尽管您努力保持儿童安全,但可能会发生伤害。当儿童或工作人员受伤时,您必须准备好快速回应。本课程将帮助您认识到可能导致伤害的不同事件上市幼儿计划米尔儿童和青年节目, and you will learn how to keep children safe by getting them medical attention.
Secondary tabs
- 教人员在儿童或同事受伤时如何回应。
- 在紧急情况下,当孩子受伤时协助。
- 确保满足员工培训要求和急救套件的要求。
Discuss the staff members’ first aid and CPR certifications. If they are not yet certified, make a plan for achieving and maintaining certification.
Make sure staff members follow procedures in the rest of this course to prevent injuries. Make sure dangerous and toxic items are out of children’s reach. In the event of emergencies, make sure staff members:
Prevent injuries:遵循本课程中其他课程中概述的程序。确保危险和有毒物品不在儿童触及。
Are prepared:拥有储备良好的急救箱。确保您的急救和CPR培训始终是最新的。
Respond quickly:使用他们在急救课程中学到的内容。
Staff members have differing comfort levels with injuries and illnesses. Regardless of their comfort, it is critical that staff members are able to keep children safe during serious situations. Watch to see how staff members respond in stressful situations. Do they remain calm? Are first-aid kits available at all times? Are first-aid kits well stocked? Are emergency medications stored in designated locations? Do staff members remember to use safety precautions when handling blood or other body fluids?
It is important to think about what you would do during stressful situations. Print the响应伤害活动。完成答案并用同事讨论他们。然后,将您的答案与建议的答案进行比较。
Make sure you are prepared for injuries and other emergencies. Print this form and use it to make sure the program first-aid kit is well stocked.
American Red Cross.http://www.redcross.org/
National Association for the Education of Young Children (2007).Naeyc早期童年计划标准和认证标准。华盛顿特区:国家幼儿教育协会。