If a direct care professional is going above and beyond the basic requirements of caring for children, pose a reflective question to see what it is they are most interested to learn or improve upon next.
“You have a really good handle on all of the courses covered and are always doing what is needed to keep children safe and cared for. What do you want to improve on or learn about to support your work with children and families?”
如果基于您的观察和数据,可能还有其他时候,直接护理专业人员需要解决特定的习惯或实践。例如,如果您观察到直接护理专业频繁忘记尿布后忘记手中的手,这可能会让儿童,员工和家庭面临风险。提供反馈in a caring but objective way to establish appropriate handwashing as a goal.
“三个五次s I’ve seen you change diapers, I have observed you to not follow the CDC’s handwashing procedures. It is very important that you practice proper handwashing at every diaper change so children, families, and staff stay healthy. Also, improper handwashing puts you at increased risk of getting sick. What do you think about making this one of your goals?”
Once you and the direct care staff are in agreement about a goal, you may need to determine the following action steps: (1) what the direct care professional will do to improve in a competency, (2) how they will do it, and (3) when they will do it. For the above example, the learner will: (1) follow the CDC guidelines for handwashing by (2) using the poster in the classroom as a guide (3) after every single diaper change. As a coach, you should make sure to ask what the learner feels they need from you in order to implement the practice. If the handwashing poster is missing from the room the staff member works in, you can assist by promptly placing a new poster above the sink.
The above example with handwashing is fairly simple, but some caregiving practices are more advanced and difficult to understand. You, or a coworker who is skilled in this particular competency, may need to模型what a practice looks like. For example, a coach and learner have established that the learner’s goal will be to narrate and respond to toddler’s gestures. They should plan a time when the coach can come into the room this staff member works to model so the learner canobserve, as part of their action plan.
If you and a direct care professional have decided that there are strategies, such as模型ing,需要在学习者之前完成implement the practice,教练在这一步骤中的作用是执行行动计划的一部分。这确保了学习者对他们应该做的事情明确了解,并且您提供了所需的支持。建模后,使用开放式问题进行跟进reflect与学习者。模型后的反思允许您自我判断您的教练和模型的能力以及对直接护理专业人士的学习的展示和您的建模的影响。狗万app怎么下载
“What did you notice when Sammy [a toddler] was reaching towards the upper cabinets?” If Sammy was gesturing for a specific toy, you, as a coach, may have looked at Sammy and responded, “You want the blocks up there. I’ll get them for you,” while retrieving the blocks for the child. When the strategy has been successfully modeled, the staff member will notice that you narrated the child’s intention to have the blocks and responded to their gesture by retrieving them.
Once you have wrapped up your reflection, plan a time frame for when the direct care professional would like for you toobservethem implementing the new practice. This allows you to re-assess competency, completing the circular process for this goal.
4. Putting it all Together
The above steps and strategies for collaborative goals setting are much easier said than done. Many Training & Curriculum Specialists are very busy, and you may feel stressed in meeting the needs of program staff. You will be most successful in your work as a coach when you support adult learners’ awareness of their actions, growth in knowledge, access of resources, and provide learners opportunities to identify their own goals. Think about how you can use the Virtual Lab School to help you work smarter, not harder or more. For example, it may seem easier to tell staff members what they should be doing, and there may be times when it is appropriate to be directive. However, helping direct care professionals independently find information and develop self-reflective habits is a way to build their capacity as learners and grow their awareness of their practice. If you are coaching a direct care professional who is not familiar with social-emotional milestones and this lack of knowledge impacts their practice, consider having them read or re-read parts of the Social & Emotional Development Course, for example, as part of their action steps. In time, this professional and others you coach will learn to use the VLS on their own to find resources, answer questions, and develop goals.
While coaching and reaching goals is a collaborative effort, be self-aware of your ability to provide support to others. You may find it useful to periodically complete the培训与课程专家:执教能力清单to reflect on your effectiveness as a coach. Share this information with a colleague to help you work through your own goal setting process.
在大多数中心,计划管理员负责进行员工评估,但培训和课程专家可以向计划管理员提供有识和分享观察,该计划管理员特定于直接护理人员的整体增长模式。虽然应该有明确的定义如何与管理员不同,但如果没有通过影响其实现目标能力的商定的行动步骤,您可能需要与工作人员管理员进行沟通。例如,您教练的直接护理专业人员在过去的三个月里没有取得进展,并将儿童与面对面计数。您使用各种策略来帮助这位工作人员符合此能力,包括:在几个例程中建模计数名称 - 面对面(离开房间,在游乐场,在走廊中),在门口上发布视觉暗示room the staff member works in, and with the staff member’s permission, sharing that this is a goal with their teaching team. The team has agreed to support the staff member in carrying out this practice. You have also had a private, reflective conversations with this staff member to assess why this practice has been difficult to implement and what you can do to support the individual, but they provide minimal feedback. The staff member seems annoyed when you follow-up on this goal.
Learning occurs through a variety of professional development activities, including embedded coaching during daily routines. All program staff, including T&Cs and administrators, are continuously learning. As a program leader, you can model an open attitude toward improving your own knowledge and skills to help direct care professionals grow comfortable with self-assessment. You may want to share your personal goals when coaching others as a way to build trust and show that everyone, regardless of experience, can continually improve.
In addition to job-embedded learning opportunities, there are many other ways T&Cs, program administrators, and staff members can engage in learning. Educator and author Gigi Schweikert (2012) offers these sources for further learning:
- Colleges and universities (face to face and online)
- Formal courses and webinars
- Other people (mentors, communities of practice, professional book groups)
- Staff trainings
- Workshops
- 图书
- Performance appraisals
- 访问其他程序
- Partners
- 会晤
- 会议
- Membership in professional organizations (e.g., Zero to Three; National Association for the Education of Young Children; National After School Association)
Based on your observations when coaching direct care professionals, you may suggest to a program administrator ideas for professional development topics.. Here are a few web-based options that you and program staff may find useful:
Two of the country's leading experts on building collaborative teams, Jacqueline Thousand and Richard Villa, identify five elements as critically important in creating a collaborative process. (Johnson & Johnson, 1997; Thousand & Villa, 1990, 2000, p. 258). As you read these, think about how they reflect your experiences with collaboration in your program:
- Face-to-face interaction among team members on a frequent basis
- A mutual "we are all in this together" feeling of positive interdependence
- A focus on the development of small-group interpersonal skills in trust building, communication, leadership, creative problem solving, decision making, and conflict management
- 定期评估和讨论该团队在制定改进关系和有效完成任务的目标中的运作
- 对彼此持令商定的责任和承诺负责的方法
Reflecting on your Own Experiences and Practices
除非这些环境对于在其上工作的成年人也有益,否则不能创建儿童的高质量环境。教育教授莉莲凯茨,Talks with Teachers of Young Children(1995)敦促专业人士问自己以下问题。当您阅读这些问题时,请考虑您自己的工作环境中的事情。
On the whole, are relationships with the program staff, your T&Cs or program administrators:
- 支持而不是有争议的?
- Cooperative rather than competitive?
- Accepting rather than adversarial?
- 信任而不是可疑的?
- 尊重而不是控制?
用the培训与课程专家:执教能力反思to self-assess your ability to support direct care professionals through coaching. You may find it helpful to use this tool when establishing goals and assessing your professional growth.
Many books and articles on the topic of leadership discuss the importance of creating a positive workplace climate—one that demonstrates how valuable employees are to the mission of the organization. Leaders need to use communication and shared decision-making to facilitate a sense of ownership. Leaders are models that demonstrate how to live with integrity, handle errors, commit to the program’s goals, and focus on supporting others in their work. Use the Apply section handout to think about and write down your thoughts and ideas.
Great Schools Partnership. (2013). The glossary of education reform for journalists, parents, and community members. Retrieved fromhttps://www.edglossary.org/protocols/
Jablon,J.,Dombro,A. L.,&Johnsen,S。(2014)。与强大的互动教练:指南与幼儿教师合作。华盛顿特区:国家幼儿教育协会。